I hope they give us more trailers and screenshots, they should know we've been waiting for this since november 6th, so its not like they have a right to "hold it back" to build up hype. It should be out as soon as possible
This season's marketing (and the game itself) relies on recapping the previous seasons too much. Like it has nothing to offer in itself so it keeps reminding the player of the other games.
The same can arguably be said about a number of story beats.
I agree. This season's marketing (and the game itself) relies on recapping the previous seasons too much. Like it has nothing to offer in … moreitself so it keeps reminding the player of the other games. Even if they're avoiding spoilers to advertise to people who haven't played it yet... who would watch that trailer and be convinced to buy the game?
Literally nobody but the people on this forum and the The Walking Dead Game subreddit actually give a shit about this game. Skybound may as well've just tweeted an orange emoji and the release date and spare someone the trouble of editing the video together.
To be fair, it's more of a general hangout scene that can have a romantic angle if you choose that option.
No matter how stubbornly shallow people are in talking about that type of thing.
@Wheres_Dinner I think why they did that was because more people chose the violet route. More people went fishing with her and Brody and more appealed to her in ep1. If more people chose louis, they probably would've used his scene instead.
Dude, people literally fucking explained the real reason why: Violet's hangout scene takes place outside and is more brightly lit than Louis's, which takes place in the darkened piano room with little light shining in.
One more reason I disliked it:
Now, you can call me a Clouis fan, which I am, but it's not the fact that there wasn't Louis in the teaser … moreand that it was only Violet instead, it's that they put in romance in the first place. They shouldn't have put it because they're giving off a vibe that they are based. Romance scene isn't the only appropriate "it's not over yet" scene, there were plenty of others with Clem smiling.
As other people mentioned, Kent said they basically chose Violet because the scene was bright and so more convenient unlike dark piano scene.
And also, your claim that more people chose Violet is superficial. There were people who appealed to her in episode 1 yet friendzoned her in the next episode or followed Louis altogether. Besides, if they really knew more people chose Violet, they would've published the choices stats.
I think why they did that was because more people chose the violet route. More people went fishing with her and Brody and more appealed to her in ep1. If more people chose louis, they probably would've used his scene instead.
I agree with you that no one would watch this trailer if they haven't played the season.
However, you're missing the fact that this trailer was shown during a pretty big livestream, so the people just watched it. That's why the trailer is the way it is.
I agree. This season's marketing (and the game itself) relies on recapping the previous seasons too much. Like it has nothing to offer in … moreitself so it keeps reminding the player of the other games. Even if they're avoiding spoilers to advertise to people who haven't played it yet... who would watch that trailer and be convinced to buy the game?
Literally nobody but the people on this forum and the The Walking Dead Game subreddit actually give a shit about this game. Skybound may as well've just tweeted an orange emoji and the release date and spare someone the trouble of editing the video together.
To be fair, it's more of a general hangout scene that can have a romantic angle if you choose that option.
No matter how stubbornly shall… moreow people are in talking about that type of thing.
@Wheres_Dinner I think why they did that was because more people chose the violet route. More people went fishing with her and Brody and more appealed to her in ep1. If more people chose louis, they probably would've used his scene instead.
Dude, people literally fucking explained the real reason why: Violet's hangout scene takes place outside and is more brightly lit than Louis's, which takes place in the darkened piano room with little light shining in.
As other people mentioned, Kent said they basically chose Violet because the scene was bright and so more convenient unlike dark piano scene… more.
And also, your claim that more people chose Violet is superficial. There were people who appealed to her in episode 1 yet friendzoned her in the next episode or followed Louis altogether. Besides, if they really knew more people chose Violet, they would've published the choices stats.
They definitely know that man, and they will release trailers and screenshots when it is ideal, like maybe the week they return to work after spending the holidays with their families, right now though, we should just let them work and do what they are setting out to do
I hope they give us more trailers and screenshots, they should know we've been waiting for this since november 6th, so its not like they have a right to "hold it back" to build up hype. It should be out as soon as possible
It will be pretty awesome you mean We are very lucky to have things work out for us, I am not sure if such a scenario like this has happened too many times in the Industry, we are very fortunate that Skybound are passionate and loving fans like ourselves
Oh, wrong thread. My bad.
