Can you immitate a Homestar character voice?

I ask this because I'd like voice actors for a movie I've started work on. So... I guess this is the auditions place. I hope this isn't breaking any rules... If this is, then... sorry? So yeah. (And, sorry I havn't been here in soooooooo long. But I'm back! :D )


  • edited October 2009
    Oh, ah, dude, do you have a text to read? Would like to try. :)
  • edited October 2009
    Yes, yes I do. A script. And here's the people I'll need: Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar, Marzipan, and... The Judge. And, don't worry if you can do another charactor's voice, but not these. I plan on fittting them all in somehow. Now, as for you to see the script... I dunno. I guess I'll post it here.
  • edited October 2009
    Here's the script.

    [Downtown street, midnight. Empty. Car zooms by. Cut to parking lot booth. Car stops at gate; shows card to scanner. Gate opens, and closes. Car busts through gate. Car stops at top floor. The driver, who remains mostly unseen (and unidentifiable (for the most part)), gets into a golden securicar, and sets off its alarm. Then enters a red one, and starts it. No alarm. Turns to exit, stops, and backs up, smashing the rear doors on a pillar. He then stashes the cash in his own car, and then zooms away. Fade to black. Title and intro credits. Stay black. Alarm clock starts beeping. After it dose so for long enough, a quick fade to a first person view from Strong Bad in bed. He gets up and turns it off. 3rd person until specified otherwise.]

    SB(to clock): Ugghh... yu... you broke my dream...

    [Fixes breakfast and watches TV. Enter The Cheat]

    TC: Meh mi me meh-ma! Meh mi me meh-ma! (We got a problem! We got a problem!)

    SB: Aww, dose it have to be now? I just got up!

    TC: Meh mi meh-meh-meehhhh! (But it’s im-por-tant!)

    SB: Oh, alright. What is it?

    TC: Meh-mu mi. (Follow me.)

    [Cut to Homestar’s house. There is a huge moneybag on his front lawn.]

    SB: Woah, this is important! We could probably steal this, no sweat!

    TC: (Affirmative noise)

    [Enter Homestar]

    HS: Hey, guys! Check it out! I won the lottowee!

    SB: Homestar, do you even know how to play the lottery?

    HS: No, but you don’t need to play to win, right?

    SB: Yeah, uh-

    HS: So it’s all good! I’m-a go inside and find out what bills I gotta pay. Then to buy all I’ve evow wanted! See ya!

    [He goes inside]

    SB: Man, this could be our biggest hit ever! Let’s go home and plan our heist!

    TC: (Affirmative noises)

    [Cut back to Strong Bad’s basement. Caleb Rentpayer is about to start]

    SB: Ooh, ooh, this is the season premier! I gotta see this!

    [Intro starts, and is quickly replaced by a news flash]

    Newsman: This is a very important thing from the breaking news fax machine! Bubs’ Bank was robbed last night, with a massive quantity of money stolen from a securicar that was parked in the building’s garage. The owner, Bubs, has this to say:

    Bubs: When I find out who did this, I’m gunna smash their faces ‘till they ain’t got a head!!!

    Newsman: The man who is most... suspected of doing this is named Strong Bad, a repeat offender, who has stolen from Bubs’ other place of operation, Bubs’ Concession Stand, many times. The police report that they have dispatched a S.W.A.T. team to raid his house! Oh, crap, I hope he isn’t watching this! He’d run away now!

    This has been Channel 24 news. We spread the word so you don’t have to.

    SB: Oh, crap! I can’t get busted by a SWAT team! That’s crazy!

    TC: Mer meh meh ma murk meh-da meh! (So let’s get the f@%k outta here!)

    [Short musical scene, Song= Event: Let’s make it! Switching between the SWAT team raiding SB’s house, and he and The Cheat escaping out the window, and run real far. The SWAT leave when there’s no sign of Strong Bad. He and The Cheat find a bike, and pedal past a sign that reads: FCUSA City Limits]

    [Cut to Homestar’s house, now full of everything he always wanted, and a ¼ empty moneybag]

    HS: This lottowee business is gweat! Got my wacecaw bed, flat scween TV, loads of melonaide, and the wights to Fluffy Puff Mawshmallows! Things awe lookin’ good!

    [Enter Marzipan]

    MZ: Hi, Home- Woah, (concerned) where’d all this stuff come from?

    HS: Don’t worry. I didn’t mess up this time! I won the lottewee!

    MZ: Remember the last time you ‘won the lottery’? We barley managed to not get sued.

    HS: But I weely did win, Mawzipan! Can’t you twust me!?

