That is a sick joke. I was going to make it but I felt it was too far out of bounds. but dang if somone else didnt make it!
I will likewise avoid making the joke about who the "best vampires in the industry" are...
Honestly, I would not be suprised if TTG did aquire/try to aquire the rights to make a Twilight game - as I said before a company exists to make money. I would never touch one of the games from that series with a 40' pole (it would take me months of scrubbing to get all the gliter out of my computer! ) and I likely would abandom TTG for some years, knowing they would have their paws full making Twilight games and not having enough time to make a S+M game (think about it, would YOU stop making them if it meant listening to all the whiney bitchey emo teenagers?) but I still would not blame them.
That is a sick joke. I was going to make it but I felt it was too far out of bounds. but dang if somone else didnt make it!
I will likewise avoid making the joke about who the "best vampires in the industry" are...
Honestly, I would not be suprised if TTG did aquire/try to aquire the rights to make a Twilight game - as I said before a company exists to make money. I would never touch one of the games from that series with a 40' pole (it would take me months of scrubbing to get all the gliter out of my computer! ) and I likely would abandom TTG for some years, knowing they would have their paws full making Twilight games and not having enough time to make a S+M game (think about it, would YOU stop making them if it meant listening to all the whiney bitchey emo teenagers?) but I still would not blame them.
Yeah, I don't know if I can forgive for taking a horribly written book, to a horrible movie...into a decent game, that would cause a paradox and encourage stephanie meyer to create more tragedies amongst great horror writers, and Ann Rice...I think...yeah, it's best if we never remember these last few posts.
I've been banned from all things Stephanie Meyer due to its over-sappiness and my chronic inability to not make fun of said over-sappiness. Banned by both my peers and a random group of fifth-graders. (true story) I really question whether I'm even allowed to read this thread anymore. . . . Oh well, it's not like they'll ever find out. . . . Right? Right? Anyone???
First the "oh hai" thread, then Will randomly says hi. And strangely it's all in the Sam and Max subforum. Are they trying to mess with our heads? 'Cause with me... they've succeeded. :P
On a side-note... I can't really contribute to the most recent discussion here as I know little to nothing about Twilight. But after reading the last few posts, it's safe to assume I'm not missing out on anything important, right? XD
We contracted some of the best vampires in the industry for ultimate realism.
Wow, really?! Meyer's was fine with you guys bringing Marylin Manson on board the project?
(I have to say, if nothing else, Twilight has certainly created an impact ... I never thought my ridiculous comment would actually generate a page worth of discussion ...)
(I have to say, if nothing else, Twilight has certainly created an impact ... I never thought my ridiculous comment would actually generate a page worth of discussion ...)
You're talking to Sam & Max fans here, the more ridiculous a comment is, the farther they'll run with it.
I'd heard that Dave Bogan actually covered himself head to toe in body glitter, just so the artists could get just the right effect.
It was more of a full office project. Those who embodied the sparkly nature of vampirility we used as figure studies, which is why you'll find our Twilight game characters look overwhelmingly like the choreography team.
It was more of a full office project. Those who embodied the sparkly nature of vampirility we used as figure studies, which is why you'll find our Twilight game characters look overwhelmingly like the choreography team.
Will we play as Bella, or as another insecure teenage girl with an inexplicable crush on a creepy obsessive stalker-esque undead monster?
How appropiate: Telltale has the best blood in the indie game scene
Sam is a shoo-in for the mandatory werewolf love-rival, I suppose.
Hmmm...I don't know what, I'm going to clean my brain with a fork, and try to get the picture of Sam in twighlight out of my head, I'll be back in a few days...
How appropiate: Telltale has the best blood in the indie game scene
Sam is a shoo-in for the mandatory werewolf love-rival, I suppose.
Only if he and Max turn up at random intervals and the girl throws herself at Sam talking about their love and how conflicted she is, while Sam and Max go "wut".
Only if he and Max turn up at random intervals and the girl throws herself at Sam talking about their love and how conflicted she is, while Sam and Max go "wut".
More of me going "wut" Simultaneously with Sam&Max.
Hire me! I'll work for free while I finish my programming degree.
Except you'll have to pay for my commute from Canberra to San Francisco.
I think it'd be cheaper for them to relocate to Canberra than to pay for you to fly back and forth daily. Plus, then they'd avoid the problems of international customers not understanding the times they release games.
Nah, I'm a werewolf. But how do you make the jump that a fickle opinion is a sign of vampirism?
Obviously, your knowledge of Twilight is mercifully limited. "I am going to leave you forever because I love you. Now come here. Now I'm leaving you forever." I'd cite the fact that they consider themselves vegetarians because they only drink animal blood, but that's more "they're mentally retarded" than "vampires are fickle".
Obviously, your knowledge of Twilight is mercifully limited. "I am going to leave you forever because I love you. Now come here. Now I'm leaving you forever." I'd cite the fact that they consider themselves vegetarians because they only drink animal blood, but that's more "they're mentally retarded" than "vampires are fickle".
My knoledge of Twilight is limited it (1) watching about 30-seconds or so in a store as I passed a TV (at first I thought it was Underworld, man was I dissapointed, or perhaps relieved ) and (2) what Iv'e heard on the 'nets about it. What I saw was enough to turn me off to the series (though I wish there WAS a decent vampire or werewolf series out there...) The more I know the more of a distaste I have for the series... (and the more I wonder just what the writers are smokin'....)
