Of course to kill Lilly. I am suprised that so many people acutally believe in her redemption after everything we know about her. And we know quite a lot. She is that kind of a person that would eat her own shit to survive, but stab you in the back when she a chance.
Of course to kill Lilly. I am suprised that so many people acutally believe in her redemption after everything we know about her. And we kno… morew quite a lot. She is that kind of a person that would eat her own shit to survive, but stab you in the back when she a chance.
Not all spared Lilly because of 'redemption'. A few others I've seen here and I spared Lilly while trying to prevent AJ becoming a psycho. Had Clementine had the gun, I would've shot Lilly in a heartbeat.
Of course to kill Lilly. I am suprised that so many people acutally believe in her redemption after everything we know about her. And we kno… morew quite a lot. She is that kind of a person that would eat her own shit to survive, but stab you in the back when she a chance.
Of course to kill Lilly. I am suprised that so many people acutally believe in her redemption after everything we know about her. And we kno… morew quite a lot. She is that kind of a person that would eat her own shit to survive, but stab you in the back when she a chance.
Did anyone else tell him to not kill Lilly, hoping there was the slight chance she could be redeemed, then she goes and does THAT to James, so you instantly backed out to have her killed only to feel extremely satisfied? I know I promised James that I wouldn’t let AJ kill, but I had to let it slide just this once. I guess AJ is growing on me ?
In other news I don’t see characters as characters, I see them as actual people, and if I don’t like them or believe in them as people then I don’t care what happens to them later along the line, no matter how developed/underdeveloped they are.
Of course I told Aj to kill Lilly. She deserves to die, just like Marlon. If he turns into a psycho because he had to save people, then so be it. This is a dog eat dog world, and Aj needs to be the top dog to survive. Clem will probably die in the next episode, so Aj has to be ready to take care of himself.
I spared her. Not because I believed in her redemption (because it was obvious she was full of shit while begging) and not because of AJ either. I did that because I genuinely like her character and it'd suck if she died so soon. But that might just be me feeling nostalgic about Season 1.
I killed her. Repeatedly hit the square button in anger, just to make sure the option was chosen.
After episode 2's release, I wanted to believe that what she was doing, she was doing out of necessity, to protect her people, and that she took no joy in it... but that was not what I saw. Cutting out a kid's tongue because he "talked too much" had nothing to do with saving her people. Brainwashing a kid, forcing her to kill her twin sister had nothing to do with saving her people. Mutilating a kid even after they had agreed to cooperate had nothing to do with saving her people. This Lilly was a cruel, sadistic bitch. She deserved much, much worse and I was only too happy to get rid of her.
I am not satisfied with this from a writing perspective. No matter what happens should you chose to spare her, she is not a part of my story anymore, her character is done, has been tied up and closed for me. Looking back at it, I can't help but ask the question: what was even the point of bringing her back? Nothing we saw from this role warranted Lilly's character to embody it. It literally could've been filled by an original character - you'd be left with a minimal difference. It makes her inclusion in the fourth season feel moot, unexplored, and lacking of purpose.
Lilly was my favorite S1 character. A character whose return I eagerly awaited season after season - I did NOT see it ending this way. After all these years pondering over the character, to see her dead - something directly caused by a decision of mine no less - was a shock. I don't regret it, but it did unsettle me.
I spared her. What a fucking mistake that was. I was even willing to forgive her for cutting Louis's tongue out, how crazy that sounds, and killing Mitch. But that's it. No more chances.
I didn't believe a word she said but spared her because I told James I wouldn't let AJ kill again.... and instantly regretted it. I was 100% happy with my choices until this one. I will be replaying this decision!
Oh man please please please never remind me of what happened to Louis in Violet's route gameplay. Like really never. I have to forget about this. I mean it is not canon for me, but when I saw that scene on Youtube... FUCK, I don't think that I ever felt so freaking sorry for a fictional character. Like really never. Even Lex Luthor's and Boy Blue's stories don't feel as sad as this one...
Yeah I know. I understand it, but c'mon. It just had to be done there. It's better for him to be a psycho than to be dead. That bitch would never stop hunting them. It would be a matter of honor for her to.
Not all spared Lilly because of 'redemption'. A few others I've seen here and I spared Lilly while trying to prevent AJ becoming a psycho. Had Clementine had the gun, I would've shot Lilly in a heartbeat.
I spared her specifically because of the conversation I had with James just before we got on the boat, and then when I saw the consequence of sparing her, I immediately restarted the entire episode just to change that decision.
