This final season is focusing a LOT on...
Sparing walkers when it's not necessary to kill them. I hope we have the choice to wear a walker skin sometime in episodes 3 or 4 and we become a Whisperer like James
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James is no longer a whisperer he just using there tactics to survive
He's still a Whisperer. He's just a good whisperer
I thought this was gonna be about love triangle.
Lol god no. I'm more intelligent than that
Yeah dud, it's focusing a LOT on...
No offense but the only time it focuses on sparing walkers is on one occasion in Episode 2. So it doesn't focus at all actually. Don't know what you're sayin here, this season focuses a lot on stupid children, stupid romance and stupid villains with stupid goals as well as cliche minions and boring flashback plots that stretch on for way longer than they have to.
sparing walkers when it's not necessary to kill them.
That statement is rarely true when claimed casually.
As for the topic, my assumption is that walkers are going to be part of how we defeat Lily and optain the triforce.
Obtain the triforce? Does that refer to Omar, Aasim, and Louis/Violet?
I agree that the walkers will likely be the key to winning. We clearly can't overpower them, there's like 6 kids left and we have no guns.
could still be a love triangle between clemintine violet and minerva if clemintine romanced violet
Lol, it wasn't really a reference. The Triforce is just a very typical quest objective from the sheer number of LoZelda games that exist, so it's become a synonym for "quest objective" as a whole.
I don't know man, I think in those first 2 episodes we killed more walkers than in whole S1 or S2.
In episode 1 we killed many walkers with the help of some traps, and in episode 2 while Clementine was defending a wounded AJ right before James appearance or during that archery gameplay after Lilly's attack.
You’re forgetting the walker couple at the beginning of episode 1.
Oh yeah.
I thought it was going to focus on Clementine and the adventures of her bisexuality.
Oh boy. I found the IGN editor guys.
The "boring" flashback plots take up an alloted screen time of like 30 seconds through both episodes if you are lucky. Real tough to get through those for sure. Everything else is just calling something stupid with no substance as to why. The romancing is optional. Tenn is probably smarter than most of us at 10 years old and the Villains are not only consisted of one iconic carry over from S1 but a very well designed antagonist in abel. Stupid goals? S1 spent the ENTIRE duration of it's course looking for a boat lol. I mean, it's a undead night mare. Everyone isn't going to have military strategies penned up. Who is the minion? AJ. You mean like Clem was to Lee? So basically you are saying the walking dead as a whole was and always will be stupid? Because TFS takes plenty of componets from previous seasons.
I get the feeling the sparing Walkers thing will likely come into play with James and AJ. Raise him indiscriminate and one bad call a regretable headshot.
Oh wait, you're that guy who likes ANF, right? Ha, who's the IGN editor now?
Anyway, boring flashback nonetheless, what I mean is that it stretches on and halfway through the story, we still don't know what happened. It's literally AMC's The Walking Dead. Now, I shouldn't be talking about this because I could get my ass kicked if in Episode 3 it turns out the revelation is super shocking and changes the course of the story and develops Clem even further, but honestly it probably won't be that important. What happened, Clem killed a kid by accident? Don't know how that could matter with the story other than a stand-out choice, the point is this subplot has been going on for too long and we still don't have answers, and if it's relevant to Episode 3 then put the bad dreams in Episode 3. I can confidently say that it won't be worth 3/4 episodes of stretching, then again I could be wrong. TL;DR there's no point in talking about this one but from what we've got so far it doesn't seem strong enough to have me hooked or at least the story is lying dormant for now which makes it boring; for now.
But Vi and Louis' speech. It's such an idiotic subplot, 'choose your task - playing a piano or checking the defenses' oh wait! Both of yer friends fooled ya. Oh well, that's fine, but they don't remark on it, the rest is cool and all but the one you didn't save, saves you which doesn't make much sense and then you realise it's been a 'choose your friend' indirectly this whole time and with writers saying there will be development of these friends if you hung out with them or something, to say the least it all isn't my cup of tea. If you like this stuff, then great. I'm happy for you. It's not bad by any means though, better than S2 where you go to Jane to talk with her about Kenny and then you go to Kenny to talk to him about Jane. Lots of examples in S2, I'm happy that doesn't properly happen anymore. It's good!
There's nothing wrong with that one, you said 'probably' and 'most'. What I meant was you have Knife Dude, Cook Dude, Abel's Son, and Louis' opposite. The rest are cool I guess. Focken Brick Vs Log conversations resulting in fights, I fail to understand why this was put in. Yeah, it demonstrates their stupidity and maturity, but why not just have it so that this never happens to make the kids seem closer to Clem in terms of survival? No, instead they want to make them dumb because it creates tension and fear that these kids whom Clem is indirectly leading could die by her leadership if she isn't careful, thus pushing the stakes for the player higher. But the downisde is that you end up with players being dissapointed with those characters and it feels less serious surprisingly enough. I'd like the cast of kids if they were really smart, not just the best friendos. Look at Mark, he wasn't an idiot but I felt really bad when he deaded, I felt as Lee more superior to him yet I also saw him as a friend who I could trust and there were some good times with him. Following his death, Lee needs to move on and try to rebuild the broken group. That doesn't mean they're stupid though. My opinion.
Oof, with all his fight scenes and wounds I'd say designing him was hard work. But no, Abel isn't well designed and he just seems like a thug who is trying to rise up in the ranks but fails miserably because he's really weak. Minions are referring to the thugs who come to raid the school at the end of 402. ANF level right there. Honestly, just go to the Flaws of Suffer The Children thread and you'll see that a lot of people auren't satisfied with Lily as of yet.