"Evolution" Episode Discussion
So, wow, that was a pretty good run of episodes in Season 9. No more Rick or Maggie, but man, big quality jumps. Hopefully tonight's episode will cap it all off. Seems very exciting, as readers of the comics would know. Scary? That'd be neat.
Let's find out! But you should also comment, before, while, and after you watch.
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I can’t wait for the whisperers to start talking and fighting.
This episode already has my dread meter growing. This is gonna be a good one...
Well that was roughhh, RIP my man. Really creepy.
The whole episode was boring. Whisperers used 1 minute of screen time to make the worst episode of S9 awesome. "You are where you do not belong."
I’m telling you, I did not see that Jesus death coming. Even when it happened, I just assumed he was badly injured, but then the teaser showed his coffin, and I was stunned. Apparently the actor wanted to be killed off, but still, that was a shocking death I was not ready for.
You are where you do not belong
Sick episode. Just fucking sick.
Amazing episode,i wasn't upset about Jesus's death,i think his death was alright.
And honestly i just feel bad for Tom Payne,he was doing tons of training to be badass Jesus and got nothing to do since his introduction in season 6,the only cool thing they did with him that i can remember was in season 8 when he was fighting Morgan,he wanted out,i get it.
This episode made me question my existence, literally every character who I make my new favourite dies. Let me guess, Negan and Michonne are next? Honestly wouldn’t surprise me
I hope that confirmed Daryl vs Beta fight doesn't mean that Negan vs Beta fight will not happen...
Okay I'm done with the puns I'll leave now. The episode was pretty good; that death did shock me. Was waiting on Jesus to move or say something.
Tom Payne had to do nearly 2 years of martial arts training and his character wasn't even used properly. Blame Gimple I guess. His introduction in S6 was great, fighting Rick and Daryl. But in Season 8 I wasn't too much of a fan. I think Payne himself said he was bored on the show and got little screentime/interesting moments.
The bade was sticking out of the front of his chest, man. That blade got him deep.
When I hear whispering now, all I think of is James's dead ship.
You can never have too many Metallica puns.
Both Rick and Joel survived having a piece of rebar sticking out of them, just saying.
The difference with those two are A ) they're the main characters of their respective stories, and B ) they both got the rebar in their side, away from vital organs.
Jesus, on the other hand, had that sword driven straight through his lower back and out his upper shoulder. That 100% pierced at least one vital organ, if not more.
Yeah but Rick and Joel both got lucky (real lucky) with the rebar missing vital organs, whereas Jesus got stabbed from the middle of his back to just above his heart (definitely going through his lungs).
Somehow missed Deltino's comment, so I apologise for just repeating the same info.
That was a a really well done introduction for the whispers. It does suck that Jesus died right when he started kicking ass like his comic book counterpart tho.
I despise the word sick used to describe something good. Back when i waa growing up “sick” always meant something disgusting hence the word sick as in vomit or ill.
Sorry for the random lol
Yes and the main issue with the entire show is that there are far too many characters which is why his character did not get the screen time he deserved. He really didn’t do anything much in 3-4 seasons so I don’t blame him. It’s a shame.
Not through the heart though lol
When I was growing up sick meant cool/tight/gross. I've always used it for either, or.
But sick is at the top for me. It goes good<awesome<sick. That's how I usually rate the episodes. Unless I didn't like it.
I should be surprised at Jesus's death considering he's still alive in the comics but nothing this show does surprises me anymore. Bad enough they ruined his character but getting rid of him this early? no doubt Daryl will take his storyline which he always does with other characters.
Daryl died a long time ago back in Season 3. To see that husk of a fan service mascot still moping around taking center stage for no good reason sucks. Aaron as a sort of comic Rick Grimes is all I’m here to see now.
I need to note a detail I just noticed rewatching the ending: Aaron backhands a zombie with his metal arm, causing it to spin around, and then he knifes it in the back of the head. Jesus might have stolen the scene for the most part, but come on, backhanding a zombie will never not be amazing.
Skybound if you visit these forums, make James a romance pls.
Ugh no sorry can’t stand it. It’s as awful as the word “Bae”