(SPOILERS) Episode 3 "Broken Toys" Overview and Analysis [based on achievements & leaks]
Hello everyone, since the hype for Broken Toys is starting to wear off - at least for me lol - a friend of mine and I decided to breakdown the achievements and leaks of the episode and make an ASSUMED attempt at how the episode might go on the discord server of Telltale's Community, so today I will be posting our attempt and earlier discussions thanks to the help of Goblin (great job dude!). This thread will have massive potentially future spoilers to the episode as well as leaked information and concepts.
I wanna start off by saying this has been built upon @Graysonn's awesome theory video:
this is an alternative crosspost to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/9t0kgy/tfs_spoilers_episode_3_overview_guesswork_from/
Some potentially crucial plot points might be abandoned for the lacks of achievements/leaks:
- The other community fighting the Delta
- Minerva's role in the episode
- Abel's role in this episode
-Have you noticed a fun growth in the achievement names? You probably haven't as only two episodes have been released with the official names but for reference.
Episode 1's final act achievements:
Episode 2's final act achievements:
Episode 3's final act:
Episode 4's final:
You see it right? Clem goes from a PROTECTOR & SCAVENGER to a SAVIOR & SURVIVOR, we can attribute this to the season's theme of personal growth on Clem's part, going from protecting AJ in EP1 to defending the kids in Ep2, leading the kids (theory) in EP3, and saving them in EP4. Also "Home at Last" is worth noting although most of the other "place all collectibles" don't say much.
So the my assumed growth goes like this:
PRTOTECTER: Protected AJ/The Kids
DEFENDER: Defended AJ/the Kids
LEADER: Lead AJ/the Kids to a better home
SAVIOR: Saved AJ/the Kids
Regardless, there seems to be a re-occurring theme with Clem stepping up as a leader and we think it leads towards how EP3 will play out.
-That aside, did you also notice this?
These are all the "Secret Achievements" of EP1, they're in obvious chronological order (other than when the path diverts and even then they're in order of events), we kept track of this for how we think EP3 will play out.
-Finally, not all secret achievements are mandatory, you can get some of them just by choice much like the "ate mushrooms" EP2 achievement, and most of the ones provided earlier for EP3. So it serves to note that most of these are optional outcomes and are not guaranteed to happen but give us a good overview of main events.
Where did we leave things?! EP2's ENDING
-Ep2 ended with a shock, you choosing between sharkboy or lava girl and then sitting in the ruins of a destroyed school with only a lone and broken Abel for exacting revenge with your school friends. There's a lot that could play about from this, but we have reason to believe that EP3 will take place either at EP2's ending or the next morning after the conclusion of EP2. The AMA stated we could have a "chat" with Abel and it would only get as brutal as "the players wanted it to be" so I assume they'd start threatening info out of Abel the moment they're well rested. So, it shouldn't be long after EP3, also time is of the essence since the kids have been taken.
EP3 Where do we start?!
-With that out of the way, we start with the introduction (either night or morning) with the Abel torture scene. Going through the achievements, there is nothing about Abel (at least from what we know) in there and the first achievement deals with Rosie with the first act achievement dealing with a different environment, so we assume Abel's torture is first then Rosie. We don't know what Clem's plan is, but it seems pretty obvious that she'll be interested in finding Delta and saving the kidnapped kids. Maybe Rosie will help us sniff em down? Speaking of Rosie...
Best Girl! "Rosie!" - We all know what this is. Another optional bonding scene with Rosie just like EP2 had:
- It'll probably be another cute dog scene to relieve the stress of losing the kids and the brutality of the Abel torture scene. I assume it'll also be a free-roam where you talk to the remaining kids at the school just like the first one. What about? Who knows. Probably how they feel about tracking down the stolen kids. (Aasim, Omar, and Violet/Louis if you forgot) So, we got the base point? What's next?
Mercy "Did no harm.":
- This ones a bit more up for debate as we can't tie it into anything. I personally thought it may deal with Abel dying, like "don't kill him" but Her thought it may do with another optional James scene as in 402, you can decide to kill a walker or not for James. Later, Her then thought maybe James would use a walker group to attack Delta and the achievement was for sneaking through without killing any of them. Again, nothing to prove this but looking back I doubt its a bonding scene as James did not provide an achievement for not killing the walker in 402. In the end, I concluded this has SOMETHING to do with James and the kids leaving the school and trying to find James for help. Or maybe James seeks them? Regardless, the kids can't stay in the school now that Delta has weakened their numbers and knows where they are.