    MZ: I just don’t want you to get into any trouble, Homestar. Just prove that this money really did come from the lottery, and then I can trust you.

    HS: Ok, fine then. Just gotta [inspects moneybag] find the wetuwn addwess…

    MZ: ‘Return address’?

    HS: Yeah! I found this on my fwont lawn this mowning. The mailman musta left it thewe ‘cause he couldn’t fit it in the mailbox!

    [Homestar continues searching, finds no address]

    HS: Uuh, thewe’s no addwess…

    MZ: Ok, Homestar. Time to return all these things.

    HS: But, no! It’s my stuff! Stuff I bought with my hard eawned cash!

    MZ: How could this be you’re money!? You don’t have a job, none of your relatives are rich, and no one donates that quantity of money to random people! You return or sell everything you got, and I’ll find out who really owns this money.

    HS: Beh… Wdjt… yes, Marzipan…

    [Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat. They have dropped their bike, and are hiding in a bush within the Cheat Commando Storage Facility play set. Several guards walk by without noticing/caring about them]

    SB: Ok, we gotta get far out of FCUSA for a while, and we gotta get there fast. And since we don’t have a car, we’re gunna hitch a ride with these guys!

    TC: Meh muh ma-meh mi? (Ya sure about this?)

    SB: Yeah! We just gotta wait until one of those barracks comes close, and we’ll hop in the back!

    [A little bit latter, a Barracks OL parks right at them. They jump in and hide under a tarp. Some crates and barrels are packed in the truck, some ontop of them. It then drives off. Montage of long drive, until a scene on a wide freeway, wherein the truck has broken down, and the drivers are trying to fix it.]

    Cheat Commando Driver 1: Man, what’s up with this truck!?

    CCD 2: I think I found out! The rear wheels are scraping against the bottom of the bed. And all that drag screwed up the engine.

    CCD 1: Argh! Those idiots! I told them they were over loading these! I’ll toss some boxes, while you fix the engine.

    CCD 2: Alright.

    [Driver #1 chucks some boxes, and notices an odd shape in one of the tarps. He flings it off, and uncovers Strong Bad and The Cheat.]

    CCD 1: Hey, we got stowaways!

    SB: Hi…?

    [The driver man whips out an SMG, and shoots blindly at SB and TC. They run like crazy around the truck, and eventually some of the bullets hit a few barrels. They explode, the truck explodes, and SB and TC are sent flying upwards. Cut to the cockpit of a passenger jet.]

    Pilot: This is Vice Air flight 2856, approaching Central City airport, requesting clearance for landing. Soo… is it clear?

    Aircraft Control: Air Canada Flight 2856, you are clear for landing on runway 23.

    [Slight pause.]

    Pilot: Man, this has been the smoothest flight in ages.

    Co-Pilot: Yeah. You never make it through these long distance flights without hitting one storm. Well, not ‘till now.

    Pilot: Yeah.

    [The plane jostles]

    Pilot: Woah, we seem to be going through some turbulence.

    AC: …There’s no wind today.

    [The flight attendant enters the cockpit.]
    FA: Uhh, Dave, there’s a man in a wrestling mask and a little yellow anvil hanging from the left wing!

    Pilot: Oh, …crap! What!? Let me see… (sees) Oh, CRAP! What do we do!?

    Co-Pilot: (simotaniously) Uhh, this is flight 2856, we have a problem, there’s two guys on the wing.

    [Cut to SB & TC on the wing]

    SB: We sure are lucky these handles are here… so what now?

    TC: Ma mi ma mae mi ma-mou moo ma. (I think the plane is about to land)

    SB: Yeah, but they’d arrest us then. And there’s no way we’re gunna bail. That’d be more than painful.

    [Crackotage flies his jet in behind them]

    Crackotage: I’ve found the invaders, yes I have!
    I shall shoot them ‘till they split in half! Hee-hee haa-haa!

    [He fires HMG rounds onto the passenger jet’s wing, splitting it. Strong Bad and The Cheat glide down, still holding the section of wing. Due to the shift in weight, the passenger jet leans to the right. Cut back to cockpit.]

    Pilot: Woah, crap! We’re veering left!

    Co-pilot: And we’re quickly loosing altitude!

    Pilot: Mayday, mayday! We’re going down!

    [Cut to SB & TC on the wing section. Strong Bad is screaming. A lot.]

    TC: Meh meh? (Strong Bad?)

    TC: Meh meeh? (Strong Baad?)

    TC: Meh meh!! (Strong Bad!!)

