Is Minerva Redeemable?
I know she considers herself irredeemable despite your efforts to convince her to rejoin the group. And yeah she's done some pretty fucked up things. I think that Minerva was the disloyal twin in Lilly's story and that escaping was her idea. She just pinned it on Sophie so that she wouldn't be killed. But despite all the bad shit; if you had the chance, would you kill her or let her live? I have two playthroughs so I'm doing both. I'll have her live in my Violet route and kill her in my Louis route.
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I had that same theory, but I'm more inclined to believe the story the way it was told. But it's not my place to say if she's redeemable or not. Minnie is clearly a victim to the system but at the same time, that makes her our enemy. The only one who can redeem her is herself and Tenn is the only one who can guide her to redemption. Like I keep saying, she has yet to see Tenn. We delivered Tenn's message, but Tenn needs to be the one to tell her. Not us. And she has to make her decision from there.
Based on her decision will determine what I do to her, but if possible, she needs to see Tenn first. If she can't find it in herself to change, I'll kill her given the next opportunity, which I don't really see happening. If she can find herself again through Tenn, then she's in the clear.
All that said, I don't see her living in 404, whether it be us killing her or her sacrificing herself for Tenn, I feel like she's dying. I'll actually be very, very surprised if she were to live by the end of 404
That is something a very briefly considered.
The disloyal thing, not...not whatever this is.
You don't think she could be redeemed at all? Like it Tenn were to talk to her after knowing that Lilly was about to shoot him? I feel like if he told her that and Lilly were alive, Minerva would try to kill her herself and help you instead. She chose Lilly over family before, but it's different when it's Lilly trying to pull the trigger on Minnie's family.
I don't even consider her a person... her mind is broken, she is basically a haunted shell of a person at this point. There is no coming back from the things she has done.
Not to me. She's been completely brainwashed. Unlike James, she doesn't feel guilty for murdering someone close to her.
Not just someone close to her, but her own twin sister. Someone who looks exactly like you, someone you have shared your own mother's womb with. Minnie needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
They're twins. Not identical twins. There's a difference.
Nah mate...she's brainwashed and long gone in the apocalypse there's no time for redemption to these kind of people....they deserve to die.
Oh rly there's a difference between identical and fraternal twins??? /s
And when was it ever confirmed they weren't identical? They look the same in the scrapbook photo
The cinematography implies that she does, but whatever.
To me, no. She had a chance to help us, even after I told her that Tenn forgave her, and she still sided with the Delta. Her admitting to killing her own sister is just icing on the cake. So no, I don't think there's redemption for her and I'll personally kill her myself, regardless of what Violet and the others may want.
I really want her to be redeemable and I am prepared to give her a chance but after everthings that happened, my guard will be up until she prooves herself. However, as it's the final episode I have a very strong feeling she's going to sacrifice herself to protect Tenn.
I think she will be.

When Lilly's talking about what happened to Sophie you can see Minnie in two states:
1. She appears to regret what she has done, her voice doesn't inspire confidence and sounds wimpery
2. She is now serious and thinks what she's done was the right choice, her voice is now full of confidence and anger perhaps
Either way I'm probably leaving / killing her or maybe try to redeem her just to see what happens
Tying in with my initial comment, there's also a point where Lilith is seen giving her a really subtle and brief side glance.
I like Minerva, but she already crossed me. Her ruin is inevitable(maybe?).
Minerva, while not innocent, is still a victim of brain-washing. She sees herself as irredeemable and much pretty much has the same insecurity as Louis does. She doesn't see herself as a good person - which right now I don't think she is either but she can always change her ways just like James did. However when Lilly is telling the story of what happened to the twins, for a moment, you can see herself regret her actions before snapping back to hardnered mode.
It's what assumed this was Lilly's mindset before episode 3, she's telling herself it's what needed to be done in order to surivie and convince herself that she can pull this tuff shit act, which she can because she went to lengths to kill her own sister.
How I see it, she just needs to come home and heal. Not everyone will be able to forgive her after what happened with Sophie and I don't blame them.
Idk if this makes any sense but what I'm trying to say is if she's willing to be helped out of the delta and change her ways she can always be redeemable.
Come home where??? Where does it look like she has a home? It sure as hell ain't Ericson's that's for sure...
I understand she a big meanie but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Thx u

What is Minerva is actually Sophie and the real Minerva is dead?????
Alright, but if your Clem ends up with an knife in the back of her neck like James, know that I'll be giving you this look

Ok dex, I will understand when you do