Ranking Season Finales

What was the best final episode of a season?

  1. No Time Left (Season 1)
    Despite its short length, it did everything right. The character development, the great send-off of Lee's character, the actions and choices mattering.

  2. No Going Back (Season 2)
    It has flaws but it did a decent job concluding Season 2. Sure Arvo was a maniac and Luke's death was forced but Leaving Wellington with Kenny is my favorite ending out of all the seasons.

  3. Take Us Back (The Final Season)
    I have mixed feelings about this. So many missed opportunities for the conclusion of the franchise and the twist was horribly handled. Clementine gets a happy ending and I'm good with it but choices not mattering made it more linear than choice-based.

  4. From The Gallows (A New Frontier)
    This shit was crap right the start and even ended with some bullshit. Plot holes everywhere, character motivations done idiotic, Ava's death is the most laughable writing ever made, short length, Joan/Clint just disappear and for some reason, Javier was accepted as the leader of Richmond and CLEMENTINE WAS NOT EVEN PLAYABLE!!!!!!!!!!! The previous 2 episodes were a little bit decent and this episode was just as terrible as Ties That Bind combined.


  • Dats fair.

  • edited March 2019

    Watching Gabe and Jane die was the most satisfying thing to watch in the whole series

  • (Season 1)No time left

    (The Final Season) Take us back

    (Season 2) No going back

    (A New Frontier) From the gallows

  • 'No Time Left';
    'No Going Back';
    'From The Gallows';
    'Take Us Back'.

  • 1
    3 (I’m still a ANF fan)

  • Me too, brutha.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    1 2 4 3 (I’m still a ANF fan)

  • 1.Season 1
    2.Season 2
    3.Season 4
    4.Season 3

  • edited March 2019

    I'm rating them all twice. Based on Story AND Gameplay.

    No Going Back (I'm Biased Sorry)
    No Time Left
    Take Us Back
    From The Gallows

    Take Us Back (Not Even Close)
    No Time Left
    No Going Back
    From The Gallows

    1. Take Us Back (S4) ("Kill" Clem)
    2. From The Gallows (S3) (Clem goes with Javi, saved David and Gabe)
    3. No Going Back (S2) (Shoot Kenny, go with Jane, best option ever, after so long time)
    4. No Time Left (S1) (Shoot Lee)
  • edited March 2019

    2>1>4>3 story wise. 4>2>1>3 entertainment wise.

  • edited March 2019

    No Time Left: You explained it perfectly. No need for further detail. It was a fitting end to a great season and that started it all.

    Take Us Back: No other finale has hit me as hard as this one did. Plot structure is a bit messy for sure, but my emotions were so painfully raw and unfiltered from start to finish of this rollercoaster episode. It's one of my favorite TWD episodes for that reason now. The chilling scene with Minnie on the bridge. Violet's injury, the barn scene, a scene where AJ, in like a 6 year old's body put in an effort that only Lee "Armed with Death" could match to ensure their safety, and before that, you have the talk about the rules with AJ, both scenes solidifying him as a Top 5 character in the series, if not higher. (When he stabbed that one walker that blocked the door a couple of times I felt that rage. That was some chilling shit) Sometimes the good just outweigh the bad, even if it doesn't make sense to others, or even yourself.

    No Going Back: I more or less feel pretty good about this episode. But I played this episode more so pissed off than anything else. Really because of the constant fuckin bickering of the group. People have said they missed the adult interactions but could you really call any of them adults in this scenario when a child acts more rational and mature than they did? It became painfully annoying and it came down to a fight that didn't need to happen. But I give it points for having some very memorable endings and having some of my most favorite conversations. One with Kenny in the car and the other with Jane while we watched the baby. It gave great insight to the minds of both characters. And the scene at the power plant where they all just sat by a fire and just lived a little was a moment of extreme satisfaction because all of it was earned after a very stressful time. But then you have everything else which just served to piss me off. I didn't have a good time with the rest of it.

    From The Gallows: I didn't hate this episode. I quite liked it actually. Some of my favorite moments of ANF came from this episode. The flashback was the best one since Ties That Bind and Javi's talk with his dad really made me feel the "family" aspect they tried so very hard to force on you. Except they did it right this time. The talk with David on the roof. The talk with David about AJ. Gabe accepting that his father is fallible was a great sign of maturity. And the ending where Javi solo saves David and Gabe from all those walkers was just great. And the episode was unexpectedly pretty damn funny. Trip had quotes for days. Javi's charismatic dialogue. There was quite a bit of unexpected banter between the characters this episode. Imagine a Rated R, by the numbers MCU movie, except replace the superheroes with survivors and the villains with walkers. That was this episode. There were so many different interactions this episode that made me chuckle or laugh pretty damn hard. But it was easily the most forgettable of the finales with no direction and the most frustrating element being Kate cucking David right in front of his eyes and acting surprised when he tried to kill Javi like she ain't no where the consequences came from. (ALSO, Javi's rooftop death is the funniest game over of Telltale's history. I can watch that for hours and still end up laughing harder than the previous time. Jeff Schine nailed that scream after the faceplant. :D :D )

  • 2 despite going downhill after the second episode arguably had an even better ending with one for Wellington and Kenny.
    3 is just comical.
    4 is disappointing. A lot of parallels with the second season. Directionless, Hitler-like generic villains, Villian taken care before season was done setting the season into a car crash, undeveloped characters.

  • edited March 2019

    2>1, 3>2. Leave a sign on the door, the whole night through that says 'do not disturb'. Do not disturb. ;)


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