I feel daryl will become a father figure to lydia

I reckon down the track daryl,carol,henry and lydia will become a family as henry and lydia will be together while i reckon ezekiel will die eventually so carol and daryl could get together


  • Yeah seems like it but I don't see him as a father that much lol, maybe her mentor.

  • It will be interesting. Sophia is not around in the show and Enid doesn't seem to be taking Sophia's story post Savior Wars so they easily could give Lydia a different story.

    In the comic Lydia plays more of a crazy bad girl type of character that sow's Carl's oats so to speak while Sophia plays the role of the type of girl Carl should be with. But since neither Carl or Sophia are around in the show any longer they could change Lydia's character around pretty easily.

  • Lydia won't get with Henry; mainly because he's a little bitch. He's gotta start fucking shit up for me to like him. When I saw Ezikeil and Carol together I was like, "da fuck?" Daryl and Carol have a lot of moments together in S2; shame if doesn't lead to anything.

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