Sophia wants Carl's D
Latest issue opens with Carl talking to himself as he dresses after a round of sex with Lydia. As he makes his way back to his bedroom Sophia catches him and figures out what was happening, then confides she doesn't think she'll ever lose her virginity because she doesn't have anyone to have sex with, but does it in such a way as to imply it was a subtle invitation to Carl.
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Why the fuck did I let the mouse auto-click this?
Why wouldn't you though?
♪Need somebody to love, I need somebody to love♫
Because I don't really care.
Well honestly,i'm sorry but i just don't really give a shit about all that teen crap,i just wish Kirkman would fucking kill Lydia already or do something interesting with her because she's useless now
Carl and Sophia are meant to be together it's obvious.
Don't mind me folks just using a horse reviver I mean thread reviver to this nothing too important ??
Bruh Sophia’s been everything but useful the whole time. Lydia the former whisperer being carl’s first love is still interesting.
No she hasn't been interesting/useful at all,Kirkman even admitted he forgot about her in a letter hacks..
and that's an unpopular opinion i think but Lydia's never been interesting to me,i never gave a shit about this whole "Romeo and Juliet" romantic relationship with Carl in the whisperers arc.
I think there was a recent issue where she broke up with Carl and told him she's not in love with him or some shit but they're apparently still having sex anyway siggghh...kill me.
Well she is a lot hotter than Sophia and a lot less bitchy than Sophia.
Sophia could have Gabe .
Any objections?
Why would you want to punish Sophia like that? What did she ever do to you?
I know right! She deserves better.
Sophia and Carl are best friends, it should be kept that way.
Woodsman profile pic user disagreeing with another woodsman profile pic user....WERE AT THE END OF TIME PEOPLE ?
Good thing the Sheriff is here, I’ve been waiting to put you down, dog!
To be fair, he's disagreeing with Kirkman. Kirkman is the one writing it, not me.
I like you, dave. But this place really want to hell.
Seemed to me she was just venting. Her little outburst after seeing Maggie with Dante seemed to wake her up. She admitted to just faking it all this time, which pretty much took her from that scared little girl, into the young lady she is today. I think she regrets all the time she wasted just faking it.
You don't even read the comics.
Ah, so the D means Dory!

Shoulda put the gif last.
How old is Carl now?
The FBI is gonna finna knock on Kirkman’s door one day.
15ish, I think. Sophia too
Old enough to get it on.
He’s 13 as of now, probably closer to 14.
New issue is tomorrow, so who knows if we’ll get more Sophia and Carl dialogue. Their relationship looks like it could be a prominent subplot.
Yeah, two pages
The way carl gave her a thumbs up