flaw in elaines plan

lechuck said he enchanted the cutlass so mortals cant touch it so elaine decided to become demon to use it when the sponge was shrunk she was human and shouldn be aable to use the cutlass


  • edited December 2009
    After sponge got shrunk, both Elaine and the cutlass depowered methinks.
  • edited December 2009
    She wore gloves. Demonic gloves. They're also handy for doing the dishes :)
  • edited December 2009
    Oh, so THAT'S THE RE-...

    God I'm dumb.
  • edited December 2009
    lechuck said he enchanted the cutlass so mortals cant touch it so elaine decided to become demon to use it when the sponge was shrunk she was human and shouldn be aable to use the cutlass

    She grabbed it while still in demon form - so seems like the enchantment only works when grabbing the cutlass.
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