Is Episode 3 in Season 2 better if Carver kills Alvin?
When Kenny tries to kill Carver and then only shoots him, Alvin is killed instead by Carver. Does this make a better storyline for Rebecca and the others in Episode 3? I mean Alvin isn't even there much in Ep 3 its as if TTG wanted Alvin dead in Ep 2.
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I feel like its alot better since Alvin does nothing except "save Clem" at the end but she can do that herself anyway without him so ??♂️ yeah it's better imo if he died in episode 2
Either way it was a waste of time and doesn’t really make it better but i guess him lasting till episode 3 makes him look more of a heroic character so it probably is better he survives till episode 3
He only has one scene in ep3 though
There is a brief scene in the truck and then when Tavia takes him a way. Also seeing him unconscious in the office makes Carver look like a bigger shit bag so i do think it’s more impactful that he survives till Episode 3.
Nick on the other hand was a waste of time all round after Episode 2 so he should have just died there and then
If you want more "buildup" to Carver's death, I guess.
Especially since he got at least 2 or 3 scenes cut during development.
He doesn't anything there/until then, for some odd reason.
Well, I know the scene with the "dreaded chair" is made unintentionally hilarious if Alvin isn't there.
It's... just a normal chair, so the threat is pretty empty.
If Alvin dies then Clem can shoot Carver with a gun she finds in his office so yeah it’s better that he’s dead.
Oh yeah!
As if that scene wasn't silly enough.
He was originally going to [be able to] give it to her if she asked at one point.
I had no idea S2 had so many routes. I know the main cabin confrontation has so many different outcomes. In my story he Tupac'd Alvin. I remember it being something Becca dwells on quite a bit. But I think my story played out well.
Alvin dying in episode 2 is by far the best scenario plot wise. The cabin group actually has a clear motive to hate Carver instead of just some random guy who they knew for less than a day being killed by them. Alvin also has basically no lines or relevance in the entire episode and his "sacrifice" is so pathetic and anticlimactic.
You're forgetting that the Cabin Group lived at Howe's for quite some time, had a number of personal interactions with Carver and his Inner Circle(particularly Luke, Rebecca, and Alvin), came into conflict with him a number of times, which gradually led up their escape and being on the run in the first place.
Also, Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.
He speaks up when Tavia comes for him and has a select few exchanges when he wakes up near the end of the episode.
There's also that prerelease screenshot of the food aisle I found further suggesting he was supposed to talk more at the beginning.
I agree. Alvin dies anyway so if he dies at the beginning it provides more emotion for Rebecca. I also like when she strikes back at Kenny in the truck when they're locked away.
Alvin also doesn't turn because Carver shoots him in the head. He definitely turned if he dies in episode 3