I would have gladly yeeted this bitch from this world but I didn't because of AJ. Lead by example and shit… Yeah sure when you know what happens afterwards it sucks because it makes you feel like you made a wrong decision but it's all about them principles. I want AJ to be better and not some kind of psycho.
I told him to spare her and immediately had the feeling that I fucked up. I was basically yelling at my TV at this point. I thought about changing that decision, but I can't let AJ become a psychotic killer even though it means losing James. But I for sure am crying over his death... I just hope that I can beat the hell out of Lilly in the next episode.
It was f*cking hard for me. But I let AJ kill her. But I swear I was afraid when he started shooting at her corpse multiple times, I was sitting in front of my TV with an open mouth... As I dont change decisions in my main playthrough I pray to god, that AJ won't snap and kill Clem in the final episode or something like that... Now I'm just living for March 26th...
I told him not to kill her, not because she doesn’t deserve to die, but because my Clementine is a pacifist. She never kills anyone she doesn’t have to, and that includes terrible people. And AJ should learn to do the same. Now, I know it backfired and got James killed but at least we had the moral high ground
I told him not to kill her, not because she doesn’t deserve to die, but because my Clementine is a pacifist. She never kills anyone she does… moren’t have to, and that includes terrible people. And AJ should learn to do the same. Now, I know it backfired and got James killed but at least we had the moral high ground
I told him not to kill her, not because she doesn’t deserve to die, but because my Clementine is a pacifist. She never kills anyone she does… moren’t have to, and that includes terrible people. And AJ should learn to do the same. Now, I know it backfired and got James killed but at least we had the moral high ground
I would have gladly yeeted this bitch from this world but I didn't because of AJ. Lead by example and shit… Yeah sure when you know what hap… morepens afterwards it sucks because it makes you feel like you made a wrong decision but it's all about them principles. I want AJ to be better and not some kind of psycho.
Revenge is a fool's game anyway
She didn’t used to be a pacifist. She used to be hardened but through her time with the Garcia’s she saw that things didn’t always have to be shitty. Then during her time between season 3 and season 4, she developed her want for there to finally be peace. It isn’t so much part of the game, but an idea I’ve been trying to portray through Clementine this season, and have been choosing every choice through this light.
I think this provides a really cool four season arc for Clementine. In Season 1, she was an innocent little girl, and yeah the world sucked but Lee protected her from the dirtier bits of it. In Season 2, Lee was no longer there to protect her. This season she lost everyone she ever knew, the new group she found, the old friends, and it all ended with the group imploding. I took the alone ending and after this, Clementine was very jaded towards the world, leading her nicely into her season 3 persona. In Season 3 she starts as someone completely angry at the world, at herself, and at the fact that she screws up every group she touches. When she meets the Garcia’s, she assumes the same thing will happen to them, but by the end, it doesn’t and they’re left relatively happy. That shook up her world view, and gave her a long time to think deeply about who she was and who she wanted to be. As AJ grew up she decided she didn’t want the Clementine of Season 3 to be his role model. And she wants to teach him that no matter what, killing is wrong. Lee taught her that, so long ago, so why would the lesson have changed? So yeah, my Clem is a pacifist, because I believe the story of the Walking Dead through all the seasons has been leading to it.
Once again this is just my interpretation of Clementine, but it’s the one I consider my canon.
I told him to kill Lilly. I wanted her to have a redemption arc like everyone, but after she cut out Louis's tongue, I decided that she was irredeemable and that she had to die.
There's something called a Moral Event Horizon and Lily crossed it a long time ago. Killing kids and drafting them into a war is already bad enough but then she cuts out Louis's tongue? She has Minerva kill her own sister to prove her "loyalty" to the group?
Lily had to go. She was too far gone by that point.
Having lost someone that you had the mother's heart on then received an ultimate second chance to make that heart beat again and the will to live... There is no room for pacifism but protectionism instead. She will kill anyone that show as a treat to her boy. She want that her last breath didn't means AJ's too, that's why she want him to be strong and brave.
KILL KILL KILL And if their were an option after dumping the whole clip into her corpse to piss on her and spit on her, and curb stomp her I would have pressed every button to do so in corresponding order.
Going in I vowed to James to not let him kill, but that was before I seen what she did to my homie Louis. I cried seeing him in the state he was. Louis was a beautiful soul and all I could replay was him singing "oh my darling clementine" and knowing he'd never be able to sing or even make his jokes again. I couldn't handle my emotions. I already hated Lilly but that hate turned 10 fold.
