Why weren't Clem's relationships with Vi and Louis forced like how Javi and Kate's relationship were
Is it because Clems relationships with Louis and Vi aren't pre established?
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Is it because Clems relationships with Louis and Vi aren't pre established?
Sure, Kate and Javi know each other before the game even starts. There's history there. With Louis and Violet, you build the relationships from the ground up. It makes it feel more real. Plus, you have the option to be mean to them. Javi never gets mad at Kate, ever. That was a problem with ANF, it was forced. Telltale made the relationships optional to satisfy everyone
Javier and Kate's basic relationship itself wasn't forced, no more than say Michonne and Pete. It was the subplot(s) around it(or rather the romantic element that can pursued) that undoubtedly was.
You might wanna grammar check that title, btw.
I was typing on my phone. Also, it was forced though? because if you reject Kate, the fight and side with David in every episode the fight between Javi and David still happens regardless.
Yeah, that bugged the hell outta me. Kate is just throwing herself at you the whole game. The sink flashback, with her husband in the next room, the Wallace house flashback, the hug she gives you in Ep.4 if you decide to help David in Ep.3. I fucking love how there's a pull away option. And even if you distance yourself from Kate the whole game, she still asks you about it in the truck and if you say no, she gets all pissy. In Ep.5, if you push back against all her advances throughout the game, she goes on about how she loved you. Like, what are your emotions? And if she lives to the end of Ep.5, she doesn't want to be around you like at all. What the fuck? I've never seen someone in any game so fucking delusional. Kate is like the ex-girlfriend from Wayne's World.
Do you think they wanted Javi and Kate to be together and half assed the no romance plot as a punishment for those who went Bros Over Hoes
That's what it felt like, man. But how is Telltale going to gloss over the fact that your fucking your brother's wife?
Again: the subplot around it was.
Because it wasn't really presented as a choice, and when you DID choose, they made you the villain. Kate constantly makes passes at Javier. People misinterpret their relationship. You even have a one on one with Tripp and if you tell him that there aren't any feelings there for Kate, he'll basically tell you you're lying to yourself.
Then when it builds up to her confession where it can either turn into a beautiful thing or a train wreck from then on depending on your answer. Even if you've made it painfully obvious. Then when she smacks David, she says "I can't believe I loved either of you." In my face, as if I did something wrong. ANF had a knack for making YOU the villain in a situation where you did absolutely nothing to warrant that conflict.
She can let it all go and confess. She can be sad about the rejection. But don't make it about me when I've made it as clear as the game could let me that I don't have any feelings for her.
As for Clem's romantic relationships with Lou and Vi, they are presented as a choice, and even better, it doesn't make you out to be the villain when you do choose. Louis makes the same number of passes at Clementine as Kate does with Javier, if not more in the first 2 episodes alone. But the difference is no one is misinterpreting the relationship. No one is telling you how you should feel. And most importantly, no one is bitter about being rejected, as if that was all the development in their relationship was worth.
Louis is visibly disappointed and forces the friendship thing to save face, but he's not gonna hold it against Clem for only wanting a platonic relationship. (Even if you gave him all the signs and then reject him...that's just horrible. Anyone who did that is evil). And with Violet, she's glad to even know you, regardless of being her friend or her girlfriend.
TL:DR, Louis and Violet's relationship with you doesn't take a turn for the worse if you choose one over the other or reject their affection. All it does is turn into a different type of relationship. One that's still positive and can be built on. Kate and Javier's relationship seem to only build to a confession and if you reject it, you basically end up in a worse place than when you started. To her credit, she wants to keep distant to try to overcome her feelings for you, but again, that was allll their relationship was worth at the end of it all.
I'm not sure if you're trying to defend it, but you're doing yourself no favors by reminding everyone that the fight between David and Xavier happens regardless, for the same damn reasons, whether or not you chose to romance Kate. I'm not even getting into the fact that every episode feature a "you sure, uncle Javi??" moment if you tell her to buzz off. Even at the memorial at the end of episode 5 she was still asking. NO, Kate. Go do something useful for once.
because they didnt give a shit about anf but gave a shit about the final season
No shit, the season felt rushed. Ep.5 especially. It's less than an hour of fucks sake. Glad they turned it around.
Javi and Kate's "relationship" felt forced, not only for the fact that she chose David over Javi in the first place, and the fact that she seemed more compatible with Javi's personality (or at least David's twisted view of Javi's personality) in the first place:
"When I found out David had kids, I told him I am not changing who I am around them. And when he proposed, I reminded him I wasn't really step-mother material."