Nightlight "Made sure they slept tight.":
- This one seems like its going to be a really cute scene. Much like choosing to sleep in 402, its probably around James and because I think 403 has the kids leave the school in a group as staying at the school is now dangerous, it probably means more than just James & AJ in 402. Not much to really think about other than looking over them honestly. Next!
All-Seeing "Let nothing slip by":
- Now we get into the good bit. Its the binoculars we got to use in 402 to find Abel in the forest. It also helps tie into the next achievement but thats for a bit later. First of all: We think this is Clem looking over Delta and just like 402, its a quick scene where you have to hit every observable object in the scene before it gets out of frame for the achievement. I think shes observing the patterns of guards before going into Delta and this is a bonus if you caught everyone there on binoculars. I linked the full-res picture for this one as I think the image within the binoculars is interesting. Her brought up it might just be refraction in the picture's art style but I assume it may be alluding to night time as it really resembles a crescent moon which would mean it happens right after Nightlight but I might just be over-thinking it. My theory is that Clem leaves at night to sneak into Delta by herself since sending multiple people into Delta to get the kids out would lead to danger. An achievement later on supports this idea.
Did You Lick it? "Remembered the good times.":
- This is my favorite just from the weird ass achievement art. We all know what this achievement is alluding to. 102's infamous Clementine scene where she informs Duck and Lee that you shouldn't lick a salt-lick. Regardless, how did we get to a salt-lick? I think what happens is that in All-Seeing, Clementine finds a nearby farm-house that she can sneak in through and this scene happens when observing the farm house. In the 402 conclusion, we see Delta has horses which could mean they've got farm land. Also deltas are connected to rivers, right? It doesn't seem like too far of a stretch that this is how things play out in my head. Also - another achievement helps this idea.
Personal Space "Kept your distance.":
- Now, I'll be honest. I have no clue what the HELL this achievement is about. Its suddenly interwoven between these other achievements and all I think is that it alludes to death. This can be spotted by Clem standing alone in a pool of blood and the achievement implies sadness over something that has transpired, thus keeping your distance. It could also allude to a possible "Forgive Lilly" choice, but for now theres not much to go on other than its a big moment. Maybe a Determinant VS choice and whoever survives you end up keeping your distance out of guilt. Not much to go on here so i'm up for thoughts here.
As A Mouse "Was very sneaky.":
- This is what I think adds up with the whole "sneak into Delta to save the kids" idea. This is optional meaning that its possible to fail being sneaky without hitting the game's fail state. Meaning being stealthy is probably just an achievement because you'll be caught regardless. Maybe an additional scene if you avoid all the guards? Or maybe not wake anyone up? Its interesting to ponder on but it definitely strengthens the idea that this episode involves stealthy movements rather than a full-frontal attack on Delta.
Tally "Counted the days.":
- Finally, we conclude secret achievements with Tally. This is by far the hardest to interpret or easiest depending on which theory you take away from InColdBlood's video or how S4 will play out. Also, I linked the full picture because the tally is actually wrong. It shows 6 days when a normal tally is 5. I doubt this is just a mistake on the artist's side as it must be representing a 6 day time gap. What could this mean? I think it could be two things: Clem being captured by Delta for 6 days, or being on a boat for 6 days but I can't really go into depth about the boat concept until I get to the act recap later on. Regardless, Clem never seemed to care about passing time now that time is worthless in the apocalypse. And I can only think about counting the days if you're stuck on a boat (tallying on the walls) or stuck in a cell (tallying on the walls) where time truly matters as it drags on.
- Whispers? Like the whisperers James is associated with? Not much to work with here other than we know it has to deal with James since in the AMA they confirmed more James time in 403. He ain't gone yet. Other than that, this may tie into MERCY and what the school plans to do about Delta stealing the kids and how they'll address the situation.
- Now we have way more to work with thanks to previous achievements and leaked concept art. Shoreline is also whats depicted in the leaked EP3 title art. AJ and Clem in front of a giant waterfront which points towards this achievement. Now with InColdBlood's theory, we can tie this to the riverboat people and what may be the group thats against Delta. For what reasons? We're not sure and we can't seem to remember if any reason was said by Lilly on why the two factions are against each other. In my personal opinion, I think they're attacking Delta for using children as slaves. The leaked concept art of the boat people seems to be way more friendly and inviting then the concept art of the people in Delta, leading me to believe that Riverboat Community wants Clem to save the kids and then escape on the boat. I also think the idea of sneaking into Delta is provided by the Riverboat community and supported by them due to an Ep4 achievement. Regardless, we can't guarantee this speculation but we do know from content that this shoreline act will lead to meeting the Riverboat people.