I felt bad turning against James, but hearing the bullets squish into that evil, useless bitch's muscle tissues was soothing. May she rot in hell with her scum bag tyrant racist father.
In the span of a couple seconds, this became my favorite choice of all time in a Walking Dead game (alongside killing Kenny). Just incredibly satisfying and cathartic. I told Lily from the start she would die and I held onto that promise. And me and AJ did it. It's over.
i'm honestly wondering if people are really thinking Telltale has done anything secretly in-depth with Lily's character, and that there's some payout if you continue to let her be the proud asshole she is. She's literally just a straight up villain.
I don't think there's anything more to it and I don't think the TT writers are doing anything beyond what's presented in front of you. No guys, Lily is really just irredeemable.
She didn’t used to be a pacifist. She used to be hardened but through her time with the Garcia’s she saw that things didn’t always have to b… moree shitty. Then during her time between season 3 and season 4, she developed her want for there to finally be peace. It isn’t so much part of the game, but an idea I’ve been trying to portray through Clementine this season, and have been choosing every choice through this light.
I think this provides a really cool four season arc for Clementine. In Season 1, she was an innocent little girl, and yeah the world sucked but Lee protected her from the dirtier bits of it. In Season 2, Lee was no longer there to protect her. This season she lost everyone she ever knew, the new group she found, the old friends, and it all ended with the group imploding. I took the alone ending and after this, Clementine was very jaded towards the world, leading her nicely into her season 3 persona. In Season 3 she starts as som… [view original content]
KILL KILL KILL And if their were an option after dumping the whole clip into her corpse to piss on her and spit on her, and curb stomp her… more I would have pressed every button to do so in corresponding order.
Going in I vowed to James to not let him kill, but that was before I seen what she did to my homie Louis. I cried seeing him in the state he was. Louis was a beautiful soul and all I could replay was him singing "oh my darling clementine" and knowing he'd never be able to sing or even make his jokes again. I couldn't handle my emotions. I already hated Lilly but that hate turned 10 fold.
I felt bad turning against James, but hearing the bullets squish into that evil, useless bitch's muscle tissues was soothing. May she rot in hell with her scum bag tyrant racist father.
If Clem had the gun, I wouldnt have hesitated for a second. It was a pretty tough decision though as I really didnt want AJ to kill another person, but I had to go with that decision. In that world you have to kill to survive. You have to kill the right people and AJ didnt kill anyone without reason up to this point. Marlon was a murder, a traitor, a coward and coulldnt be trusted anymore. And I dont have to say anything about Lilly. Also I told Lilly from the first meeting that I wont let her get away with all the things she did. I told her I would kill her in her sleep aswell. I am concerned that AJ shot all these bullets when she was already dead, but he must have been scared and angry as f*ck. But who am I to judge, my Clem watched Kenny smashing Carvers skull, so...
I thought, I need to set an example for AJ. I told AJ we don't kill disarmed people. She begs for her life. She says she will back off and won't bother us again. And I believed her.
And she kills James.
Reloaded and told AJ to pull the trigger. Now THAT was a justified kill, not even sorry. Seems like you showed up in hell before I did after all Lilly.
So did I as I said in other threads I would kill Lilly the first chance I got that those not get game over
Of course to kill Lilly. I am suprised that so many people acutally believe in her redemption after everything we know about her. And we know quite a lot. She is that kind of a person that would eat her own shit to survive, but stab you in the back when she a chance.
I spared her because of what James said about not letting AJ become a murderer,then James died,oh well,i'll get her next time
Not all spared Lilly because of 'redemption'. A few others I've seen here and I spared Lilly while trying to prevent AJ becoming a psycho. Had Clementine had the gun, I would've shot Lilly in a heartbeat.
Hell, she can even amputate Louis' tongue for shutting him up. What a fucking monster, Lilly deserved to die. She is not a good person anymore.
This is what you get for listening to someone who thinks humanity is better than justified murder. This game and GTA 4 proves that.
Did anyone else tell him to not kill Lilly, hoping there was the slight chance she could be redeemed, then she goes and does THAT to James, so you instantly backed out to have her killed only to feel extremely satisfied? I know I promised James that I wouldn’t let AJ kill, but I had to let it slide just this once. I guess AJ is growing on me ?
In other news I don’t see characters as characters, I see them as actual people, and if I don’t like them or believe in them as people then I don’t care what happens to them later along the line, no matter how developed/underdeveloped they are.
Of course I told Aj to kill Lilly. She deserves to die, just like Marlon. If he turns into a psycho because he had to save people, then so be it. This is a dog eat dog world, and Aj needs to be the top dog to survive. Clem will probably die in the next episode, so Aj has to be ready to take care of himself.