    [Strong Bad stops screaming]

    SB: What, what!?

    TC: Mir meh-ming. (We’re gliding.)

    SB: Huh? Oh… Hey, maybe we can safely guide it down!

    TC: (affermative noises)

    [Cut to passenger jet. It lifts its nose up, barely hitting the ground. The right wing tip is busted off when it hits the roof of a building. More came of then last time. The plane veers right, and some more comes off when it hits another building. This time, fuel leaks, and the wing starts to burn. The plane is now falling faster due to less lift because of less wingspan. Luckily, the runway is near. The landing gear is lowered. The plane smacks into the tarmac. The left wing shreds off completely, and the engine blows up. The plane rolls onto its wheels, and leans a bit to the right. The right engine scrapes against the ground, and the sparks ignite the engine. It blows up, too. Somehow, the fuselage is left un-scaved. With the balance problem resolved, it falls back on all it’s wheels, and stops just before the end of the tarmac. (Epic, eh? A huge plane crash, and yet no fatalities! Just bruises. Oh, and the co-pilot went into a coma, but that ended in three hours) Cut to SB & TC.]

    SB: Ok, we’re coming in for a landing!

    [Strong Bad, when they are a few feet from the ground, shove the wing into the ground. They pole vault over it and land on a road.]

    SB: Well, here we are. What’s it’s place. And, we ain’t got any heat on us! Plus I brought my wallet, so we can find a hotel to stay in!

    [A cop noticed them (Of course), and realized they were wanted for stealing from Bubs’ Bank. He walks up to them.]

    Cop: Uh, sir… I think you know why I’m speaking to you…

    SB: Hey, I just… came in for a landing.. heh heh.

    Cop: Well, in the process, not only did you damage a park pathway, you also left an aircraft wing in the middle of the road.

    SB: Oh, crap, that. I’ll dispose of my wing, and umm… pay for the path?

    Cop: But, you know, you look like someone I’ve seen before. On TV.

    SB: Well, that’s surprising… you don’t find too many people in wrestling masks and boxing gloves… out on the street. Heh.

    Cop: Ya sure it was someone else? (He pulls out a wanted poster for Strong Bad.)

    SB: Woah, that… poser! He’s been trying to get me in trouble by committing all his crimes dressed as me!

    Cop: Yeah, no. You’re coming with me.

    SB: Yeah, no I’m not.

    Cop: Excuse me?

    SB: I can’t! I gotta take my pet Cheat here to the vet, and I’m already late. Bye now!

    [Strong Bad grabs The Cheat’s arm and runs away]

    Cop (into radio): Attention all units! I believe I’ve got the Bubs’ robber! And he’s fleeing, so… I’m gunna need backup!

    [Strong Bad and The Cheat jump jack a nearby Picador, and floor it.]

    Cop: He’s just stolen a car! He’s heading south on Emerald Blvd. in a grey Picador!

    [City Escape esq. chase!!!]

    [At the end, after smashing the Picador into a building, it won’t start]

    SB: Crap, we were almost safe! Crap!

    TC: Me mi-ma-moo moh meh. (We probably lost them.)

    SB: Yeah, but now where do we go?

    [Homestar comes zoomin’ on a Super Scooter, and picks them both up from the collar]

    HS: Hey you guys!


    HS Yeah, it’s me.

    SB: But… how? …Did you find us!?

    HS: I dunno. Just luck, I guess.

    [Strong Bad punches his forehead.]

    HS: It looked like you needed a lift, so I gave you one.

    [A cop car suddenly blocks the path, and Homestar stops. Four officers pile out, and aim their weapons at Strong Bad and The Cheat.]

    Cop: Passengers, step off the scooter and put your hands up.

    [They do so. The cops come and give Strong Bad handcuffs, and duct tape The Cheat’s hands to his back (Handcuffs weren’t long enough). They are brought into the back of the police car. Fade to black as they are driven away. Fade in to courtroom. SB and TC now have a lawyer. ]

    Judge: …and, more recently, grand theft auto. So, you already have enough evidence against you for at least five years in prison.

    SB: Like I said, I didn’t do it! I will admit I’ve stolen before, but never anything of that quantity.

    Lawyer: Yes, although there is irrefutable proof for the things my client did while evading arrest, there is absolutely nothing to connect him with the Bubs’ Bank robbery, besides knowing the owner.

    Judge: And are there any other suspects in the case? No!

    SB: Actually… Before all this started, a man I know, Homestar Runner… he had a huge moneybag on his lawn on the morning after the robbery. He claimed he ‘won the lottowee’. That idiot…

    Judge: That idiot, eh? If he’s such an idiot, then how could he have planned such a heist?

