"Warning Signs" Episode Discussion
What an ominous title. After last week's episode (which according to Wikipedia, was "critically acclaimed"), other stuff happens. Stuff. Things. Whisperers? Mysteries.
How exciting so you should comment, before, and after you watch.
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Holy christ, I'm actually going to make it on time to watch this?
Good, I was wondering when the corpses they eat would come.... oh.
On my personal theory, don't think it has been the Whisperers killing these people. I think someone in Rick's group is - maybe Daryl, Carol, Cyndie, or maybe even Henry. I don't think Justin would have recognized it was a person and not a walker (or a person disguised as a walker) in the dark.
This Richonne still feels strange to me.
I can see Jed is going to live for a long time. #assholesliveforever
"Garbage Lady" so very true.
Also Simon, how I miss you ever so.
Huh, the half-blind guy on watch
Oooh. You might be onto something
Edit: Those aren't Daryl's arrows...
Hey! No one fucks with my Gabriel!
Come on, Jed. Rick has no choice but to drop you now.
Woah, Anti-redemption. I wish that was for someone else. Dang, Maggie
That's got to be one of the best episodes in...well, 2 or 3 seasons. Angela Kang seems to really get Daryl, all the characters and their motivations make perfect sense, and that was genuinely tense. Even the Anne Jadis subplot got interesting. It's like that weird thing last season where she captured Negan and...something?
2 episodes left for my man Rick Grimes.....
This was easily the best episode of TWD that I have seen in a LONG time. I haven’t been this invested since Season 5, I’ve missed this feeling of actually looking forward to the next episode. It just sucks that it’s this good again when both Rick and Maggie are leaving the show, but at least they’ll go out on a high note, whenever it is.
I was really worried when Angela Kang was announced as the next Showrunner. She, along with Gimple, had been the longest running writers on the show, but she’s had a slew of bad episodes to her name. Not saying she didn’t write any good episodes (Judge, Jury, and Executioner from Season 2 is honestly one of my favorite episodes in the show), but it was a concern. I was so wrong, she’s been fantastic so far with what she’s doing with the characters.
I loved it and about ricks exit who reckons jadis might trade rick
They should just abandon the sanctuary and divide the saviors into groups and move them in the different communities
Wow. The show is actually good now.
Oh my. This show is packing some serious heat real quick.
Fantastic episode!
In the last couple of seasons, The Walking Dead could barely stay consistently good throughout an episode.
Now it has been legitimatly great for three episodes in a row. What is this? This hasn't happened since season five.
I'm not complaining!
She wrote Coda, didn't she? I mean, yeah, I get why people don't like the episode, but writing a character off the show because the actress wanted it is pretty tough, especially with the constraints of the show. They could've just pulled a Dale on her and be done with it, but I actually liked the fact that they spent a little extra time with her, even if the execution of the death itself is questionable at best.
I was ecstatic when the news broke that Angela Kang took over as showrunner. Not because I thought she'd do a great job as such, since no one could know if she was actually good, but because changing the showrunner meant changing the show and who would be better to oversee the show than someone who was there since S2. That's why Scott Gimple's first seasons were (mostly) great, before he drove the show into every wall imaginable.
The same thing could happen with Kang, but after those three episodes I honestly trust her to pull it off for longer than Gimple.
masterpiece. although i wonder what the helicopter ppl do. A or B? wtf. and also this is the chance to separate themselfs from the comics as is should have been since the beginning
How come every time people love something I hate it? Tbf the episode was quite boring imo ?
It's just that people have lower standards than others for what makes up a good episode.
My favourite moment was Family Fun Day.
S4: He's BITTEN!
S9: Judith has a COUGH!
What's the problem exactly? Never saw people with different opinions than you? You hated it. That's cool. You should probably take your time to elaborate what you didn't like about the episode instead of just putting a one-liner out there on how you seem to hate everything a lot of people love.
I'd come off less toxic and it would actually add something to the discussion since nearly everyone loved the episode and someone who didn't like it could share their point of view.
Wtf is wrong with this response? ? I only said that I found the episode boring, and that every time I love something people hate it, and when I hate it they love it, not like I’m accusing u guys of being Nazis for having a different opinion ??
What an odd reaction. I wasn't being angry or offended or anything. I was legitimatly wondering and asking.
Well you did hint that I was being toxic and sarcastic
I mean, yeah, I kind of hinted at it but your response definetly confirmed it.
My response was justified, I’ll have you know
It is why Kenny came back.
You still have to Atone for it or you’ll be kicked out of the group
That’s what i am praying for
glad they finally killed the saviors who attacked oceanside. they deserved it. and so does negan. hope he's next. rick is a dumdum.
This was one of the best episodes since season 6 when they infiltrated the Saviours' compound.
This is cruelly ironic that this season is amazing and no one is watching it because of how bad scott screwed things up.
The diehards should be watching. As long as the ratings don't get too low, the show should be okay.
What do you think A and B stand for?
Male or Female?
Alive or Dead?
Garbage lady acted like a B was better than A so...idk?
We know that Rick and Negan are both A's. And Gabriel was thought to be a B. But he stood up for himself and was corageous.
Andrew Lincoln: Without giving away what it is, Rick was an A, and Negan was an A. She thought Gabriel was a B, and she's since changed her mind. Take that and extrapolate from there. It became something we thought was interesting to explore in the story, but over time, it became something we thought was interesting to explore on the show. How do people label things? It's cropped up at various points throughout the series. You even see how they're building their own road signs in Episode 1 of this season: 'Route A' and 'Route B'. In a world that has devolved into decay and zombies, it's their way of making sense of things again. There's some fate and synchronocity for our characters that they keep running into things like that. We're learning once again that our world is wider than our people think. There are more people out there that may have hostile intentions, or at least a different philosophy on how to survive.
Alpha or Beta? Alpha-male or beta-male? Commonwealth?
Alpha and Beta makes the most sense but could become confusing when the Whisperers show up