Like, there is one person who mentions it on the first page, but that's what happens when you suddenly have more than one thread talking about the same thing.
You should be grateful that the game has an ending instead of scrutinising a trailer. I do not even have the final season and have not made a complaint.
You should be grateful that the game has an ending instead of scrutinising a trailer. I do not even have the final season and have not made a complaint.
Way to not sound like an asshole. Sorry you need to have cinematic relevance explained to you, not sorry you're unqualified to be in the position to decide. Louis' scenes weren't seen by as many people. Just a friendly reminder
Way to not sound like an asshole. Sorry you need to have cinematic relevance explained to you, not sorry you're unqualified to be in the position to decide. Louis' scenes weren't seen by as many people. Just a friendly reminder
I thought the teaser served it's purpose. I don't really need a trailer, just knowing I'll get it on the 15th is enough for me. The teaser could've been 30 seconds of just the release date and I'd still be hyped af.
I sustain that we're the only people who care about what happens to this game.
That’s simply just not true. I’ve seen countless people on just the r/games subreddit who are interested in the game but are unsure about getting it due to all the shit that’s happened. I even saw some people who commented on a post showcasing this trailer on how they thought the season wasn’t getting finished until they saw this.
I never asked for a trailer, or a teaser, or whatever you want to call it. Where in my comment did I ask for a spoilery trailer? Here, let… more me quote the post so you can actually read it this time:
I agree. This season's marketing (and the game itself) relies on recapping the previous seasons too much. Like it has nothing to offer in itself so it keeps reminding the player of the other games. Even if they're avoiding spoilers to advertise to people who haven't played it yet... who would watch that trailer and be convinced to buy the game?
Literally nobody but the people on this forum and the The Walking Dead Game subreddit actually give a shit about this game. Skybound may as well've just tweeted an orange emoji and the release date and spare someone the trouble of editing the video together.
I sustain that we're the only people who care about what happens to this game. We already knew that Skybound's working on it. And… [view original content]
Honestly I almost cried tears of joy knowing that the journey we started back in 2012 is gonna be finished but beside emotion I do wish we saw more of EP3 but atleast we got a release date, a ''trailer'' because there are still people that don't know the full story what happened behind the scenes and something so I'm happy:)
I guess people are taught differently. I was taught that if someone has a name that ends with “s” to put an apostrophe “s” unless his or her name is Biblical.
It will release for PC too, they only listed the platforms where The Walking Dead: The Final Season is available to buy right now. It will return to Steam before Episode 3 releases
And you're playing grammar nazi when you barely have a grasp on how sentence structure works? This kid serious? Ermagherd ur comebacks R bad! This assclown serious? Lol
From reading your last comment, I have concluded that you have ingested far too many retard pills than recommended. Please consult your doctor at the earliest convenience.
And you're playing grammar nazi when you barely have a grasp on how sentence structure works? This kid serious? Ermagherd ur comebacks R bad! This assclown serious? Lol
I have no idea who's liking my comments, all I know is the people here generally have half a brain, and that's why they're not liking yours. Please, continue. You're a shining example of what sniffing glue results in.
I hope they give us more trailers and screenshots, they should know we've been waiting for this since november 6th, so its not like they have a right to "hold it back" to build up hype. It should be out as soon as possible
The same can arguably be said about a number of story beats.
To be fair, it's more of a general hangout scene that can have a romantic angle if you choose that option.
No matter how stubbornly shallow people are in talking about that type of thing.
Dude, people literally fucking explained the real reason why: Violet's hangout scene takes place outside and is more brightly lit than Louis's, which takes place in the darkened piano room with little light shining in.
As other people mentioned, Kent said they basically chose Violet because the scene was bright and so more convenient unlike dark piano scene.
