How hard did you llaughing about Willy being sent tothe boarding school?
How hard did you laugh about Willys reasons was sent to boarding school?
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How hard did you laugh about Willys reasons was sent to boarding school?
It started with a chuckle, then a smirk, then a face rub followed by me thinking to myself “relatable”
Hardest I’ve probably laughed at a computer game. Did NOT expect that...
Mostly cringed at thinking how young he was, like-really? He must've been barely out of diapers when he was sent to Ericson's.
Didn’t laugh, i thought it was stupidly weird and an oversight by Telltale because he wouldn’t have been masturbating at like 6 years old then getting sent to the school. How old is he now btw?
13 at most.
I did not find it amusing; not because I do not have a sense of humour or anything, but it was poor writing.
I like how TellTale name him Willy and his "troubles" has to do with is little willy. AJ's facial expression was the best, when Tenn told him what Willy's problem means.
The solution to willy's problem
Was that necessary?
I chuckled a bit.

Clem's "Don't you dare" was hilarious though
Especially since/if she points at Willy AND Violet.
And then Tenn like a ninja.
I laughed in my head. I smiled when Clementine said "Don't you dare".
I was absolutely fucking disgusted
Yes, because it's difficult to explain it in words on how to solves willy's problem, so I post a pic. A pic is worth a thousand words.
Where there’s a will there’s a way, and since Willy’s a chronic beef jerker, he’d definitely find a way?
Life uhh...finds a way.
Wowser. Hey, I sound like Max.
I don't think I laughed actually. I had similar reaction to Clem. Basically I was just "ehhhhhhh.... ummmm....".
The real hillarious scene was Louis killing Dorian. The circumstances were really serious, everything was happening so fast. Generaly it was intense and then it happened:
(Dorian puts her hand at Louis' shoulder)
Dorian: What the hell is going on here?
Louis: OH FUCK!!!!!!!!
(Louis shoots her unintetnionally)
TBH the first time I played it, I wasn't really paying attention, and I thought what Willy said, was the reason why Louis got sent to the boarding school.
I'm not sure why everyone is weirded out about how young he was when he was sent there. Kids do sometimes start masturbating that early, and the fact he had a chronic issue means that he couldn't control himself.
Idk if it's been mentioned, probably not because this is super dark, but it's possible he experienced some sort of sexual abuse. That often leads to children acting out sexually, and they dont really understand what they're doing or why it's bad.
The scene is funny, but the undertones are a little sad and worrying.
I love how she's asking him--the prisoner who's fingers she determinately just chopped off.
Then again, given how she spoke to AJ...
As hilarious as her reaction is, how does she know I mean I hate to be that guy, but last season, she vaguely knew what her period was, and if she has been on her own with AJ for most of the time between the events of ANF and TFS, then who explained this to her?
I wondered that when she could claim Larry was racist.
Probably Badger, though.
Clem and Badger never interacted.
Well she did end up in the Mccarol Ranch in between
... Maybe she learned about it there?
I agree, I was mortified. Me and my neighbor played through the episode, she happens to be chairman of the chessmaster's association of Helensberg. We are Ivy league scholars and god fearing Christians. So when we heard such a distasteful joke it really rattled us. I had to shut the console off, and we sat face in hand worried about if it poisoned our minds or not and we had to partake in rehabilitation prayer. I cleansed myself with the holy water as one does when violated by the thought of sinful ways and went about my day playing wholesome games like Are you smarter than a fifth grader for the nintendo Wii. Truly a great title. It made all better again.
He originally came to Prescott looking for her.
And he and Clint were supposed to be present in the flashback sequence for Above the Law, but both were removed.
Also, given that he's one of David's men, nevermind a lieutenant, one would think they'd be familiar anyway.
Kids learn about masturbation naturally, of course Clementine knows what it is. I'm really confused as to why yall think that kids have to be told what masturbation is.
AJ is an exception because he's still young enough that he hasn't had those urges yet.
Pretty sure they probably wouldn't call it that, though.
Well no, but context clues are enough that they can understand "oh, that's what it's called."
Also I know every family is different, but I learned about sex before periods. This is bc younger kids are likely to...explore themselves so you have to be like "hey, i know it feels good, but that's private and we dont do it in public" lol. Maybe Willy didnt get that talk.
No, he came to Prescott because Javi was there and he told Max that Javi attacked and killed his men. He and Max had absolutely no idea that Clem was there at the time.
Then why did Clint not know who she was when Max tells them that Rufus saw Javi and Clem working together. I actually think both are still present in the flashbacks, but we still never saw them interact, which was the point I'm saying.
All I could think back to is when he eye raped Clem in episode 1. I always knew something was fishy about good ol Willy but I just couldn't put a finger on it lol. I thought it mighta just been a harmless "in awe of a new comer" type thing. But this makes it more odd in hindsight. Willy is a sexual deviant. He was mere moments from relapse. He must have coping tactics now. I assume mitch showed him how to make bombs to cope. What a solution
I guess.
Same here.
Those come from unused voice clips within the game's files.
The final version obviously put more focus on Javier's conflict with them and seemingly removed him & Clint from the flashback for some reason, respectively. I can sorta understand them doing the latter since Clint asks that, but that also raises the question of why didn't they have Joan ask then. No real reason for Badger's absence, though.
Repent. Repent. Repent.
You're playing the walking dead.
..."Kids do sometimes start masturbating that early, and the fact he had a chronic issue means the he couldn't control himself."
It's also possible that he sexually abused (that is masturbated) other kids too. That happens in a lot of cases of sexual abuse.
Cheese and Rice.
Very true.
After dwelling on it, I dont find the scene very funny anymore. It's more sad than anything, when you think about what his past and home-life must have been like, that caused him to have this issue.
Makes the fact that Mitch died even sadder, as they had such a close relationship and he probably helped Willy with his issues.