"A New Beginning" Episode Discussion
Here we are, Season 9 of the Walking Dead. Rick's last season, probably Maggie's, timeskip, no war, Negan in chains, new showrunner, new vision.
Let's see how it is, shall we?
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This already looks better than before.
I like the new opening.
Oh man that's an awesome scary walker done right.
Also, I saw the werewolf from An American Werewolf in London in the commercials. That movie creeps me out.
What are they looking to do with the Natural History Museum?
I imagine there are schematics for some technology. Maybe some helpful books. Maps. There was also a history wing I believe.
If you want to preserve knowledge and rebuild civilization, it's not a bad place to look.
I can’t see this going all sorts of wrong.
Edit: Something went wrong, imagine my shock.
Edit #2: Well, there goes my Carol x Daryl ship, all my fan fictions go right down the toilet.
Honestly, a pretty weak episode, especially for a premiere. Andy deserves better for his last season but I suppose he left this sinking ship when he still could. The "action" sequences were all predictable, still not a fan of Richonne, and I was hoping Magna would show up in this first episode.
Overall, it was meh. Clementine's last season is honestly the last Walking Dead product anyone should be excited for. I'm going to watch the entire season as I've been watching this show for 9 years (and it's Andrew Lincoln's final season).
Fucking Gregory
Didnt bother watching this episode (I dont think Im going to continue watching, my only real interest is what terrible way they dispose of Rick) what was everyone's overall rating out of 100% ?
I actually liked it. It was fast paced compared to the extremely sluggish S7 and S8. Daryl is actually a character again so that’s neat. Idk, everytime I watch this show it just reminds me of when it was actually really good.
TWD will never be the same for me without the Telltale series. I’d say the only thing to look forward too after TFS would be how the comics are gonna finish up, but god knows how long that’s gonna take.
Off topic, but a commercial for Samsung that featured Ninja, Fortnite, and kylie jenners baby daddy damn near gave me cancer.
I knew that Gregory was gonna try to kill Maggie but god that was pathetic.
I also don't really like the new intro,but whatever.
I'm gonna try to give this season a chance but yeah for a premiere this episode was really weak.
Side note- an interesting thing is that Andrew Lincoln himself thought of his own exit, because he felt he knew his character the best.
I used to be a tv series fan, but since I started to read comic book, there is no turning back. Sure, I would like to see what I read on screen, but these differences between comic and tv just turn me off. Like Andrea still should have been alive in war with Whisperers, same for Carl, and I hate Michonne+Rick relationship...
This series really dont know when to stop.
Some series are legendary because they stopped right when they had to do, like Breaking Bad.
I'm liking the comics, so what I meant to say is the only Walking Dead product anyone should be excited for is the comic universe (albeit TFS is better than the main comics). I'm sticking this season out because it's Andrew Lincoln's last season and Scott Wilson filmed a few scenes in it. So, for those two, I'm going to stick with the show this season.
For a premiere, it was very rushed to kill off gregory so quickly. I loved how it was done in the comics to mirror how maggie and rick differ from each other.
Daryl leading the saviors...where the hell did that come from? Totally beyond disbelief.
Richonne? Get out of here with that corny crap, michonne isnt even michonne anymore.
Carol will always be a saving light for this show, seeing as to how she might take michonnes place, possibly running off or distancing herself from ezekial because of her guilt over sophia and all the people she’s killed. Can’t wait to see her in the coming episodes.
Whisperers, where y’all at?
I mean, Breaking Bad should've stopped half a season earlier than it actually did, but that's just me.
One thing that I loved they did was at the end they put "In memory of Scott Wilson." I'm so glad they did that. RIP Scott Wilson. There will never be another one like him.
George Romero's 'of the dead' series > TWD show.
Just sayin'....
It was funny that they called this episode 'A New Beginning' yet nothing from that particular arc in the comic was in this episode. Maggie hangs Gregory in the comic as well but it doesn't happen until issue 141. The New Beginning arc in the comic is from issue 127-132.
