The Saddest Part of Ep.3?
This episode was a big one. And I've got thick skin, guys. I laugh at the most offensive and toxic jokes, but this shit is so fucking sad. I'll do a list from most to least depressing.
1. Louis' tongue.( Poor fucking kid, man. I'll never look at "Oh my darling" the same way again. He was cries were so fucking sad but he still managed to smile.)
2. Violet's backstory.( Her parents didn't love her. No one has ever loved her and she has loved no one until Clementine.)
3. Jame's death.( I didn't choose this option, but it's so damn depressing. The second he puts his neck on the line, he dies. But part of me is thinking, "Clem, did you not see Lilly coming for him? The fuck?"
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Flashback with Lee was the only sad part for me.
Finding Louis with no tongue for sure.
The Lee flashback and Louis.
Louis's tongue, easy. My heart broke for that poor bastard.
Finding out Minerva killed her sister. That’s just screwed up.
Regarding the original post, pretty sure that at one point Violet loved Minerva and vise versa. Clementine definitely isn’t the first loves she’s felt.
Louis with no tongue. Was messed up.
I cried here

Other than that Vi's backstory and finding Louis.
I cried with the Lee part, just because it's Lee lol. It was such a huge nostalgia trip. I got the lame cut scene on the train too, you guys got the awesome one. But they are both so sad seeing her talk with him.
Which ones can you get?
I'm not sure, but I know I got one where I was on a train with Lee and my Clementine was young Clem from season 1. Everyone seems to be posting screenshots with a grown up Clem. I guess your decisions effect it. My Clem says "You'd Be proud Lee" and he says "You mean more proud than I already am..." and it was a special moment.
i got the train as well.
Is that even a question? Finding our buddy Louis with no fucking tongue. They really couldn't have do more harm to him than this. A bullet in the head would feel better than this.
Didn't you save Louis ?
That was a shocker Louis is an idiot but no one should have there tongue cut out
I sure as hell did. Didn't change the fact that I saw this scene on YT on Violet's route.
Eh it's not canon for you, your Louis is all good
Hearing Lily ramble on about how tough of a parent Larry was on her as a kid. I felt so bad Clementine had to sit through that.
me too
I cried at the party because I knew this would be the last time we would see these characters this happy, cried again when Violet started singing, and was out of tears by the time we got to see Dreamtime Lee. Louis's part just gave me PTSD.
Yeah I know, I know. But STILL...
I cried during Violets song when AJ looks up sadly at Clem... it hit me hard how much shit he's gone through in his short life and I just want him to be safe and happy.
Then the sadness momentum carried through to the Lee flashback, but this scene was more cathartic than anything.
I was more disturbed and horrified than sad when finding Louis with his tongue cut out.
Does anyone actually cry? Every time something really sad happens or is spoken of, I'm just there like “Oh. How unfortunate of you....." While my face is like
. I wish I could cry over sad things but I guess I lack the sentiment.
I cry very fast in movies and video games, if they are well made. And holy moly, tje scene where AJ talked to Clem about the possibility of her getting bitten... and the argument, including AJ running sway, afterward made me tear up. The scene with Lee was emotional, but not too sad in my opinion. I didnt feel sad, but proud of Clem
And i saved Louis, so no missing tounge ?
Everyone got the same one, Clementine just transitions into her Final Season appearance after she hugs Lee
"God, how many of us died?"
No other scene mentioning death got to me like the one at Ericson's, because these are just kids, and it makes so much sense that they would drop like flies, especially without adults to help them. It's why Louis/Violet are so bitter that they were left there to die when they were supposed to have gotten help for their problems.