Who is worse? Minerva or Jane? "SPOILERS OF EPISODE 3"
Both have sisters but each of them has a different fate and both care more about survival than family.
Jane left her sister to die, she provoked a man who lost his family by leaving a baby in a frozen car where he could have died just to prove that he is crazy which was completely unnecessary. If you stick around with her, Jane will commit suicide due to pregnancy which was caused by her own decisions, leaving Clementine and AJ behind without a note.
Minerva cares more about survival than looking out for her siblings, she killed her own sister because she had an opposite opinion and blames Clementine for destroying her former group when she is the one who didn't want to come back to the school, thus causing the death of Marlon, Brody and Mitch.
Overall, I think both characters suck but Minerva is the one that makes me angry the most. She deserves to die, there is no reason for her to reunite with her little brother.
Minerva. Jane gave a little shit about Clem. Minerva basically betrayed everyone she knew. Even her own brother. No to say that she even murdered her own sister.
Let's not pretend Jane just up and left her sister. Her sister didn't want to continue on. I remember her saying something like her sister stopped wanting to fight. Minerva out right killed her sister, because she wanted to leave delta. Minerva is worst IMO.
Gonna kill that redheaded demon first chance I get.
In terms of writing or as a person overall?
Person overall
Minnie is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. Forced to kill her sister and manipulated by fear. Jane was just an idiot who thought she had a good idea on paper. Minnie is worse, but so is her situation. Let her cross me again though. I'll put an end to her situation real quick.
Probably still Jane, but honestly, the fact that I even asked that should set off some flags.
Minerva. She's worse than Eleanor and those who know me knew how much I HATED Eleanor. Eleanor may have stabbed everyone in the back, but Minnie stabbed her sister in the back....literally
. She's fighting against her friends for people who don't care about her. Jane never would've done that.
I think you know the answer.
Minerva because Jane never killed her sister she left her behind on the roof top at her sisters request minutes later she was assumed eaten while Minerva shot and killed Sophie
Like that's better.
I just hope that we get an option in the finale to kill/humiliate Minerva, I wasn't surprised at her back-stabbing act, but almost killing Clem is too much, thanks to Violet/Louis for not letting that happen.
P.S. Even though Louis just shot Amanda Waller and not Minerva like Violet did
I can definitely see the similarities between both Minerva and Jane. They both reacted out of fear. Neither of them wanted to die. And in the end, it cost the lives of their sisters. However, I do believe Minerva is worse. Jane and Jaime(?) were both cornered by walkers. Jane said she couldn’t throw her, or push her, or whatever. So she left her. My point is that Jane TRIED to save her sister. Jaime lived as long as she did because of Jane. Why should Jane get herself killed (horribly might I add) because her sister wanted to die? It was either one of them, or both of them. I have no doubt that if Jane had the chance to save Jaime, she would’ve. Minerva, is a little different. In order to prove her “loyalty” to the Delta, she straight up killed Sophie. Her own twin sister. I hope we can learn a little bit more in Take Us Back on how the whole thing went down, so we can get more insight on what the hell Minerva was thinking.
I’m not sure that joke works
I don't know man, I think ZA messed her up a bit
I'm pretty sure it does.
...Nah, if anything, it's an indirect upgrade.
Who needs Deadshot when you ARE a dead shot?
I never saw Jane as a malevolent person. Sociopathic and cunning, yes. Actually, Jane being a smart, survival-minded person who is rationally minded about the world around her is what I appreciated about her the most. Even with putting AJ in the car and lying to Kenny about it I appreciated the dedication she had to showing Clem who Kenny really is and how she should stay away from people like him. She was willing to die to help Clem realize life lessons about people. She really had no obligation to care about Clem but she did.
Minerva is just stupid.
Idk. I don’t think they look the same
I thought you were talking about Pane and Minnie for a second.
I like the way you think

Personally, I wanna give her the most brutal beat down she’ll ever get while yelling ”TAKE THAT!” and “TASTE THE PAIN!” at her.
Minerva obviously, she killed her sister that is really messed up shit.
I knew she sounded like someone I've heard before. So Waller voices her.
John Doe is avenged at last. In another game.
She's going down, that's for sure
Minerva’s only chance of surviving Clementine is me having the option to spare her while saying “I’ve got bigger fish to fry”, and the chances of that being an option are slim to none.
Oh really? Huh.
Also, spoilers.
Yeaaah, that would be VERY satisfying
Clearly Minerva.
Yeah, Jane gave up on her sister, left a little baby out in a snowstorm, where AJ could have been killed and maybe even Clem injured or something. Like risking for Kenny to fully snap or something, idk. Then she abandoned Clem with a baby because she was stupid enough to have sex in the apocalypse (Like really, did she really not think that she would get pregnant?) and not wanting to stand straight for her actions. So Instead she killed herself rather than giving birth to a baby without even telling Clementine anything about the situation. Surely they could have managed to take care of it.
