Minerva [Spoilers]
Since we all know that Minerva is a backstabbing piece of shit pardon my French... I question to the community is what are you gonna do with her if she has alive of course sense she was shot in the arrow by Violet and probably incapacitated and we could use her as captive maybe
For me I hope she does Forget Tenns wishes on redeeming her sister screw that...just hope she dies in the final episode Would you agree
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I'm going to fucking kill her. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, she's dead. Now I saved Louis and I knocked her unconscious. Violet is already angry at me for what I did, and while I will do what it takes to try and earn her forgiveness again, I'm not going to let her stop me from slitting her traitorous throat.
Here's what I'd like to do to her:
I just want the opportunity to give her the good ole' Carver Special.
Kill her. I’m assuming that Violet (Still on my side in my game) will try and drag her back with us. But this girl killed her own sister. She’s got to go.
Ps. I took great joy slamming that prison door into her.
I’d kill her but I’ve set enough bad examples for AJ so I’ll see if it’ll let me give her the Negan treatment instead
Hey @iFoRias, remember yesterday when I finally(?) admitted that I was more interested in Sophie than I was about Minerva?
That argument sure failed to pan out, didn't it?
I'm going to kill her like Kenny killed Jane. She tried that shit with me, but failed. So I'm going to have to show her how it's done.
I like the way you think.
I'm sure they'll use it as the moral dilhema to make you feel like a piece of shit in episode 4. If you abuse her or say to kill her the group will say "That's fucked up, she was just taking orders" even though you want her to die. It's gonna be one of those.
Looks like I'm the miniority but I want her to redeem herself, for Tenns sake more than anyone. She seems to really care about Tenn but she's going to have really prove herself first though. I get it, she's been through a lot and was brainwashed by the Delta but she killed her own sister and threw Clem and friends into a cell after saying she'd help them! She's really going to have to earn our trust if she wants forgiveness!
I will most likely have to kill both her and Violet. Doesn't seem like there is going to be an other way.
I like the way you think. If Violet stands in my way again, I won't hesitate to cut her down too
Minerva is simply too big threat. She has to be taken down. Violet will surely support her no matter what. After that I have to take Louis and AJ to a tropical island to live happily ever after. If they will cut out his tongue in EP4 then I'm uninstalling the game
You shouldn't validate Minerva's capacity to cause minor inconveniences as threatening because they aren't. She's not so much a threat to Clementine as she is a nuisance. Clementine's faced worse enemies, many of whom were formidable and truly dangerous, things Minerva isn't. She's no more threatening to Clem than a mouse is to a snake.
As much as it pains me to say it because I still really like Violet, I kind of agree with this. Minerva has caused too many problems, she has betrayed everyone at the school, including her own brother, and tried to kill Clementine. I have my mind made up, she’s dead, and no one will stand in my way, not even Violet.
I hope for the opportunity to beat the fuck out of her and then kill her brutally. If there was ever a prime example of someone being "too far gone", it is Minerva. She killed her own twin sister, someone she shared her mother's womb with. Any good part of Minerva shriveled and died after that. I will not allow someone like her around AJ and the other kids.