I spared her. Not because I believed in her redemption (because it was obvious she was full of shit while begging) and not because of AJ either. I did that because I genuinely like her character and it'd suck if she died so soon. But that might just be me feeling nostalgic about Season 1.
I killed her. Repeatedly hit the square button in anger, just to make sure the option was chosen.
After episode 2's release, I wanted to believe that what she was doing, she was doing out of necessity, to protect her people, and that she took no joy in it... but that was not what I saw. Cutting out a kid's tongue because he "talked too much" had nothing to do with saving her people. Brainwashing a kid, forcing her to kill her twin sister had nothing to do with saving her people. Mutilating a kid even after they had agreed to cooperate had nothing to do with saving her people. This Lilly was a cruel, sadistic bitch. She deserved much, much worse and I was only too happy to get rid of her.
I am not satisfied with this from a writing perspective. No matter what happens should you chose to spare her, she is not a part of my story anymore, her character is done, has been tied up and closed for me. Looking back at it, I can't help but ask the question: what was even the point of bringing her back? Nothing we saw from this role warranted Lilly's character to embody it. It literally could've been filled by an original character - you'd be left with a minimal difference. It makes her inclusion in the fourth season feel moot, unexplored, and lacking of purpose.
Lilly was my favorite S1 character. A character whose return I eagerly awaited season after season - I did NOT see it ending this way. After all these years pondering over the character, to see her dead - something directly caused by a decision of mine no less - was a shock. I don't regret it, but it did unsettle me.
I spared her. What a fucking mistake that was. I was even willing to forgive her for cutting Louis's tongue out, how crazy that sounds, and killing Mitch. But that's it. No more chances.
I didn't believe a word she said but spared her because I told James I wouldn't let AJ kill again.... and instantly regretted it. I was 100% happy with my choices until this one. I will be replaying this decision!
Oh man please please please never remind me of what happened to Louis in Violet's route gameplay. Like really never. I have to forget about this. I mean it is not canon for me, but when I saw that scene on Youtube... FUCK, I don't think that I ever felt so freaking sorry for a fictional character. Like really never. Even Lex Luthor's and Boy Blue's stories don't feel as sad as this one...
Yeah I know. I understand it, but c'mon. It just had to be done there. It's better for him to be a psycho than to be dead. That bitch would never stop hunting them. It would be a matter of honor for her to.
I spared her specifically because of the conversation I had with James just before we got on the boat, and then when I saw the consequence of sparing her, I immediately restarted the entire episode just to change that decision.
Eat lead, bitch.
I would have gladly yeeted this bitch from this world but I didn't because of AJ. Lead by example and shit… Yeah sure when you know what happens afterwards it sucks because it makes you feel like you made a wrong decision but it's all about them principles. I want AJ to be better and not some kind of psycho.
Revenge is a fool's game anyway
I told him to spare her and immediately had the feeling that I fucked up. I was basically yelling at my TV at this point. I thought about changing that decision, but I can't let AJ become a psychotic killer even though it means losing James. But I for sure am crying over his death... I just hope that I can beat the hell out of Lilly in the next episode.
It was f*cking hard for me. But I let AJ kill her. But I swear I was afraid when he started shooting at her corpse multiple times, I was sitting in front of my TV with an open mouth... As I dont change decisions in my main playthrough I pray to god, that AJ won't snap and kill Clem in the final episode or something like that... Now I'm just living for March 26th...
I killed her. Only did it so James could live though.
I told him to kill her, i stayed silent and she got spared but then killed james so i rewinded and told him to kill her.
I told him not to kill her, not because she doesn’t deserve to die, but because my Clementine is a pacifist. She never kills anyone she doesn’t have to, and that includes terrible people. And AJ should learn to do the same. Now, I know it backfired and got James killed but at least we had the moral high ground
I didn't want AJ to do it, I wish he would give Clem the gun.
Six or seven years into the apocalypse and a pacifist is still living?
What choices can turn Clem into a Pacifist I wanna try this.
Niko Bellic disagrees with you.

She didn’t used to be a pacifist. She used to be hardened but through her time with the Garcia’s she saw that things didn’t always have to be shitty. Then during her time between season 3 and season 4, she developed her want for there to finally be peace. It isn’t so much part of the game, but an idea I’ve been trying to portray through Clementine this season, and have been choosing every choice through this light.