    SB: He musta done it in his sleep… I dunno, just get him to come here! I’m sure he’ll break under the pressure.

    Judge: Hmm. Wasn’t it Homestar Runner who gave you a ride on his scooter?

    SB: Yes! He’s in custody now, isn’t he? This’ll be easy!

    Judge: Actually, his trial is next. I’ll go get him now.

    [Homestar is brought in, Marzipan is his lawyer.]

    HS: Ooh, it’s my turn already?

    MZ: Let me do the talking, ok?

    SB’s lawyer (quietly to SB): How can we prove he did it without proof?

    SB: Just see. He’ll crack like an egg.

    SB (out loud): Homestar Runner, where were you last night?

    HS: Oh, I went out for a-

    MZ: He was in bed all night, of course.

    Judge: Now, hold on. Let’s hear what Homestar had to say.

    HS: Thank you, siw. I went out for a dwive.

    Judge: And where did you drive to?

    HS: I don’t weally wemembew… I was asleep most of the time.

    Judge: You were asleep while you were driving!?

    HS: Yeah, I’m actually pwetty good at it.

    [Just then, Bubs busts in with a video cassette.]

    Bubs: I got it! I know who done it!!! The security film has finally been developed, and here it is on videotape!

    Judge: Someone bring in a VCR! This may be the exhibit that ends this nut-case.

    [They watch the tape. Homestar is clearly seen.]

    Judge: Homestar Runner, you are here-by sentenced to 20 years of jail time.

    SB: Yess!!! I’m free!!!!

    Judge: No you’re not! You still busted up the place as you were evading arrest. You get a year of community service.

    SB: …AAAAUUUGHHHH!!!!! [Zooms into his mouth until all black. Then fade into Strong Bad vacuuming dirt yet again. Yup, just like that one e-mail.]

    SB: Yep. Nothing like vacuuming dirt.

    TC: (Affirmative The Cheat noises)

    [Enter Homestar]

    HS: Hey, guys! How’s community service?

    SB: Wha!? Aren’t you supposed to be in jail?

    HS: Huh? Oh, that. I used my lottowee money as bail money.

    SB: Butjdt- Uuughhhh…

    HS: And so it all tuwned out ok in the end!

    [Strong Bad punches Homestar in the face. IT’S OVER!!!]
  • edited October 2009
    So what's it for anyway? Your own enjoyment?
  • edited October 2009
    I can do a sort of Homestar, a sort of Strong Bad, a sort of Strong Mad, an ok Stinkoman, and a good the Cheat. I used to have an excellent Strong Sad before my voice broke, but them's the brakes I guess...

    By the way, I like the script!
  • edited October 2009
    Hmmm... :)

    Who would YOU cast me as?
  • edited October 2009
    I can do Homestar and Strong Bad. Sign me up!
  • edited October 2009
    Would you like me to submit a YouTube video of me doing impersonations as an audition?
  • edited October 2009
    I can do Homesar, Bubs and the poopsmith and thats about it. I'd love to audition.
  • edited October 2009
    I tried today, I can also do pom pom and coach z, and a bit of kot..
  • edited October 2009
    I'm not very good with Coach Z, but I can TOTALLY do the Poopsmith. You'll just be blown away with how good I can imitate his voice.
  • edited October 2009
    Ya know, The Highway, that's a good idea. Post your auditions on YouTube, and link to them here. Also, the post of my script will be updated as I change it. Oh, and if you don't have a YouTube account... find some other way to put it on the internet. If I remeber correctly, you can e-mail me from here, so you can do that too. But only if you have to.
  • edited October 2009
    Ben Again wrote: »
    Ya know, The Highway, that's a good idea. Post your auditions on YouTube, and link to them here. Also, the post of my script will be updated as I change it. Oh, and if you don't have a YouTube account... find some other way to put it on the internet. If I remeber correctly, you can e-mail me from here, so you can do that too. But only if you have to.

