Louis (Spoiler)
So reading the forums, alot of people got Louis's tongue cut off, while mine didn't. I let Violet get captured (since i knew she would manage being tough and all) and i risked AJ biting the women's ear off. I saw play throughs where if AJ didn't do anything, his fingers get chopped off. How the heck does my boy Louis get his tongue cut off
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It's only cut if you save Violet and Louis gets captured. You don't see it but you learn about it. And boy is it hard to watch...
It happened offscreen sometime after he, Aasim, and Omar were captured.
It's implied that Lilith may have done it herself.
They could have just tied him up and gagged him. There was no need to cut his tongue off. That was so sad
It was the toughest moment of the episode for me. You're lucky you got a different story. I was wondering though, What happens to Vi? I thought they'd cut her tongue off if you saved Louis but thank god they don't.
Basically that bitch Lilly cuts his tongue out and it scars him so bad he's cowering in a corner crying every time he hears foot steps approach, literally screams in horror when he sees Lilly because he was abused so badly and tortured for talking. It's a disturbing moment.
Like they couldn't just stick some cloth to his mouth to make him shit his mouth. Those Delta idiots really think that if they will just torture everyone, they will magically obey? I'm glad that it isn't canon in my playthrough, but still seeing him like this on Youtube. Holy fucking shit. Violetine fans should really be grateful that they didn't have to experience something like this.
I am so glad I chose to save my boy Louis! I watched a playthrough of what happens if Louis gets captured and it was tough to watch but his reaction to Clem is so much nicer than Violets!
Violet just sulks in the corner, hates on Clem then helps Minnie when Clem tries to escape...
Kinda annoying actually that everything bad happens to Louis while Violet gets away scott-free (Louis has the possibility to get shot, loose his tongue and loose his finger - Luckily none of this happened to mine because I am team Louis so we must protect the boy! Also I thought Violet was tougher and would be able to handle herself.)
Yeah, it was horrifying
. I cried during that part a bit just thinking of the old Louis and him singing to Clem and the openly happy and fun person he was. Them taking that from him. That useless evil bitch. My AJ made her pay. Pay with blood! I hope she rots in hell with her piece of shit fat cunt father.
Nothing worse could happen to him really. If they would cut off his hand, I'm sure as shit that he would joke about this in a week of time...
Cutting Louis' tongue off is like cutting out what makes him Louis, he's theatrical, a talker. So it's a big big ooft for his character. Just makes me glad I saved him.
Louis had a pretty good showing in my playthrough. He got his first kill and still has all his body parts (he does have a bullet hole from episode 2). I'm scared for the next episode though.
No one in my playthrough got hurt. AJ may have gotten kicked around a bit, but he's an animal so he's fine.
I got a feeling Violet will be losing an eye in the next episode to make it even.
Especially with this kind of feedback.
I think he maybe part Honeybadger
It still wouldn't be even to be honest.
Looking at some other comments after writing this, you maybe right. We leave her behind once we make sure she can't get back to us.
Yeah, seriously.
That's part of what makes it fuckin disgustin to me.
I laughed.
Yeah. Horrible. And you know what's the worst part? Originally, it was planned that Louis was only gagged and that's all...
My Louis is safe and sound of course, but if they will do something to him in Episode 4 then we will have some serious talk with Skybound))
Yeah, I saw that.
And it's like...really? So, a random, not currently vouching thought on my part was actually the original plan?
I'm wondering who actually changed that. Skybound guys or Telltale guys (before they went bankrupt). The scene itself was written perfectly, not gonna lie. I have never felt so bad over a fictional character when I was watching it on YT.
It was harsh, but I guess that was one way to let him know he talks too much lol
I fucking hate Violet now. If I played the game myself, I would have chosen Louis as well. I thought Violet was cool in the first episodes but now she is betraying Clementine because she didn't save her from getting capture, she even tries to stop her from escaping even after hearing what Minnie did to her sister. Fuck Violet and fuck her garbage girlfriend.
Louis never deserved to lose his tongue like that. I'd rather be annoyed by a mad bitch than cry over fucking abusement.
Don't worry. Louis is all good and fine in the only right and canon playthrough which is obviously the Louis' route.
Eh, maybe the reveal in and of itself.
But otherwise, it just blew.
Ah okay so now ik how. Damn Lilly really is crazy i thought Delta was another Carver runned community (Carter was tough tbh i didnt think he was bad) but knowing this? Definitely will make sure Delta gets shut down any way i can. I feel stupid for saving AJs humanity but then again maybe next episode he gets mad at them for killing James and AJ and Clem set out to finish what Lilly started. Great episode imo. Also also, this is why i let Violet get captured, i knew i just knew she wouldn't mess around or could handle whatever they throw at her
Oh yeah. She handeled it that well that she betrayed her own people and it took her only one day to switch sides.
Vi doesnt get physically harmed but she is emotionally at Clem. She refuses to help her and when she tries to pick at the door once Lilly has left she gets into a physical fight with Clem which leads to Minnie opening the door, Clem will kick open the door and after Louis accidently kills someone Minnie gets distracted and then Clem knocks her out.
Violet stays with Minnie and still refuses to go with Clem.
So basically she hates you
Well. She is a traitor afterall.
I mean handled as in she did whatever was told behind the scene, reason she was unharmed. I could get why she was mad but she was over the top. She didn't have to betray clem especially after hearing what that Minerva punk did to her own sister. I could see how Louis gets his tongue cut, he probably refused everything that was being asked of him or he kept mocking/joking with Lilly. I feared something like that would happen so i saved him instead
Smart guy you are. I would never think about it that way.
Louis is that one guy in the group who tries to lift everyone's spirits. You need someone like him in an apocalypse or you'll drive yourself crazy, doesn't have to do with what i said but i thought id point that out. He's a really good written character kinda reminds me of omid
Not just in a game, but in real life too. Need humor to get by during work and in life.
As for my Louis, he didn't get any of his body parts cut off.
You know, you've always dogged on Vi, but I'll give you it this time. Louis got his fucking tongue cut out and still didn't switch sides. I'm just glad I didn't get the episode where Vi betrays the group as a Vi fan. It's truly sad to here. I think both routes are equally sad in different ways.
I think they did a brilliant job though, because the one you save is clearly the one you care about, the one you let get captures is typically the one you didn't romance unless you're nuts. So you see the other character get screwed. It's still very hard to sit through.
If you choose to save Vi though, she literally murders her best friend for you and the romance intensifies. I love my playthrough story so far. I did everything I wanted to. I might go back and not torture abel though. Started to regret it.
I honestly hadn't thought about him continuing to run his mouth when I made the choice, the outcome was a nice surprise for me.