Sam and Max 2010...



  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Not all of them, only the ones that are partly done by Americans. Pure Japanese-made animes can be mindlessly fun. God I love Japanese people. They're so disturbing that knowing something like that exists is just awesome.

    Dont blame america for causing all the cash-cow-milking, there's been plenty back before anime 'boomed' in the USA. Though I agree that the japanese are deliciously disturbed. (anyone who dissagrees, watch Serial Expariments LAIN... or for mo coherant but jsut as disturbing, watch Hagaren all the way to the ending... the deeper you get, the more disturbing...)
  • edited December 2009
    I only blame people who try to make fast money by making children emphatize with unqualified, cliché characters. Either American or Japanese. Though that cow-milking was kept at minimum before the involvement of USA. There wasn't that much people to sell stuff in Japanese by Japanese so they were never greedy in theirselves. When USA showed up, that meant a new, much much larger audience to sell stuff and make an even faster money. Then Japanese people too got greedy in the process.
  • edited December 2009
    Confuzzled... How does this relate to sam and max?
  • edited December 2009
    The first post of so DID relate to Sam and Max. I think. Probably.
  • edited December 2009
    Confuzzled... How does this relate to sam and max?

    Because there's a Sam and Max anime. :D
  • edited December 2009
    "Chiaki Konaka's Sam and Max" would be both something I would really want to watch, and something that would really not be anything like Sam and Max. Although I would love to be proven wrong. Anyway, I'm pretty sure season three is a game. I think it's an action/fps/platformer kind of thing, like Assassin's Creed mixed with Uncharted 2.
  • edited December 2009
    S&M we need it soon! I needs my fix
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    "Chiaki Konaka's Sam and Max" would be both something I would really want to watch, and something that would really not be anything like Sam and Max.

    Eh? I'm talking about "Sam and Max: Freelance Samurai" It's a little-known series bing done by a backwater studio. However, the one or two references I've seen to it seem good (not to be confused with the movie "freelance Samurai")
  • edited December 2009
    this needs to be in the game
    if they can make sam with a mustache, they can give max anime eyes and a sword
    i want to see a puzzle where you have to get back to hell, so you perform hara kiri
  • edited December 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Eh? I'm talking about "Sam and Max: Freelance Samurai" It's a little-known series bing done by a backwater studio. However, the one or two references I've seen to it seem good (not to be confused with the movie "freelance Samurai")

    I thought you were kidding about the anime, or were confusing it with the animated series. (I get so confused when people talk about "American" anime. It's like, do you mean dubs or American cartoons drawn in a "Japanese" style or what ... ?) I never heard that Purcell licensed the duo to a Japanese company. Are they even that well known in Japan? (Germany now, that'd make sense.)
  • edited December 2009
    I am going to Las Vegas and betting that you'll be able to pre-order S&MS3 tomorrow - by then the coupons will have expired.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm so excited!!!! so EXCITED!!!!!!! (and tipsy)

    YAY!!! SAM AND MAX (especially Max!!!)
  • edited December 2009
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I thought you were kidding about the anime, or were confusing it with the animated series. (I get so confused when people talk about "American" anime. It's like, do you mean dubs or American cartoons drawn in a "Japanese" style or what ... ?) I never heard that Purcell licensed the duo to a Japanese company. Are they even that well known in Japan? (Germany now, that'd make sense.)

    I try tonmever use a term like "american anime" because it confuse people. IMO anime is a style or genre, it's nationality-independant, wheather Japanese like Evangelion, or american like Avatar, it's all anime. There are lots of people that think several american shows are japanese and several japanese shows are american (Hellsing for example) so the water's already very muddied.

    I know next to nothing about the series. I suggested that they publicize on here, as this seems to be the "unofficial official" Sam and Max forum, but I dont know that they will. Apparently it relies on the off-beat humor of S+M but has a serious, dark, plot, all while parodying many anime and tv tropes. If anyone's interested I'll see if I can dig up any more info on it sometime.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited December 2009
    It's 2010, where is Sam&Max Season 3? :mad:

    I hope everyone get's that one :D
    Happy new year!
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2009
    DjNDB wrote: »
    It's 2010, where is Sam&Max Season 3? :mad:

    I wish we could award reputation or kudos on this forum.
  • edited January 2010
    I have a question for Telltale. While we know S&M s3 is going to be released this year, does anybody in Telltale know what month or quarter of the year the first episode will be released? thx in advanced. :)

    Edit: And if you do know, when will it be released?
  • edited January 2010
    joseppey wrote: »
    I have a question for Telltale. While we know S&M s3 is going to be released this year, does anybody in Telltale know what month or quarter of the year the first episode will be released? thx in advanced. :)

    Now I'm expecting TTG employees to pop in here with "I know!" or "I dont know..." nothing more...
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    I know the exact date the first episode of Sam&Max Season 3 is released with a probability of 1/365.25 :)
  • edited January 2010
    DjNDB wrote: »
    I know the exact date the first episode of Sam&Max Season 3 is released with a probability of 1/365.25 :)

    It's January 1st!