And also, your claim that more people chose Violet is superficial. There were people who appealed to her in episode 1 yet friendzoned her in the next episode or followed Louis altogether. Besides, if they really knew more people chose Violet, they would've published the choices stats.
I agree with you that no one would watch this trailer if they haven't played the season.
However, you're missing the fact that this trailer was shown during a pretty big livestream, so the people just watched it. That's why the trailer is the way it is.
The trailer was meh. When I saw it's like a recap of bits for episode 1 and 2, I was like are they trolling. lmao
I believe it's listed as a teaser in the video title.
Well not every single fucking person knew that. Sorry for having a fucking opinion. Nice grammar btw. Louis'. Just a friendly tip.
Just what I thought. Not claiming it to be fact
They definitely know that man, and they will release trailers and screenshots when it is ideal, like maybe the week they return to work after spending the holidays with their families, right now though, we should just let them work and do what they are setting out to do
It will be pretty awesome you mean
We are very lucky to have things work out for us, I am not sure if such a scenario like this has happened too many times in the Industry, we are very fortunate that Skybound are passionate and loving fans like ourselves
Oh, wrong thread. My bad.
Like, there is one person who mentions it on the first page, but that's what happens when you suddenly have more than one thread talking about the same thing.
You should be grateful that the game has an ending instead of scrutinising a trailer. I do not even have the final season and have not made a complaint.
What would you complain about?
Do y’all know if the final episodes will be released only on the consoles they listed? PSN, XBOX, and Switch?
Way to not sound like an asshole. Sorry you need to have cinematic relevance explained to you, not sorry you're unqualified to be in the position to decide. Louis' scenes weren't seen by as many people. Just a friendly reminder
Um, his grammar is fine. Louis’s is the correct form of possession.
Being an asshole was my intention. Read what was sent to me before you start judging me, snowflake
No it's not. All my teachers in school said spelling Louis's is wrong. Turn on subtitles when you play games and you'll see I'm right
I thought the teaser served it's purpose. I don't really need a trailer, just knowing I'll get it on the 15th is enough for me. The teaser could've been 30 seconds of just the release date and I'd still be hyped af.
That’s simply just not true. I’ve seen countless people on just the r/games subreddit who are interested in the game but are unsure about getting it due to all the shit that’s happened. I even saw some people who commented on a post showcasing this trailer on how they thought the season wasn’t getting finished until they saw this.
Honestly I almost cried tears of joy knowing that the journey we started back in 2012 is gonna be finished but beside emotion I do wish we saw more of EP3 but atleast we got a release date, a ''trailer'' because there are still people that don't know the full story what happened behind the scenes and something so I'm happy:)
I guess people are taught differently. I was taught that if someone has a name that ends with “s” to put an apostrophe “s” unless his or her name is Biblical.
End your sentences with a period, failure.
How do you not know where to place commas and periods?
It will release for PC too, they only listed the platforms where The Walking Dead: The Final Season is available to buy right now. It will return to Steam before Episode 3 releases
@SolidStryder Reading what you took out of my reply shows me how sad your life is..........................................................
You have the dumbest comebacks I have ever read. Are you like 8 or 9 or some shit? It wouldn't surprise me.
Did I take too much out of it? There wasn't much there to begin with. What's left of the periods you don't know how to use, apparently.
You need to get a life pal
And you're playing grammar nazi when you barely have a grasp on how sentence structure works? This kid serious? Ermagherd ur comebacks R bad! This assclown serious? Lol
Didn't we discuss commas and periods? You're clearly trolling, or whoever is supposed to supervise your internet exposure has failed entirely.
From reading your last comment, I have concluded that you have ingested far too many retard pills than recommended. Please consult your doctor at the earliest convenience.
At least I don't like my own comments, virgin.
I have no idea who's liking my comments, all I know is the people here generally have half a brain, and that's why they're not liking yours. Please, continue. You're a shining example of what sniffing glue results in.
Dude it's from yesterday, not a necro'd thread. Dudes retarded. Also, you just bumped it. And so did I. Oh, FUC-
Okay, if this keeps going, then there is no choice than to have a mod close it.