Javier Return
Does anybody think that Javier will make a return in episode 4, since Abel briefly mentions Richmond in th interrogation scene. I think that Richmond is at war with the Delta and we’ll reunite with Javier for the first time since Season 3.
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Telltale said that Garcias will not come back. Anyway when he said something about Richmond, he probably meant the region, not "New Richmond".
To be fair episode 4 was rewritten by skybound, at least most of it was, so we never know at this point
I would not mind because at least that cast was better than the final season’s.
I am glad I made you laugh and question my seriousness. ?
God I hope not. **** everyone from ANF.
No, don't wanna risk the mf bringing Gabe with him
What Abel said was a bait,we're never gonna see what's actual going on with the Delta and who they're fighting against,and the devs said that we won't see the Garcias this season,sorry.
By the same people who wrote Episode 4 with Telltale.
(I think)
There are some new people on board, but nethertheless you never know what can or cannot be rewritten
There haven't done any major rewrites,they're sticking to the original plan Telltale had,they made some minor rewrites but nothing huge.
But the people doing the rewrites (which were small in scale) were the former Telltale staff.
But if he does, then we can rub either Louis or Violet in Gabe's face. If Gabe wasn't already dead in my version of the game, I know I would want that.
Despite the bad taste ANF left, like I keep saying, I'd still like to see Javier and the crew again. I know it won't happen, but I'd like to see them. Javier especially since he was one of ANF's only saving graces.
It would seem kind of weird for Skybound to generate such goodwill and publicity by not only picking up the second half of the season, but also reforming so much of the original team, just to put new people in there to change the original teams story. These are probably minor changes, especially considering I seem to remember hearing an interview where they said they started with the ending, then worked on how to get there.
Clem: omg Gabe you need to meet my gf/bf!

Skybound are telltale goddammit, I guess it's their own fault for always calling themselves Skybound and not 'published by Skybound, developed by Telltale' if something was rewritten, it would have been rewritten anyway, no matter who was paying them
If he does return, I hope he brings Eleanor with him so I can murder her with Clem’s bare hands.
Imagine if Gabe was kidnapped and one of the soldiers and we just bump into him, so we just shoot him immediately
on second thought please add this fam, i wish we could have murdered him fuck mercy killing him smh
Why do you dislike her?
She’s a backstabbing bitch. She snitched on all of her friends.
I still prefer her to the final season’s cast any day of the week.