Twilight was pretty bad compared to her other book. I really liked the Host better. Felt like there was much more character development and originality (and NO SPARKLING!) there.
Definitely less "Mary-Sue" characters.
Are we back talking about sam and max or is twighlight still being the major topic? Cause if so, I'm thinking of going to universal studios..for a while.
He did, but it had nothing to do with the other artists. For Bogan, that's a typical Friday.
Well, how else do you go casual in an office where t-shirts are de rigeur? Will you guys be able to work in a were-rabbit reference, or does the Wallace and Gromit license not allow for that?
Somehow I don't think Aardman would appreciate a Wallace/Twilight crossover game.
Also, fun fact! In offices where people always wear t-shirts, they often have Fancy Day instead of Casual Day. Everyone suits up and comes in to work and puts on the ritz. Not that WE have ever done that mind you, but it could happen.
Somehow I don't think Aardman would appreciate a Wallace/Twilight crossover game.
Also, fun fact! In offices where people always wear t-shirts, they often have Fancy Day instead of Casual Day. Everyone suits up and comes in to work and puts on the ritz. Not that WE have ever done that mind you, but it could happen.
If you drum up enough community interest, you could totally justify running it and have cameras set up to record video and/or snap pictures throughout the day. And then edit it into a YouTube video, consider the whole thing an advertising expense.
Somehow I don't think Aardman would appreciate a Wallace/Twilight crossover game.
Also, fun fact! In offices where people always wear t-shirts, they often have Fancy Day instead of Casual Day. Everyone suits up and comes in to work and puts on the ritz. Not that WE have ever done that mind you, but it could happen.
Puttin' on your top hats, tying on your white ties, and brushin' off the Tales!
And Rather Dashing is right. Grossman definitely needs a monocle.
Fun fact: All the vampires in Twilight are secretly German, even the Italian ones. You just can't tell.
I will likewise avoid making the joke about who the "best vampires in the industry" are...
Honestly, I would not be suprised if TTG did aquire/try to aquire the rights to make a Twilight game - as I said before a company exists to make money. I would never touch one of the games from that series with a 40' pole (it would take me months of scrubbing to get all the gliter out of my computer!
Yeah, I don't know if I can forgive for taking a horribly written book, to a horrible movie...into a decent game, that would cause a paradox and encourage stephanie meyer to create more tragedies amongst great horror writers, and Ann Rice...I think...yeah, it's best if we never remember these last few posts.
First the "oh hai" thread, then Will randomly says hi. And strangely it's all in the Sam and Max subforum. Are they trying to mess with our heads? 'Cause with me... they've succeeded. :P
On a side-note... I can't really contribute to the most recent discussion here as I know little to nothing about Twilight. But after reading the last few posts, it's safe to assume I'm not missing out on anything important, right? XD
(Don't worry, Jurgen is a close second.)
I'd heard that Dave Bogan actually covered himself head to toe in body glitter, just so the artists could get just the right effect.
Wow, really?! Meyer's was fine with you guys bringing Marylin Manson on board the project?
(I have to say, if nothing else, Twilight has certainly created an impact ... I never thought my ridiculous comment would actually generate a page worth of discussion ...)
You're talking to Sam & Max fans here, the more ridiculous a comment is, the farther they'll run with it.
It was more of a full office project. Those who embodied the sparkly nature of vampirility we used as figure studies, which is why you'll find our Twilight game characters look overwhelmingly like the choreography team.
Will we play as Bella, or as another insecure teenage girl with an inexplicable crush on a creepy obsessive stalker-esque undead monster?
I want to see somone make a post of pure nonsence and see just how many pages are spent trying to puzzle out the meaning of it
We already on it
Yes, yes we are.
Sam is a shoo-in for the mandatory werewolf love-rival, I suppose.
Hmmm...I don't know what, I'm going to clean my brain with a fork, and try to get the picture of Sam in twighlight out of my head, I'll be back in a few days...
More of me going "wut" Simultaneously with Sam&Max.
Telltale Great Memorable games, questionable work ethics.
You get that feeling too?
Personally, I never get this feeling: Sometimes I want to work at Telltale, and another I REALLY want to work at Telltale
Guys, you should totally hire me. I'd work for free. :P
Except you'll have to pay for my commute from Canberra to San Francisco.
I think it'd be cheaper for them to relocate to Canberra than to pay for you to fly back and forth daily. Plus, then they'd avoid the problems of international customers not understanding the times they release games.
They could just set up an Australian division
Nah, I'm a werewolf. But how do you make the jump that a fickle opinion is a sign of vampirism?
My knoledge of Twilight is limited it (1) watching about 30-seconds or so in a store as I passed a TV (at first I thought it was Underworld, man was I dissapointed, or perhaps relieved
Definitely less "Mary-Sue" characters.
Well, how else do you go casual in an office where t-shirts are de rigeur? Will you guys be able to work in a were-rabbit reference, or does the Wallace and Gromit license not allow for that?
Also, fun fact! In offices where people always wear t-shirts, they often have Fancy Day instead of Casual Day. Everyone suits up and comes in to work and puts on the ritz. Not that WE have ever done that mind you, but it could happen.
Grossman needs a monocle, I say.
Puttin' on your top hats, tying on your white ties, and brushin' off the Tales!
And Rather Dashing is right. Grossman definitely needs a monocle.
I would pay to see that, not much but there were would be some money exchanged.