I think I am done with this world.
Saw something that shook my faith in the world...in life today...I think I am done.
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Saw something that shook my faith in the world...in life today...I think I am done.
And what was that? Weird you had any faith in the "world/life" to begin with.
what happened? can we help?
I work at a hospital...I am a nurse...and today was a rough one...child abuse...I will spare the details. But it shook me.
The earth is a horrible place after all. I can’t wait until we can start anew on Mars with the extraterrestrial n words.
This world will never be rid of cruelty.. I hope the child will be okay.
If there's one thing that absolutely makes my blood boil, it's anything related to child abuse. I don't even need the details to know that whatever you saw was something unspeakable. Let me tell you, if I'd have been in your position, I'd hunt down whoever the "parent" is and pound their head straight into their chest.
I will put an end to that kind of abuse in any way I can. Don't you worry, they won't get away with it forever.
I won't lie to you. You're going to see some really dark things from time to time working at a hospital. Imagine if the hospital weren't there, though. It needs people like you to help as best as you can in the worst of situations. Please hang in there, and do what you can to comfort those who need it most.
Oh yeah... it really is creepy there.
When i was there i saw someone cowered with blanket over his head on bed, at first i didnt understand then i realized someone is dead. Then i had to help old man to drink water, he was constantly thirsty because of his fever, but his hands were shaking so he was unable to drink by himself, now i wish i have helped him more. The way i see hospitals are something special and mysterious...
Nurses are trained healers; you're fighting against that type of abuse by just doing your job. Don't give up on the world; we need people with your expertise who won't stand for stuff like that. I definitely won't stand for it either.
Well I feel better today...drank myself stupid and my partner had to drag me up the stairs to get some sleep...then she held my hair as I barfed it all out...then we talked it out today. It is strange because it is not like it was the first time I saw something like that...sad to say but yeah it is an old story that we see way too often. The child will heal, that is the important thing...and hopefully her father will go to hell.
Fucking terrible. Sad truth is, you're gonna have to prepare yourself for things like this. I don't give a shit, I'm an asshole. But you need to get yourself ready for the fact that people are complete assholes. I stepped in to be there when her father wanted no part of my nieces life, it's a thankless job, but there we are. And there we'll be.
No, people aren't complete assholes. Some people had flawed upbringings or learned different points of view from yours. It's not us against the world it's us against corruption. Your brother doesn't represent humanity, and neither does that abusive father.
These kind of responsibilities don't need thanks to be worth it, but thank you for ensuring your niece had a male role model in her life.
I sadly can't share that optimism, not right now, anyway. And that wasn't my brother, my nieces father would, at best, be my brother in law. My baby sister is her mother. And she has made some really poor choices, but she is still my baby sister.
My parents and I are not close...but I do applaud you for stepping up and helping...sometimes family just needs you.
Things were so much better when we were younger. My mother threw me out when I was 16, I lived with my father for a few years before he wanted me gone. Over the years I've mended relationships with them somewhat, but I'm really not on speaking terms with them yet. I have two little sisters and two younger brothers, as the oldest I do what I can for them. I'm glad there's people like you who care and feel so much about others. Society needs more of that.
I understand, but just remember that they're flawed humans before cruel or evil ones. Humanity is a vessel for morality and free will; some bad seeds don't give it a bad name, they just failed to use it properly. The final destination of all pessimism is eventually death, you deserve more than that. There are reasons to be optimistic about humanity, I hope they can come to you someday.
Brother, that final destination is what some of us want is death. Sometimes things don't end so well. And that's ok.
Dont be such a wuss. You need thick skin to survive this world.
I know, but you don't deserve death. That road is deliberately foggy sometimes; it doesn't want you to see the high road that's possible with a few turns. That's not your fault tho, and I hope you'll find a hope spot eventually, but if you don't I won't hold it against you.
We will all die. The earth will die. The universe will die. Time will die.
There will be no evidence we were ever really here. Like none of it ever happened.
Why get upset over nothing?
Hm, I'm great at peptalks. I should write a book.
You see a lot of this stuff on the Steve Wilkos show. Just goes to show that evil will always exist.
That is truly god awful. There are really, sometimes unimaginably, evil people in the world. Child abuse has to be one of the most tragic things that happens. I am so sorry that that child has gone through such troubles, and I’m also sorry that you’ve experienced a child that was in so much pain. That can shatter someone’s heart. I pray that the child will have much more ease in life, and that you get better mentally and emotionally.
I just hate the fact that any child has to go through this; It makes me sick. I think of how much I take my loving parents for granted; Really bring a tear to my eye.
"God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash plays in my head each time I hear of something like this.
Evil was born to be nothing but crushed in my eyes. I find peace in knowing that it will be snuffed out eventually; either through my help or due to the order of things, even if that might end up including myself if I go down a bad path somehow. That kid's going to grow up stronger because of this eventually, I can feel it already, but I'll also pray for the well being of everyone who had to endure or witness that.
Karma is a bitch. Prison time is the cure
I do not believe that all people have the capacity to do "evil". I have seen more good than bad, perhaps I am just too much a bleeding heart sometimes. It is funny I talk shit here on the forums...mostly about Kenny because he is the type of person I run into that has a kid that seems to be "accident prone". But irl I am soft spoken until I snap...I have been told I need to let my feelings be known instead of keeping them bottled up.
But I have witnessed acts of extreme kindness...a friend donating a kidney...volunteers coming in to give comfort to the elderly at the rest home I moonlight for sometimes.
