I Just Fixed Lilly's Character. Open This If You Don't Believe Me



  • Oh yeah, I do reading that.
    Still doesn't really answer why they apparently had "crying" sounds for her, though.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Nah,this wasn't really a leak here's what Kent said about this @DabigRG For EVERY character (VO session time permitting) we record a h

  • edited February 2019

    I don't know they just had that for some reasons in the demo.

    I mean there's even some people who found in the episode 3 files the "Silver Lining" Song from Tales EP5,and i don't fucking know what it's doing there.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah, I do reading that. Still doesn't really answer why they apparently had "crying" sounds for her, though.

  • Oh shit, you mean that one song I heard on Youtube?
    Damn, the aggrandizement is threw the roof.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I don't know they just had that for some reasons in the demo. I mean there's even some people who found in the episode 3 files the "Silver Lining" Song from Tales EP5,and i don't fucking know what it's doing there.

  • edited February 2019

    Just because she was nice and smiled at Clem a few times doesn't mean that her old self was this kind, altruistic saint who cared so deeply for Clem. S1 she murdered Carley, stole the rv, and was willing to let kids die to protect her own self. S4 she has murdered Mitch along with countless enemy soldiers, stolen kids to sustain her war, and is willing to torture and let kids die to protect her own self.

    S4 Lilly does not need fixing, it is your unrealistic perception of Lilly that needs fixing.

    Maybe not super nice towards Lee. But Lilly smiles at Clem often. Once at the motel just before Ben shows up and one during Jolene's video.

  • S4 Lilly does not need fixing

    Oh she does,she really does,season 4 Lilly is completely messed up.

    Just because she was nice and smiled at Clem a few times doesn't mean that her old self was this kind, altruistic saint who cared so deeply

  • Not really, she acts about exactly how I thought s1 Lilly would act if we found her 7-8 years later. She remembers Lee and attempts to be civil, but when it comes down to it she is ruthless and will do whatever it takes if it means putting herself and her mission first.

    iFoRias posted: »

    S4 Lilly does not need fixing Oh she does,she really does,season 4 Lilly is completely messed up.

  • Bro, my point is that if Lilly was even somewhat nice to Clem is S4, it would make her a better character. It would make killing her a harder choice. Cause killing Lilly was the easiest choice of the whole season

    Just because she was nice and smiled at Clem a few times doesn't mean that her old self was this kind, altruistic saint who cared so deeply

  • Any version of Lilly would've been better than the one we got. I was simply trying to think of scenarios that Lilly could've done differently that would've made her a sympathetic villain. Nothing wrong with dreaming of what could've been, is there?

    Not really, she acts about exactly how I thought s1 Lilly would act if we found her 7-8 years later. She remembers Lee and attempts to be ci

  • edited February 2019

    She remembers Lee and attempts to be civil

    She remembers Lee yeah,for one line,in episode 2,then she never talks about it again,by the way i love how she gives Clem her "you'll die like Lee speech" THEN convinces Clem to join her group,absolutely stupid.

    Listen if you like her then good for you,i've talked about it like 20 times i'm not gonna repeat myself again.

    Not really, she acts about exactly how I thought s1 Lilly would act if we found her 7-8 years later. She remembers Lee and attempts to be ci

  • That's what has bugged me the most about Lilly. First she's nice; giving off a vibe that she might be on the start on rectifying all the bad things she's done. Which could've lead to her being one of the best characters in the season in terms of development

    iFoRias posted: »

    She remembers Lee and attempts to be civil She remembers Lee yeah,for one line,in episode 2,then she never talks about it again,by t

  • I'll be honest and say that I don't really care much to talk about Lily and/or Lilith in the same context. It's better to just focus on the here and now with the latter incarnation of the character when comes to objective discussion of TFS, since that's honestly the one that matters there.

  • Sure, I can't change the way she is currently. I just wish she had more done with her character; is all. I made this thread to brainstorm possibilities Telltale could've done with her character. I mostly just made this for fun. To get people's brains cooking.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'll be honest and say that I don't really care much to talk about Lily and/or Lilith in the same context. It's better to just focus on the

  • I know.
    So I'll acknowledge that this was done with good and/or pleasant intentions in mind and apologize--you've earned that.

    Sure, I can't change the way she is currently. I just wish she had more done with her character; is all. I made this thread to brainstorm po

  • She is nice to Clem because Clem is a 8 year old girl, I would imagine she has to be.

    We didn't see her nice side from Lee's perspective. But you see in some scenes in S1, Lilly has a soft spot for Clem. She smiles at her at t

  • Honestly I don’t understand the hate for where telltale took her character whatsoever. It’s like you people seriously can’t comprehend that eight years can drastically change someone in the apocalypse, and given where we left her character, this is an extremely natural progression for her.