    What about sending you an email with a audio file?
  • edited October 2009
    An email may be harder to access than a YouTube video, but that might also work.
  • edited October 2009
    Ok, fine. I didn't want to do this, but... benbengoof-ball[AT]hotmail[DOT]com

    If you're not a robot, you should know what to do with the [AT] and [DOT].
    And also, in response to Nintendo Boy's question, I guess it's for everyone's enjoyment! I do plan on posting this video on YouTube. But I'm here looking for voice actors because I can only do a weird Homsar, and I need good voices for it to be nice! Oh, also... if you guys could also help me wit special effects (i.e. Police lightbars, explosions, that stuffs. Like, ontop of a video. It's gunna be stop motion), that would be appreciated as well. :)
  • edited October 2009
    Ith homestar figurines? That would be awesome!
  • edited October 2009
    Actually, using the figurines was in the plans, but dropped because 1.They aren't poseable, 2.Some of them are in a pose, so they can't really be used, and 3.Despite wanting them, I don't have them. So, I'll use clay for 'em.
  • edited October 2009
    Wow, clay! Impressive!
  • edited October 2009
    There may also be parts done in video games, too. I plan on adding a scene with a helicopter, so I may have some shots in San Andreas of a Leviathon hovering above San Fierro. Also, maybe a police chase in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. The set is nearly done. But any of you guys got your audition videos ready? I'm dieing to see them!
  • edited October 2009
    I'm recording mine (mp3) now.

    Boy, I hope I get picked! (that must sound so sad :D)
  • edited October 2009
    Ok, I've sent you my audition tapes!
  • edited October 2009
    You should get the person who did this:
  • edited October 2009
    Do you have any legal rights to do this? Such as permission? I'm just asking, so you don't get in trouble for frod or something like that...
  • edited October 2009
    I'm the best Poopsmith.

    And I'm a pretty good Pom-Pom.
  • edited October 2009
    Mine is also sent...though it's just one charachter.
  • edited October 2009
    Do you have any legal rights to do this? Such as permission? I'm just asking, so you don't get in trouble for frod or something like that...

    Ya know what? I dunno. But you guys are willing to voice act for me, aren't you? I can't steal what I'm given. But, I dunno. I'll ask some people. And thanks again to all who have sent me their auditions! I have replied to the peeps who e-mailed me.
  • edited October 2009
    I've only got e-mails from Kurt Thingvold and Jack Butler. Whoever isn't those guys didn't get through to me.
  • edited October 2009
    You know, you don't actually need legal rights to this if a) you acknowledge in the credits b) you acknowledge all the voice actors in the credirs and c) you don't infringe on tbc's intellectual property (plots and flash files), so this things good as long as it has credits!
  • edited October 2009
    Hey, Ben, around what time are you planning for this to be finished? You know, like a deadline for the auditions.
  • edited October 2009
    i can do limozeen pretty good but not around people. i do best when im alone.weird right?
  • edited October 2009
    I can do Strong Bad, Homestar, Strong Sad, Strong Mad, I can KIIIIINDA do Bubs, the KOT, the poopsmith (im the best at him!!), Homsar, Stinkoman, Old-timey Homestar, The Teen Girl Squad, The 4 Gregs, Coach Z, Peacey P, Senor Cardgage, Crack Stuntman, The lead singer of Limozeen (Sorry i don't know his name), Tompkins, EH! STEVE!, The Wheelchair, aaaannnnndddd.......that's it. Those of you who don't know most of these characters.....sorry.
  • edited October 2009
    Hmmm, well at least get something done about it before i'm just asuming... I have an idea for you though. After (Or maybe before, if you hadn't alredy judged auditions yet.) you judge the *AHEM* Auditions, you could then post videos of the ones (With the person's name above it and what not.) that you like or are unsure of. Make a poll with the person's name and character they are voice actting.

    EX: Matt Chapman - Homestar

    Then take the video that they sent you, copy and paste it into the form (With their name and etc. above their video.) Then let the judging begin! You could then (Depending on how many auditions you recieved for which characters and such.) make diffrent forums for each character, or put more in one depending on how many videos you have for them. This would make it easier for you when judging because you'll have audience judgement, and fun for us. Then you can annouce the winners after it's all over, its like, super easy mannn! You should do it, I think it will be pretty cool for you, and it will also bring more notice about the upcoming "movie."
  • edited October 2009
    ^^^^^^ that would take too long
  • edited October 2009
    You know I can't wait to see this thing.
  • edited October 2009
    ^^^^^^ that would take too long

    Not really, if you plan it out right it shouldn't...
  • edited October 2009
    I do a pretty mean Homsar.
  • edited October 2009
    the poopsmith (im the best at him!!)

    nuk nuk nuk:p
    i can do homsar wooooooooooaaaaoaoaoaoaoao thing pretty good too
  • edited October 2009
    ^^^^^^ that would take too long

    Especialy since i can't find my video camera!! :(
  • edited October 2009
    Crap! I forgot to show you my homsar!
  • edited October 2009
    i might show you my amzing bubs voice if you post a pic of ur clay models.
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