I am not so naive that I do not expect to see bad things...if you have ever seen a person thrown out of a car and hitting a chain link fence....that will give you bad dreams...burns.
I am not a believer in god...but yeah karma does tend to go around and I know prisons just love to eat a child abuser. Yet even that sorta disturbs me. The idea of sending someone to their death...and I know the drill...word gets to the prison population that so and so hurt a kid...and hey...someone that kills or hurt him will get solitary...but also be taken care of for a bit. It is just so barbaric....thousands of years of human history and this is a solution?
Anyway the kid is doing better...just a long road ahead. In the end what does it all mean? I guess the lesson is that we do the best we can and hope.
There is a capacity for both in this world, but it's the one that you focus on that becomes a part of your life. I'm glad you still have more of a positive focus, though the echoes of the other can be deafening.
Is the kid okay now though? I hope the police got involved.
Give them the Kenny treatment .
Take 4 right turns, and you're back on the same road you just left lol. In all seriousness I get what you're saying and I appreciate it. Maybe it's not so much that people deserve to die as they never deserved to live. It sounds the same but it's so majorly different at its core, the world has a funny way of shattering convictions and beliefs the more you're exposed to it. It draws out apathy and hopelessness pretty well, when things feel so brutally random there's never an acceptable why for what when it comes to individuals.
@Kennyshouladiedins1 glad to hear the kid's on the mend. The barbaric observation got me though, because I've said the same thing before. It's crazy to think how much we've changed the world over thousands of years, and how little we've changed. One of the possibilities listed in the Fermi Paradox is that no civilization has colonized or expanded throughout the galaxy because they end up destroying themselves once they have the means to. As much as ways of living and the world have changed, people are still nearly the same.
For those wondering...in general terms the child will mend in time...they are at a really amazing hospital that deal with children and the challenges the wounds will present for them. The "father" is in a grey area because the situation is one where absolute proof is hard...we have effect...but there could have been a number of ways the "accident" could happen.
My gut tells me it was no accident just from how the wounds are spread...but in court we need proof and a mother willing to accuse...we have neither and so we are in a situation where he may get off...but if he is smart...he will leave town probably the state.
I have begun seeing a therapist...not only for this but for things in my life that I have never come to grips with. I wish life and karma always delivered...but they rarely ever do. All we can do is be there and help the helpless.
I too thought I was done with this world, but then I saw the Incredibles 2. Now, I have to obsess over it for the next few months because of how rad it was, soooo..

I believe everyone has the capacity to inflict pain as a result of their own righteousness, trauma, weakness or just plain confusion.
There's nothing to suggest Kenny was physically abusive towards Duck; his violence in the games was pretty much a result of the pressure of the ZA. He could've emotionally abused him in a possible uncontrollable anger outburst (I'd doubt it'd be often tho), and he seemed to feel like he neglected them while reminiscing in Season 2, but as far as violence goes I don't feel like we saw enough of his family life before the outbreak to tell for certain, even if he did have issues with anger.
Kindness doesn't have to be extreme to be commendable. One of my favorite childhood memories was when I lost this one carnival game when I was 6 and some random family decided to spend their own money trying to win this stuffed dog for me for no reason, and they did. I think that's just as valuable as giving a kidney since they both can have an impact on someone else's view of humanity.
Maybe that was just the wrath of karma too. Who knows their story?
I'm sure if there is something that consciously made the universe, its on your side. Pain wasn't created to destroy you; it's meant to help you overcome what will and make you stronger for it.
Pain and death will always have a place in society; so long as free will exists, suffering will be part of the human condition. It's a fire that humanity has to wield properly, but of course we can't contain all of it or teach everyone how to be responsible with it, especially not violent prison inmates who almost certainly came from troubled homes.
It's gonna mean something, I know that for sure.
I am so sorry you had to go through that. Child abuse is absolutely vile, it sickens me to the core. Knowing that some people do that to their children, it really does break my heart. Unfortunately, evilness is a part of this world, and I don't think it is going to go away at any time soon. But fortunately there is goodness, there is hope. You provide hope and goodness from working at a hospital, you save the lives of people in their time of need. You were the light of hope for that child, taking care of him, during his time of need. I would say that the world needs more people like you, but I think that there are plenty of good people, but what the world does need is good people like you to speak out about the cruelty they have seen and witnessed.
Honestly I don't know where I was or where I am going with this comment, but just know that while there are bad people who wreak havoc in this world, there are good people more than willing to help tidy it up and make the world we live in a better place. You sound like a very genuine and kind hearted person to show such strong emotion towards something such as this. I hope the message I am trying to convey from this comment isn't lost due to my rambling and confusing sentences, I am just trying to show my appreciation for you sharing this Story, and for taking care of the child.
At least stay for the food, music, and games.
As a Buddhist who also sympathize with Hinduism, I obviously believe in reincarnation and Nirvana(enlightenment). Which is why I'm determined to make this life my last one. No more reincarnation for me in this material universe. The Hindu/Buddhist doctrines also said that most beings in the material universe have been reincarnated for at least billions of times as multiple different beings. Demons, animals, aliens or even most gods. They're all beings of the material universe and none of them can escape death and rebirth. Only the Buddhas and the Hindu gods are eternal.
It’s been 4 years since I posted in this thread. I believe this one’s been bumped for a reason.
I’m a Christian now and it’s cool to look back and see what I believed then. I was in a horrible mental state then but I love how hopeful and just I wanted to be in this thread. Even when I was struggling I still wanted the best for people. Not trying to praise myself but I’m so happy with how far I’ve gone.