BUT it's not like Jane only did wrong things. She came back for the group, mostly for Clem, but still. Against her beliefs she risked her life for them and helped. She also taught her some very important skills and lectures to survive, took care of her. And to say something against the argument about her sister: she did leave her behind, but no one knows how bad her sister's condition was at this time. Maybe even worse than Sarah's. That or she didn't try enough to keep her going? Anyway, Jane's decision to just leave her to her faith is a horrible thing to do as a sister, but understandable in view of surviving.
And now there is Minerva. Obviously, she has been brainwashed over the time by the raiders and regrets her actions, which she tries to push away by some ridiculous reasons why it actually was good to KILL YOUR OWN SISTER. And just like that I come to the most important fact: meaningless if brainwashed or not, nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING justifies such a cruel act. If she didn't have a good relationship with Sophie then sure, I could have at least understood it a bit. But this seems to be the complete opposite. Brainwashed or not, mostly in the apocalypse you should never be able to kill the last ones of the family you have. Sophie wanted to go back to their real home, to their friends, their family. I don't understand how the raiders managed to get that out of Minerva's head. And for Minerva it should have been even more important to return, for Violet. Who she doesn't even show any feelings for afterwards, except that one hug. But right after that she just snorts at her about being unable for a leadership, determinately. Just... what kind of friend and girlfriend does that? And then blaming Clem for getting people killed while she just killed her own sister around a couple of months ago? Like WTF STFU GIRL... (just for the info, that was my original reaction to that). Btw doesn't she know anything else than the words "Yes ma'am"? Ok, that's not really a reason for this, but it bothered me anyways XD Yeah I totally hate Minnie if you didn't notice.
Do you mean who was a worse sister? Or who was a worse person. I’d say Minerva was definitely a worse sister because unlike Jane’s sister who just wanted to die, Sophie probably wanted to live and just go home. I’d say Jane is still overall a worse person because she was years older then Minerva and wasn’t getting brainwashed by tough ass military trained survival machine. What I mean is Minerva was getting completely brainfucked by Lily, and judging off how the other kids talked about Minerva she seems like she was a good person before getting kidnapped, and who knows she may come around in episode 4. Jane on the other hand is just a fucking moron from the beginning to the end, whether it’s simply because she is a terribly written character or not, she just does the most reckless stupid shit and we all know so I don’t need to go listing the examples.
The fact minnie killed her sister is horrific and probably makes her one of the evilest characters in the game
I prefer calling her Minerva than Minnie. She doesn’t deserve a nickname lol
Esentially this thread is a spoiler in itself since Minerva just appears on this episode so wut 2 do m7
It's only because I still haven't played the Season 1 finale of Batman and had no idea Amanda Waller was even in Season 2.
So just a me thing.
Minerva still cares about everyone not getting killed on the boat. Jane doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself, so Jane is the worst.
Are you daft(I was gonna ask a much worse question, so take this as me respecting you enough to not ask it.)? Jane was willing to rob Arvo for his medicine so that the people within her group could use it, and came back for Clementine when the soviets launched an attack on them, saving everyone. She made sure Clementine had 4 walls and food before she killed herself, and taught Clem her little tips and tricks to surviving the apocalypse, which still have an effect on how Clementine survives today. Jane never killed anyone who wasn't looking for trouble. She's already a much better person than Minnie, someone who supports kidnapping children against their will to die for the Delta's cause, someone who stood idly by as Louis, her so-called FRIEND, got his tongue cut out by Lily, and KILLED HER OWN SISTER who just wanted to be free.
I'm not going to jump on this bandwagon hate for a character that has like 4 scenes and a couple lines of dialogue. It's stupid. If Minerva does some fucked up shit still after Lilly is dead, then yes I'll admit she'll be at least close to being as bad as Jane. But as it goes, she's nowhere near her.
Sucka please. Carver's camp was too fucking big for just 2 people, there is no way they had every SINGLE entrance secured in that place. Also, how do you know they had food? I thought Jane said the family stole a lot of their supplies, leaving them low on food management.
Yeah and all they used is Oxy for Rebecca and that's it. Who knows what they did with the rest of the stuff? You don't even see anyone carrying those supplies on the way to the church (The place nobody ever mentioned again after Episode 4)
Except she provoked a man, who lost his family, into killing her by leaving a defenseless baby in a frozen wrecked car with a window open which could have got him killed. All Kenny wanted is to bring Clem and AJ to a safe place.
Not saying Minnie is better, she is probably WAY worse but Jane isn't innocent either.