They will probably do the New Beginning arc in the show as well but it likely won't be until Rick is gone.
Daryl is basically taking on Dwight's story from the comic. Rick placed Dwight in charge of the saviors in the comic and Dwight told him he didn't want to do it anymore as well. Dwight goes on to return to Alexandria and head the militia group.
That is where that story came from.
Dwight was Negan’s right hand.
Daryl is an outsider who has killed tons of them and they know it.
This is stupid
I know. But Daryl isn't in the comic at all so they have to give him some story. Daryl in the show and Dwight in the comic are fairly similar characters (I have a feeling Kirkman came up with the idea for Dwight because of Daryl) so it would make sense to give him some of Dwight's story (especially when it comes to running the Alexandria militia group).
The reason why Daryl has lost a lot of fans the past couple seasons is because Gimple basically just had him groaning and grunting every single episode. Now that they have a new showrunner it looks like they are trying to get Daryl back to the type of character he was in the first two/three seasons.
About Daryl - my thoughts exactly! How the hell did he become the leader of the Saviors? Daryl, who wanted to kill them all in the last season and nearly did? How the hell did they accept an outsider as their leader?
In the comics the reason Dwight is able to lead the saviors is that his betrayal was not revealed to the saviors. No one knew that he worked with the Militia and he was able to convince the saviors to stand down once Negan fell.
Now in the TV-series they butchered that and Dwight was exposed, did nothing to help bring down Negan except hitting him two times (in the comics he tricked Negan into believing he killed Rick which got Negan right where Rick wanted him to be and also Dwight took charge of the saviors at the right moment). Then he is exiled by Daryl never to be seen again (I guess).
Now in my opinion, Dwight should have never existed in the TV-series. You either make him the same as he is in the comics (leader of the saviors after the war and also one of the reasons the war was won in the first place) or you give his storyline to Daryl entirely.
What I mean by that: Once Daryl is kidnapped by Negan in season 7 premiere he never gets back to his people. He tries to escape a few times, like he does in the series, but none of these attempts are successful. Eventually his spirit is broken (or at least it seems so ). Hell, I`d even have Negan burn the side of his face, but I think that is too much make up for Reedus, so just leave it. So Daryl becomes one of Negans lieutenants. That would create so much more tension. Remember when Rick and Aaron got supplies for Negan from a boat, and then two saviors beat up Aaron for a little misunderstanding? Now imagine Daryl beating up Aaron right in front of Rick. Of course he only does that to prove his "loyalty", but Rick does not know that. That would be an interesting scene. Eventually Eugene joins Negan and the dynamic between those two would work even better!
Now, later of course Daryl would be working with Rick again, trying to undermine saviors from within. But in the end he is not exposed publicly. Negan of course guesses that Daryl is the traitor but it is already too late.
Now the final battle should have been more chaotic. Like, not all of the saviors were going to shoot at Rick in the field, just a part of the group. And this firing squad had bullets produced to them by Eugene. When they blow up, the fighting continues with the rest of the saviors, but they still have the numbers. Then Negan is defeated by Rick and Daryl picks up Lucille. He orders saviors to stand down and go home, the war is over. Since he was not exposed as a traitor but he did spend a lot of time living at the sanctuary - he becomes their new leader.
And since there is clearly a conflict in this new season between Rick and Daryl, it would work even better! Everyone praises the mighty Rick Grimes who ended the war and brought peace. But it was technically Daryl who ended the war by ordering the saviors to stand down. That would further fuel the conflict between two men. And once Rick is gone Daryl has to step up even more as a leader. He has to come back to the people he once new, but have not seen for awhile having to lead the Sanctuary. That would make an interesting story!
I watched it now. I liked it. The only thing I hated was that whole situation with the guy who got bit. That's some typical The Walking Dead S6 - S8 writing right there.