I think this provides a really cool four season arc for Clementine. In Season 1, she was an innocent little girl, and yeah the world sucked but Lee protected her from the dirtier bits of it. In Season 2, Lee was no longer there to protect her. This season she lost everyone she ever knew, the new group she found, the old friends, and it all ended with the group imploding. I took the alone ending and after this, Clementine was very jaded towards the world, leading her nicely into her season 3 persona. In Season 3 she starts as someone completely angry at the world, at herself, and at the fact that she screws up every group she touches. When she meets the Garcia’s, she assumes the same thing will happen to them, but by the end, it doesn’t and they’re left relatively happy. That shook up her world view, and gave her a long time to think deeply about who she was and who she wanted to be. As AJ grew up she decided she didn’t want the Clementine of Season 3 to be his role model. And she wants to teach him that no matter what, killing is wrong. Lee taught her that, so long ago, so why would the lesson have changed? So yeah, my Clem is a pacifist, because I believe the story of the Walking Dead through all the seasons has been leading to it.
Once again this is just my interpretation of Clementine, but it’s the one I consider my canon.
It’s not really choices, more just my interpretation of her character. Read my reply to Sony12 for more detail.
I told him to kill Lilly. I wanted her to have a redemption arc like everyone, but after she cut out Louis's tongue, I decided that she was irredeemable and that she had to die.
I told him to blast her all the way to hell.
There's something called a Moral Event Horizon and Lily crossed it a long time ago. Killing kids and drafting them into a war is already bad enough but then she cuts out Louis's tongue? She has Minerva kill her own sister to prove her "loyalty" to the group?
Lily had to go. She was too far gone by that point.
Having lost someone that you had the mother's heart on then received an ultimate second chance to make that heart beat again and the will to live... There is no room for pacifism but protectionism instead. She will kill anyone that show as a treat to her boy. She want that her last breath didn't means AJ's too, that's why she want him to be strong and brave.
KILL KILL KILL And if their were an option after dumping the whole clip into her corpse to piss on her and spit on her, and curb stomp her I would have pressed every button to do so in corresponding order.
Going in I vowed to James to not let him kill, but that was before I seen what she did to my homie Louis. I cried seeing him in the state he was. Louis was a beautiful soul and all I could replay was him singing "oh my darling clementine" and knowing he'd never be able to sing or even make his jokes again. I couldn't handle my emotions. I already hated Lilly but that hate turned 10 fold.
I felt bad turning against James, but hearing the bullets squish into that evil, useless bitch's muscle tissues was soothing. May she rot in hell with her scum bag tyrant racist father.
In the span of a couple seconds, this became my favorite choice of all time in a Walking Dead game (alongside killing Kenny). Just incredibly satisfying and cathartic. I told Lily from the start she would die and I held onto that promise. And me and AJ did it. It's over.
i'm honestly wondering if people are really thinking Telltale has done anything secretly in-depth with Lily's character, and that there's some payout if you continue to let her be the proud asshole she is. She's literally just a straight up villain.
I don't think there's anything more to it and I don't think the TT writers are doing anything beyond what's presented in front of you. No guys, Lily is really just irredeemable.
And with her having a determinant death, her role in EP4 if she survives pretty much immediately tells me she's going to be a useless side-character.
We saw with Conrad what surviving a determinant death does(nothing remotely significant or important).
Too soon man
Honesty, the same
That was beautifully said. I may have to reenact that as Arthur Morgan because I can't as Clementine.
If Clem had the gun, I wouldnt have hesitated for a second. It was a pretty tough decision though as I really didnt want AJ to kill another person, but I had to go with that decision. In that world you have to kill to survive. You have to kill the right people and AJ didnt kill anyone without reason up to this point. Marlon was a murder, a traitor, a coward and coulldnt be trusted anymore. And I dont have to say anything about Lilly. Also I told Lilly from the first meeting that I wont let her get away with all the things she did. I told her I would kill her in her sleep aswell. I am concerned that AJ shot all these bullets when she was already dead, but he must have been scared and angry as f*ck. But who am I to judge, my Clem watched Kenny smashing Carvers skull, so...
I killed kenny so I'd be a hypocrite not to kill Lilly, lol bullet to the head seems to be solving all of clementines problems
I am ashamed to say that at first i didn't.
I thought, I need to set an example for AJ. I told AJ we don't kill disarmed people. She begs for her life. She says she will back off and won't bother us again. And I believed her.
And she kills James.
Reloaded and told AJ to pull the trigger. Now THAT was a justified kill, not even sorry. Seems like you showed up in hell before I did after all Lilly.