    And honestly she’s really not the cackling villain you all are making her out to be, if you read between the lines you see that she genuinely believes that she’s somehow helping the kids and serving the greater good. She’s just completely screwed up in the head, and clearly on the edge of a mental collapse.

  • Eh, your rewrite is a bit heavy-handed and it's trying to show a pure goody-goody Lily that was never there. Those selfish, vicious traits were already in Lily from the start; they just got a whole lot worse once her father kicked the bucket and she was either abandoned on the side of the road/stole the RV, deteriorating over the years.

    Lilly offers Clem her hand
    Lilly to Clem: God! I am so sorry, Clementine! I didn't know it was you!

    Eh. Wasn't her offering her hand strong enough? I mean if she didn't give a shit, she wouldn't have done even that. And she told an impatient Abel that "we have history". She also tried to convince Clementine to join their Delta, collect the kids peacefully and only went guns blazing when Violet and Louis tried to intervene.

    Lilly to Clem: I don't know what you heard about us, Clementine, but trust me, we just want to help you. We have a strong community with good people. I'd like it if you were a part of that.

    Yyyeah, she already offered that too, when they first met up in fact.

    Lily: We can help you raise that boy Clementine. But we need you to do something for us. [...] We'll take you back to the Delta to join our people. We have walls, we have working solar panels, and we grow our own food. All we need from you is to go back to your friends and convince them to come peacefully. No one will be harmed.

    Abel hurting AJ
    Lilly to Abel: Stop! I don't care what they did to you, stop hurting the boy!

    Nope. If she had no problem kicking Duck out of the drugstore with Larry, and he was also a little boy at the time, then I don't see why she would have too many scruples about AJ being roughed up either.

    However, she does have a moment where she tells Dorian "Enough" after AJ bites off her ear and she gives him a heavy kick to the chin.

    Lily: That's enough.
    Dorian: He bit me!
    Lily: I said, THAT'S ENOUGH.

    Now I will admit, Lily's writing in Episode 3 was a noticeable step down from Episode 2 where she seemed more conflicted. But even then, she kept Clementine and AJ alive long past the point where you could argue she just didn't give a shit.

    She even said under normal circumstances she'd just shoot Clementine and throw her overboard for all the trouble she caused, but she actually WANTED her in the Delta because she was genuinely impressed.

    Later on she's impressed by AJ too, since he killed Marlon and he had a lot of aggression in him.

  • the thing is with people trying to justify that Lilly is now like this,it just doesn't make sense, yes she cracked and killed Carley in cold blood, but she was never like this , this is just another character with the same name lol

    Even with Clementine, Clem would never order a child to pull a trigger on a defenseless woman she knew from way back, but it should not be our job to try and piece this all together,it's down to the writers , plain and simple

  • Pretty much.
    Though I will slightly disagree with that second paragraph on the grounds that Lilith's screwy characterization in Broken Toys was making it rather hamfistedly clear she was practically out of empathy to say the least.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    the thing is with people trying to justify that Lilly is now like this,it just doesn't make sense, yes she cracked and killed Carley in cold

  • Even with Clementine, Clem would never order a child to pull a trigger on a defenseless woman she knew from way back, but it should not be our job to try and piece this all together,it's down to the writers , plain and simple

    Lily wasn't defenseless at that point. She had the knife in her leg which she could pull out at any time and shank somebody, which she did do determinately to James when he had his back turned.

    Clementine's been through enough experience to know that at this point and honestly, it's realistic that as the years went by, she's lost most of her innocence. She's seen shit and she's been through shit, so that sweet little eight year old isn't there anymore.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    the thing is with people trying to justify that Lilly is now like this,it just doesn't make sense, yes she cracked and killed Carley in cold

  • Lilly is devoid of emotion or empathy, but Clem always has a smile on her. She's more emotionally driven in TFS than she's ever been

    Even with Clementine, Clem would never order a child to pull a trigger on a defenseless woman she knew from way back, but it should not be o

  • .

    Lilly is devoid of emotion or empathy, but Clem always has a smile on her. She's more emotionally driven in TFS than she's ever been

  • It's a figure of speech. You know most of the time Clem is smiling

    DabigRG posted: »

    . . .

  • I mean, not most of the time, but I was mainly just messing with ya on that.

    It's a figure of speech. You know most of the time Clem is smiling

  • I know

    DabigRG posted: »

    I mean, not most of the time, but I was mainly just messing with ya on that.

  • You are wasting your time; this is an unfixable character, matey.

  • Lilly was a bitch

  • ?? All I see is lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly lilly??

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