- Finally, Leader. Not only pointing towards the message of growth through actions but helping us realize what Clem's goal in this episode will be. To lead the remainder of the kids to safety. Ep1 ends with her protecting the others including AJ from the psychopath who is Marlon. Ep2 ends with Clem defending the kids from the attacks of Delta trying to take them in. Therefore Ep3 must end with Clem leading the kids to safety with it probably being to a boat as seen from EP4's first act.
With that, I think some kids will die, but most will remain safe and the episode will end on a wholesome note as the sudden hit from EP4 will re-immerse us in the bittersweet sensation of victory into horrible accidents in EP4 as seen in the first achievement's threatening nature.
- Red Water which obviously represents water being bloodied by the death of others. Meaning things will go wrong like they always do sadly. If they didn't then the series would simply end on EP3.
- The episode starts with interrogating Abel, get answers and decided to take him as a hostage.
- Meet up with James, ask for help and eventually get to know a small community on the river by the name of The Riverboat People.
- The Riverboat People agree on helping us since they also see the errors with the Delta.
- Get to meet some notable Riverboat characters: Michael, Asha, Jill, the Riverboat captain and his crew mates.
- All agree on a plan, involving Clem sneaking in with a couple of characters and have the Riverboat captain and crew as a "get-away" plan
- The plan works, we rescue whoever got kidnapped but at the cost of others
- The Episode ends with the characters leaving on a boat and a time jump, possible weeks up to a few months.
1 - The Riverboat:
2- The Riverboat captain and crew mates
3 - Michael
4 - Asha
5 - Jill
Wrapping it up.
This is what we came up with after an hour of intense overview on the discord after getting really hyped over what Episode 3 may have to offer. If you have anything to say, criticism of our points, thoughts of your own, feel free to post it up in comments. We can come up with a more solid view with the opinions of others and come to new conclusions.
Thanks for reading!
Massive and special thanks to:
Goblin: https://www.reddit.com/user/Backflip_Off_A_Cliff
@Graysonn: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC71h_AjQJzD_QD20BPliGJA/about
TTC discord server: https://discord.gg/85CZfC7
TL;DR? Clem dies at the end, gottem. (ALSO SINGLETINE IS CANNON.)
Well done, Baconsani.
thank you, BoltMK.
Seriously though, nice analysis.
that’s more like 2 in 1 opinion... # TeamSingletine
Not sure if this is true, but it seems if you didn't trust Marlon and pet Rosie in episode 1, then you won't be able to, in future episodes, and get any of the Rosie achievements. I've noticed this during episode 2, in my game play I see Rosie lying next to the grave. But on some youtube game plays, Rosie wasn't there.
seems interesting, so if i dont trust marlon and don’t pet rosie, i cant pet her in E2?
Yeah, it seems to be that way. Then again I can be totally wrong about it.
I don't follow leaks normally,but my curiosity took the better of me because it's been too long of a wait and I Wana know something about it lol still....nice analysis.
Better to Sleep is a good guy but it was actually me who made that video. Nice writeup, though. Also, where did you find that second Asha picture? I haven't seen that before.
Sheesh, many apologize for the mixup.. I swear for a moment you two both looked the same lol

I'll make sure to edit that and credit you, and btw your video was enjoyable to watch.
And to be honest I don't remember, maybe from a reddit post or got it from discord so I can hardly tell because I downloaded a bunch of other leaked photos including a one with Clementine's current room in past/good shape.
Possibly a flashback about the twins?
Anyways thanks for reading and sorry for disturbing you Mr. @BetterToSleep
Nice analysis
and Damn i've never seen that second Asha picture before,she looks cool.
Yes, but compared to her previous concept? Not even close.
The girl went from having a metal baseball bat full of nails (Basically a female Negan) to a pocket hammer. Wow.
P.S: her ethnicity has been changed from Arab-American to Indian-American so that was weird.
Nice Hersani. Boy-scout would be proud.
If Clem dies I'm refunding my game. ?
Nah, I think the designers just used that as a reference point.
George, get out of the fucking Walking Dead universe, and finish the Winds of Winter goddamnit!
LOL! That guy looks identical to George. Glad we weren't the only ones who noticed, if he makes it to the final version and becomes a character I will die for him, possibly my new favorite character in TWDG.
But after all it's still a concept tho so no high hopes for now
You will not be able to. But hopefully she dies so people will be mad as hell when it happens xaxaxaxa
o.O what if that actually is George R. R. Martin. I mean technically he exists in the Walking Dead universe if he's not dead aleady... I've always kind of wondered what happened to real world celebrities in the Walking Dead universe