If you could swap Mitch's fate for a different character, who would it be and why?
List the kid you would've had trade places with Mitch when he was killed. I know we all wanted Lilly/Abel to die, but list a kid you would've had die instead of Mitch. I felt bad for Mitch, cause for those who don't know. He can save you from Ms.Martin and asks if you're okay. A kid I would pick, Omar I suppose. Mainly because he's had no development; hopefully that changes in Ep3. Maybe we'll learn about him to makes us care and then he'll die at the end of Ep.3. I like all the other characters because we learn something of their backstory; not so much for Louis or Willy yet. Hopefully we learn more about them, and I didn't pick Willy since his trap actually kills a raider and because he's just too damn young to get shanked in the neck.
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Ooh...one word off and you would've had something worth [finally ]really debating.
But no one. Mitch was the perfect character for that scene and turns out the writers actually talked about that.
I don't know what you're talking about brother, everything I post is awesome.
Omar. He's the only character I didn't like.
I think that like.... More than half of this fandom likes Lilly and still dont want her to die
Static Shock.
I'd have to say Violet. I like her, but seeing her die that way would've been sooooo cool.
Violet of course. Unfortunatelly she is 129cm tall so she wouldn't die due to Lilly not hitting her, but any possibility of her getting taken out is worth trying.
You have a bad breakup with someone that looked like Violet? Because I'm getting hints of some unresolved tension here.
Louis of course.
I'm not that desperate to date 30kg girls with depression!
Why him, if you mind explaining?
I mean, Mitch is really the most disposable. I don't think i'd trade any other kid for him. He was just kind of the typical cliche jock bully that has to blow shit up and act tough but couldn't even disarm or out react a 40 year old has been bitch with daddy issues.
But if I had to switch, I guess i'd get rid of Willy. He's really a waste of plot. I hope he gets more of a backstory but as of now I could care less about him.
Assim can go too, after acting grossed out if Clem says she would flip or marry him. Like he is anywhere in her league to begin with. Stick with 300 pound gingers you fake intellectual wannabe poet.
Story wise, Mitch was a way more worthy character to keep around than Omar. Hopefully Episode 3 gives Omar mad development and makes me eat these words, but yeah, as it stands right now, he's really just meh.
If you haven't realized already, all his comments aren't serieus
Yeah, he was still rather dull and seemed near strictly utilitarian.
What plot? If anything, he is the biggest example of how this episode didn't take proper advantage of what it had to work with.
He's something I've been intending to get to for a while.

Women anger him...his mom refused to breast feed him....it is sad.
Actually can I get rid of more than one character? Tenn, Willy, Ruby, and AJ would suffice.
Leave my burnt boi alone Kenny! He’s had enough!
Can I trouble you to explain why Ruby, Tenn, and Willy are on your list?
For the laughs of course!
Don’t ever speak about God again.
♪He liked em lank
He liked em scanty♩
Omar. Seems to have been left out of character development. Something better be done with him by episode 3, or he's just another Redshirt.
If Episode 3 does happen. I know they said it would be finished but who knows
Well I don't hate anyone in TFS but I don't mind switching his death to violet or Louis would've made the scene better and maybe upped the debate about lily even more I think they missed a good apportunity there.
But if they do that, then they'd lose the only original thing people are invested in.
That's just me man....it's long gone and it's dumped to the "wasted potential thread" for me...
Is it?
Okay, gonna go ahead and hijack this thread with the debatable question: If you could swap Mitch's role for a different character, who would it be and why?