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    It's January 1st!


    nah, more like the onetyfirst jancember.
  • edited January 2010
    I've just got CSI Deadly Intent to tide me over until S&M:S3 comes out. And low and behold I completed it the night I got it. Damn!
  • edited January 2010
    zmally wrote: »
    I've just got CSI Deadly Intent to tide me over until S&M:S3 comes out. And low and behold I completed it the night I got it. Damn!

    I do that with every TTG game I get. That's one of the reasons I refuse to pay full retail price for them.
  • edited January 2010
    "A power-mad space gorilla pitted against..."
    what do you guys think space gorillia as in the animal? or space guerilla as in a stealth soldier of some kind?
  • edited January 2010
    also, that concept art you get by clicking the bottom of max's head on the teaser page; is that a gun or a spaceship of some kind or what?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    kgoodies wrote: »
    that concept art you get by clicking the bottom of max's head on the teaser page; is that a gun or a spaceship of some kind or what?

    People more awesome than me have said it's a gun rather than a spaceship (and after reading their sage comments, I'd agree).
    kgoodies wrote: »
    what do you guys think space gorillia as in the animal? or space guerilla as in a stealth soldier of some kind?

    This holiday greeting on the blog suggests it's a gorilla rather than a guerilla. :)
  • edited January 2010
    Where is it DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!?

    I'm goin CRAZY!
  • edited January 2010
    Where is it DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!?

    I'm goin CRAZY!

    Happens to me at least 200 days off the year.
  • edited January 2010
    Originally posted by puzzlebox
    This holiday greeting on the blog suggests it's a gorilla rather than a guerilla. :)

    oh, awesome. but hey, no reason he can't be both. He does look heavily armed. But i guess this means we can also expect giant cockroaches, it'll be just like Bad Day on The Moon. I hope Max doesn't get incinerated again.
  • edited January 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    This holiday greeting on the blog suggests it's a gorilla rather than a guerilla. :)

    I don't think this greeting is related to Sam and Max 2010 by any kind. I believe it's a random albino gorilla near a random giant cockroach playing the piano.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2010
    kgoodies wrote: »
    oh, awesome. but hey, no reason he can't be both. He does look heavily armed.

    Good point. Maybe it's a... um... gouerilla? :p
    Falanca wrote: »
    I don't think this greeting is related to Sam and Max 2010 by any kind.

    Hush! Allow me to enjoy my elaborately constructed fantasy world undisturbed!
  • edited January 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Hush! Allow me to enjoy my elaborately constructed fantasy world undisturbed!

    Sorry. Try hanging a sock on your door handle next time.

  • edited January 2010
    Okay, I bet ... they announce the release date later this week. Any takers? I'm offering 7 to 4.
  • edited January 2010
    I doubt the card has nothing to do with the new game. I'm not very good at explaining myself right now, but it just seems weird that... argh, I can't think of the right words. Steve Purcell didn't draw it, is my point. I'd elaborate, but I can't. Sorry.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I doubt the card has nothing to do with the new game. I'm not very good at explaining myself right now, but it just seems weird that... argh, I can't think of the right words. Steve Purcell didn't draw it, is my point. I'd elaborate, but I can't. Sorry.

    That convinced me!
  • edited January 2010
    It was drawn by their concept artist though. They have also mentioned a space gorilla as playing a part in season three, so I think it's safe to say that the gorilla in the greeting is the power mad space gorilla.
  • edited January 2010
    I'm so anxious, if I don't hear news soon I'll turn mad! MAAAAD.
  • edited January 2010
    "You Crack me up, little buddy."
  • edited January 2010
    Whaddaya mean "turn"? :p
  • edited January 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I doubt the card has nothing to do with the new game. I'm not very good at explaining myself right now, but it just seems weird that... argh, I can't think of the right words. Steve Purcell didn't draw it, is my point. I'd elaborate, but I can't. Sorry.

    Agreed. Let's see the facts:
    - They released ToMI Ep5 on Dec 8, with a closing hint of Sam & Max 2010
    - At the same time, they opened up a teaser site
    - They've created a christmas card with not Wallace & Gromit, not Tales of Monkey, not Strongbad, not Bone, but... surprise! Sam & Max

    If there were negative nouns in the dictionary, this would fit nicely under 'not conincidence' ;)
  • edited January 2010
    If there were negative nouns in the dictionary, this would fit nicely under 'not conincidence' ;)

    [offtopic]For some reason this sentence made me think how strange it would be to say "That's the second biggest not-three-headed monkey I've ever seen."[/offtopic]
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