Not surprised

I didn’t have a lot of faith in the episode long before release. What a waste of Lilly’s character, did nothing with her. It was almost as pathetic as Kenny and Jane’s Season 3 deaths.
The sooner they finish this game the better
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You tell ‘em, m8.
For real man,i used to shit on Kenny's character in season 2 because they pretty much gave him the same arc he had in season 1,but at least they did something with him,the writers tried.
But they didn't even try with Lilly,they brought her back for no reasons,and made her an antagonist,she doesn't even feel like she's a real person,she's just another "villain of the week",she has 4 scenes in the fucking game and everyone is praising the writers for some reasons.
She doesn't even try to justify her actions like Abel did,she's just a complete asshole,what a waste.
Maybe Lilly will make a comeback in Ep.4... maybe
daily reminder
Lilly and the Delta are the only real problem with the final season
Nah, Abel and Dorian were fine.
But yeah, almost everything else sucks .
What is wrong with everyone wanting the villain to have the chance to kill everyone off as long as she gets development? Feck sake that’s not how story telling works ??♂️ The entire logic on these forums right now is blowing my mind. I lIkEd ThE fIrSt TwO ePiSoDeS, bUt A cHaRaCtEr WhO nEeDeD tO dIe Is NoW dEaD sO tHaT mEaNs ThE sEaSoN iS nOw ShIt, I sUrE dO hOpE iT eNdS sOoN!
Are you stupid ? Like,honest question,are you actually stupid ?
Because i've never said something like that,or wanted something like that or whatever.
Read my posts about Lilly and why i'm disappointed about her character and then come back to me instead of saying some stupid shit like this.
Jesus Christ.
Well it is Melton after all so like the title of this thread “not surprised”
They may have done a good job but it's not a good job with her character. I don't even mind if we don't get to talk about the past, I just wanted more interesting things to happen. The way how everyone is talking about lily is just making the transition so simple 'she was alright before but now she's bad, isn't it so COOL how the apocalypse changes people?' the apocalypse can change people, but the change should be more than what we had, she doesn't seem like a fully realised character, so much so that you could easily describe her with a few words, as opposed to characters like AJ or Kenny.
I think this is partly due to screentime. It's because of how the writers give every episode the same freaking plan. The shit always needs to go down in the last Act, because of that we barely got Lily. Unless, unless the writers intentionally gave us less Lily because they wanted to show that at this point Lily shouldn't matter anymore, it reflects her importance. Only that doesn't work because you might play a Clem who is determined to bring her back. Anyway, I enjoyed Abel's character a lot more.
People love Telltale's Walking Dead for the emotions and the many sides to stories and characters. That's why they enjoyed Season 1 and 2 so much. But with TFS, the villains we got are so lame, putting it simply.
The fuck are you talking about? The thread is going on about Lilly being under-utilised, when it reality it’s a fucking good thing u fucking tit job ? now let me ask you a question... are you stupid? How can you srsly not see my point? I’m questioning why people want villains who are an obvious danger to the cast we hold way to dear to live, just as long as we get a nice little bit of backstory from the times they worked at that burger joint.
Jesus Christ.
Need me to spell the whole thing out to you? How about I write a goddamn sing song to walk you through how little sense it makes to want a character to live who can obviously kill off characters you want to survive. Mitch, James, Louis/violet’s finger, louis’s tongue? What other hinderance would we have to suffer in the final game. There wouldn’t be much room to right the wrongs considering we have one fucking episode left.
And I didn’t even reference you in any way shape or form, I was just making an analogy for fucksake, and now you take it personal cos you don’t know how to properly interpret comments.
Call me stupid again and I swear I’ll flip more than I already am
Yeah, that is a considerable issue with this episode: they need things to go down in the last act, but the last arc is in this case the last 9% or so of the episode.
Overall, yes.
I think Melton23 needs to chill, and realize it's only a game
Being insulted like that and not being able to do a single thing about it after months of being bashed by literally everyone who knows you tends to have that kind of effect on people
its just a forum though for expressing views or likes or in my case dislikes xD i wouldn't let it bother you so much,ive probably been called a lot worse over the years on here
No it's not,dummy.
Anyway i've talked about this enough,i think Lilly's character sucked ass,and there's nothing that will change my mind about this so let's just agree to disagree.
Pretty much.
Why would Clem want Lily back? None of her dialogue options offer Lily any sort of redemption.
You want something from Clem that doesn't even exist within her character.
Sorry ?
The whole Lily plot doesn't suit well with me, but to compare it in the same level as Kenny's and Jane's death in S3 is...a reach.
I read them, your arguments weren't particularly good, or even anything resembling what someone who's played this game for a while would expect of a seasons antagonist.
You should read my other post in the "Wasted potential" thread where i talk more about Lilly in details,and if you can't understand why Lilly was fucking trash well then i can't do anything more for you.
Ghetsis also made some good points about it.
Seriously Lilly was fucking wasted i wonder when people are going to realize that,maybe the final episode will be even worse than this one and then you people will fucking wake up.
Do you think your opinion is the only legitimate opinion out there and every other opinion is 100% factually and objectively wrong?
I don't know if that was the thread I replied to you in, honestly it's been a long week and I'm tired as hell so I don't particularly care. For better or worse, this season does draw heavily upon the first in many regards, and again, her presence TFS and actions are really nothing that the first season failed to build to. And if I'm being honest, after ANFs user friendly bullshit, it's nice to see them not treat fans like fickle assholes. You want to be a condescending prick, more power to ya.
You want to insult Melton because he's calling you out on your comprehension, you just look like a moron. The point of season 1 wasn't the stranger, the point of season 2 wasn't Carver. Every one of them boiled down to a more internal conflict at the end rather than a big bad the hero must face. You're trying really hard to prove a point that never existed, and you're doing it against your betters. Stop.
No,i'm not gonna stop,i'm not gonna change my mind i think Lilly sucked and if you guys can't see it then it's your problem,get over it.
Yeah this episode sucked a lot of potatoes with some pickles too
I don't have a problem or care about it, fuck off if you're going to insult my friends who don't share your ignorant view on things.
Well then stop complaining,Melton was just being stupid and had no idea what he was talking about,i mean it's the same guy who liked A New Frontier so i'm not surprised.
Rias, cool it and reflect.