Would you have Ben watching over AJ or James ?
Knowing their both idiots in in totally different ways if you had to choseb either of these two to watch over AJ who would you choice ?
For me I have to choose Ben becUse one he knows the danger of walkers and I know he has a great heart but after playing the game a couple times I’m starting to realize if Ben has ADD ?
I tell him one thing he doesn’t follow directions , now The reason I didn’t choose James is because one obviously the walkers I would not want my child near or the walkers it thinking it was a petting zoo The reason I didn’t choose James is because one obviously the walkers I would not want my child near or the walkers it thinking it was a petting zoo...I would say too my child
“Walkers are for killing not heading”.
You’re putting your child at risk if you even do that nonsense I know James is Trying to do some New Age hippie stuff but this this is borderline crazy I mean yeah sure I can understand the walkers were pretty much calm down after that well but that doesn’t mean that there are still human inside they still deserve to die though.
Trying to do some New Age hippie stuff but this this is borderline crazy I mean yeah sure I can understand the walkers were pretty much calm down after that LOL but that doesn’t mean that there are still human inside they still deserve to die though.
Who would you guys got to babysit AJ?
let me know in the comments below.
Well, Ben left Clem. AJ would do better on his own. James is going force his beliefs on AJ, but at least he would live. James would probably even make him a skin suit.
Well that’s the obvious of course James indoctrination of the walkers having a conscience is really pessimistic Not what Clementine thought AJ forgot the years.
I don't think James is an idiot per se. His upbringing was just different and it was one that he embraced, albeit very unorthodox. Unorthodox as it may be, it's a practice that's kept him alive for a long time, so something obviously has been working for him, putting his determinant death aside for a moment obviously.
I'd want James watching AJ. The way of the whisperer is a handy method to have. Ben knowing the danger of the walkers isn't a viable reason to have him watch over AJ, because he hasn't proven himself to be useful against them in said danger. Quite the opposite really.
James, at the very least has control of the situation. He doesn't believe walkers are all-around peaceful creatures, he knows damn well how dangerous they can be, but he believes they're only dangerous when humans come into striking distance of them, and he's not wrong in thinking that. He knows not to play with them. He knows not to treat them as if they're pets. He's among them and has a different view of them, but he's not ignorant of them either. If he were, he wouldn't have lived as long as he did.
A useless shitbird or a crazy shitbird... not very good options but AJ probably has a better chance of surviving with James
I'd rather take my chances on Ben tbh, he is an idiot but not a crazy idiot, and James is a fucking moron. XD
Walkers ain’t no danger if you’re wearing their skin for the rest of your life

I’d choose James cos at least he didn’t indirectly kill off half of the cast.
I’d also like to take the opportunity while I have it to ask why episode 3 made so many people hate james? I mean when episode 2 came out, everyone loved him, and he was the exact same as he was now, wouldn’t kill walkers because he believed part of them were still human, and being born and raised in the 21st century I’ve come to terms with agreeing with whatever the fuck people want to believe in, but when episode 3 rolled out everyone jumped on the hate bandwagon from out of the blue, I mean we saw nothing new from him at all, other than he was both gay and too old for Clem...maybe that’s why the ship died and hate started...sick bastards ??
Ben. His personality is enough of a considerable contrast to that AJ that I think they'd balance each other out well enough, even in some of their less than perfect moments.
I think it's a similar case as with characters like Carver, Jane, and for maybe a few people David: they probably have this mystery/mystique about when they are introduced and they get to do "badass" things, but once it's time to actually focus on them directly as a person, they're inevitably let down by how whacked and arguably mental they actually are.
Barring some resistant denial, of course.
I wouldn’t trust Ben with a bag of flour...
Well Ben left clem to die when they were in danger, I wouldn't trust Ben with AJ for a second.
AJ would be better of dead or on his own than being stuck with either of these morons. Neither of them would finish him off if he turned.
That's f'd up, man.
Though Ben originally had the option to deal with Fivel's walker if Kenny or Lee didn't.
I distinctly remember scolding Ben after he left Clem in the street.
Are those really my only two options?
Fine, I'll have to go with James. Ben means well and has a good heart, and despite my love for Kenny, I don't actually hate Ben. However, he's one of the last people I would trust with my life and the lives of those I love, considering how he once abandoned Clem and makes, even if it is inadvertently, reckless decisions on a daily basis.
James at least knows how to survive and take care of himself. I disagree largely with his methods and philosophy, but at least he has shown a genuine interest in looking out for AJ. While Ben may recognize the truth about walkers and isn't blinded like James is, I feel more comfortable in James' ability to keep AJ alive than I do with Ben.
Just wanted to exercise extreme option of either of which out of the two extremes what do you want to take care of AJ.
Holy shit, someone actually said that!
AJ can't survive on his own. He's like what, five? Six? Louis called him a tot. Now they were already stretching it with an 11-year-old Clem determinately going at it along with a baby to account for, but AJ needs a group.
You think he's better off with Ben? Plus Clem has been teaching AJ how to survive since he was born. He knows how to survive. Ben does not.
Facepalm. I never said Ben or James. I just said AJ cannot be on his own. Yeah Clem has taught him survival; doesn't mean he doesn't need anyone. Do you think AJ knows how find food for himself? How to kill a group of walkers if he finds himself surrounded with nowhere to hide? You think AJ can fight adults if he runs out of bullets for his gun or doesn't have a knife around? Abel, Dorian, and Lily have all kicked his little ass whenever he tries to handle them without any backup.
This is why AJ will likely be looked after by the remaining kids of the boarding school if anything happens to Clem.
Double facepalm. Boy, this thread is asking if he's better off with Ben or James. Just pick one already.
First of all, not a boy. Second, it's a free thread and a free country. I can comment on anything I want, so quit being a prick. But since you're so insistent, James.
Happy? But the next time you use that "just pick one already" attitude on me, there are gonna be serious problems. That disrespect came completely out of nowhere and it won't be tolerated.
What’s with all the hostility between you and @Wheres_Dinner he just wanted too know if you would pick Ben or James?
But since you picked your Alternative answer I can respect that.
Youtube comments in a nutshell.
I don't believe AJ would have any respect for Ben, and therefor I doubt he would listen to him.
He does however respect James, I think mainly because James isn't afraid of walkers.
So I would have to go with James.
Okay this all got out of hand because of a misunderstanding.
Honestly, I wasn't really interested in the question. I just noticed a point he said that I wanted to contend: that AJ could get by without either of them which I felt was impossible. He'd need somebody because he's only a child. Then it snowballed into other crap that I honestly could care less about.
But as I said before, my final answer is James.
I see, and Yrs AJ is too young too be by himself he’s not willing and ready to be self reliant just yet And needs the will of dependency in order to learn new stuff and ordered to be independent.
Least of all, he's gonna need a hell of a lot more teaching if Clem goes. There's so much he doesn't know that would do him some good, not just on the survival front, but socializing as well.