Day 1467 (?) of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1469 (?) Of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1470 of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1471 of asking for MCSM S3 until we get it
Day 1472 of asking for MCSM S3
Hello I am back again, I see the mn9dude counting which is nice as I am not coming here so often anymore (life and lot of stuff happening), so yeah, good 😁. Also, it is the correct day as far as I checked so today is:
Day 1472 of asking for MCSM S3 until we get it.
Day 1473 of asking for MCSM S3
o/ welcome back @Jesseisbest
Day 1467 (?) of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1469 (?) Of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1470 of asking for MCSM S3
Day 1471 of asking for MCSM S3 until we get it
Day 1472 of asking for MCSM S3
Hello I am back again, I see the mn9dude counting which is nice as I am not coming here so often anymore (life and lot of stuff happening), so yeah, good 😁. Also, it is the correct day as far as I checked so today is:
Day 1472 of asking for MCSM S3 until we get it.
Day 1473 of asking for MCSM S3
o/ welcome back @Jesseisbest