I don't hate Kate but I find it weird that a 17 year old boy and a 16 year old girl could handle rejection better than a woman in her mid 20s.
Is she in her mid 20s? Kinda thought more like mid 30s, unless that was a typo. And same here. I don't hate her. In fact, I actually kind of like her, but she acts like it's the end of the world compared to Lou and Vi, who actually handled it far more maturely than I anticipated.
Nah, I'm sure they cared, at least for a while.
Then hands changed too many times and they just said fuck it around From the Gallows.
They actually didn't meet until around the wedding, where Javier was the best man.
She & David just ended up clashing with each other over time and while she definitely ended up eating her words for the most part, likely in the name of making it work, she just started to fall out of love with him.
Eh, I felt was relatively obvious upon consideration from Part 1(where this topic was near nonexistent, mind you) that she had some sort of attachment issues.
That was eventally my thought as well.
To be fair with them, Violet had already been in a relationship that she took a long time to cope with when the worst allegedly happened and Louis is used to being met with some level of disfavor/dismissal, so it's easy. Not to mention that they still had the prospect of being with a fair amount of friends in a safe place, now including the newest ones.
By contrast, Kate spent who knows how long(because I sure don't) in an tumultuous marriage she knew wasn't exactly fit for her going in and then spent much of the outbreak with only Javier helping her raise her two stepkids while constantly on the move. And she's established to be sentimental, staunch, and occasionally somewhat clingy as well.
So I played Episode 3 of Batman Season 1 yesterday and, uh, yeah....
does Telltale just love their [forced?] romantic conflicts/misunderstandings?
She's either in her mid 20s to late 20s. Kate was supposed to be a bit older but apparently someone at telltale told the people who was working on her model that they wanted her to look younger (I think they also said to make her look more fuckable as well but I'm not too sure on that)
But yeah, I romanced Kate because she's not only would she be my type irl but I felt that she needed a better relationship than the awful one she had with David and I can see why her and Javi make sense together (even with their weird situation) but I think she should've been way more respectful about how Javi feels if he doesn't like her back, however if you kissed her in episode 1 I totally get it and it's like what you said about people who kept giving Louis the signs but turned around and said that he's just a friend, it's evil. I completely understand why people was frustrated with their romance.
Yeah, I think Grace was supposed to be in her 30s, maybe even pushin 40.
I believe fuckable was just a catch all term for how they should rework the character.
But that was definitely the prerogative.
I'm assuming you're referring to the first season's conflict? Yeah, Telltale sure does love doing that. Liked it regardless though.
That alongside hotheaded and/or ruthless "hero"-types and maybe villains that don't turn out the way one might assume.
But eh, I was relatively indifferent to it.
Like, the sequence was dumb, yes. But unlike fuckin David or even Beast, Harvey didn't bother me.
Though the [legit] tragedy and slapstick involved also could've helped.
While I did like the end result of her design, I feel slightly different knowing that detail now. Damn.
I romanced Kate as well. She's also close to what I'd like in a girl. Not my ideal girl, but she had aspects about her in her interactions with Javi that I could see myself being around irl. Though she can also be a bit trifling. In the episode 2 flashback with the glass, I could've done without her trying to make a pass at me with her husband coming in the room. Which is pretty stupid considering how shook she got when Javi, to my surprise at the time, hilariously exposes her in front of him. Keep that same energy you had not even a minute ago Kate.
Her reaction to the rejection after you kissed her is fully warranted. Well, not fully, considering Javi thought at the time that David was dead, and him being alive and looking to be there for his family complicates things, but I understand nonetheless. Kind of reminds me of the 2009 movie "Brothers" with Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman. Great movie and possibly Tobey Maguire's best performance.
Jake and Natalie's characters share a simple moment of romantic passion believing that Tobey's character is dead in the war, only for that not to be the case.
And Kate's assertiveness in the scene is sort of funny too, mainly due to Gabe and Clem's reactions after Javi got smacked.
Makes me wish they did the same with the Louis and Violet situations if you happen to lead them on. They shouldn't just take it in stride like that, but that's neither here nor there anyways.
To be a little fair, looking back at that scene gives me the vibe that she was thinking more "eh, don't worry David--he's always complainin about every little thing" than actively indulging that way.
But yeah, she probably should've been smart enough to know he'd come in the room.
Technically, she never actually said she wanted to leave David; just that she'd like to travel one day. In fact, she quickly clarifies that she wasn't serious about going on a trip with Javierr on the grounds that she just can't leave David and the kids.
Still, that reaction is funny.
Wanna know what makes it even better? Look closely.

She doesn't even touch him!
Aw man that's just priceless.