What if Marlon lived thought episode 1?

its just something i ve been wondering since there were 3 choices you had before AJ killed him.
So what do you think would have happened if Marlon ended up alive with the 3 different decisions clem could make for him? ((Imprison him , Let him stay at the school and Kick him off the group.))


  • If he left the group, I'd guess he'd run into Lily and the raiders who would coherce him into aiding in retrieving the camp of kids or intentionally manipulating him into doing it.

    If you imprisoned him, I think it would result into a voting decision of how to proceed forward with Marlon as prisoner with a few kids unhappy with the decision.

    And if you let him stay as a member, I could see Marlon trying to persuade the kids to rally behind him and overthrow the new leadership or actually serving as a productive contributor to the camp.

  • if left - sides with lilly and becomes antagonist
    prisoner - instead of clem and aj vote its for marlon and its a tie and clem is tie breaker if exiled same as left path while stay is the stay path
    stays - he trys helping out more helps with greenhouse , teaches louis how to shoot the bow and when lilly is aiming her gun at clem marlon tackles her instead of who you didnt romance/go with and clem can save him or who you did romance/go with

  • I do wish he and/or especially Brody could've survived for this episode. Could've actually added some more nuance to the plot, not to mention giving your teachings more immediate long-term effects.

  • If Marlon lived through ep. 1, he probably would've teamed with Smitty Bacall and her gang once they came to Ericson's

  • Had Marlon lived I would have liked to see him try to make up for what he did. I do believe in second chances.

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