@ Lena P and Irishmile, in our younger days we dressed in colonial era costumes for this: http://www.dayinoldnewcastle.org/dionc/. Our neighbors hired us as junior hostesses to "hang out" in their homes and/or gardens for the tourists.
We're identical twins, but in spite of the "I'm the evil twin" T-shirt she bought me, I really am the good one
How ... what ... ?! :eek: I know they're not beanstalks, but I still feel like there should be a giant living in your garden! Your sunflowers are amazing; I've never seen any anywhere near that tall! They make me want to write about silly adventures with talking animals and have tea parties
Do you always play Scrabble in the nude? Or was this strip Scrabble?
Strip scrabble, hahaha! That's easily the funniest thing I've read all day . Considering most people that play scrabble are over 60, I really hope this game doesn't gather momentum.
Strip scrabble, hahaha! That's easily the funniest thing I've read all day . Considering most people that play scrabble are over 60, I really hope this game doesn't gather momentum.
I did play Scrabble in the bath once...
Hanging out one evening, I wanted to take a bath, boyfriend wanted to play Scrabble... well compromise is the key to a good relationship, right? Although I probably would have drawn the line at bath + Playstation.
Anyway, here is another pic of me. No hood obscuring my hair this time.
Sure ^^ I originally made that back in 2006 to let telltale’s staff know that their games were highly waited into the Mac platform, as their first game, Bone, was
And it seems like it’s just a matter of weeks from now
Aww, Lena, after putting both of us in the same basket in your previous post, you're not giving me a choice. Now I have to prove that my avatar is accurate too.
So behold! Here is a picture of myself staring lovingly at a wooden moose called Prozac.
And since you can't really see my face, [URL="ttp://img300.imageshack.us/img300/209/goblinsavi.jpg"]here[/URL] is another one.
Avistew! Your hair isn't nearly as messy as you led me to believe from your avatar! It's just layered ... I feel so lied to!
I'll forgive you since you have such a rockin' moose, but just this once! He just needs a little sombrero, although ... then I guess you'd have to rename him Stan ...
We're identical twins, but in spite of the "I'm the evil twin" T-shirt she bought me, I really am the good one
Here's that old gal on the left, 40 years later...
(I usually dress better than that, but I was pulling weeds and wasn't expecting to be caught in a fashion-don't moment)
Me, in the middle of a fierce game of scrabble (The table is just off camera). The light in the room that day makes me look weird.
As for me :
I’ve got a funnier one, but I’m holding an iPhone, and I don’t want to be spotted like a branded man (which I’m not ^^).
Strip scrabble, hahaha! That's easily the funniest thing I've read all day
(Most people I know who play scrabble are much younger than 60. Why, my brother even gained a scrabble prize when he was still in high school.)
Excuse me but i heard you liked all of the males picture. Feel free to post my pic in your room. Mines in page 2 of this thread!
It's already hanging over my bed. You've got such a great smile! :dreamy:
I did play Scrabble in the bath once...
Hanging out one evening, I wanted to take a bath, boyfriend wanted to play Scrabble... well compromise is the key to a good relationship, right? Although I probably would have drawn the line at bath + Playstation.
Me at the indoor water park in the Great Wolf Lodge.
Erm... your avatar says otherwise hahaha.
Anyway, here is another pic of me. No hood obscuring my hair this time.
Sure ^^ I originally made that back in 2006 to let telltale’s staff know that their games were highly waited into the Mac platform, as their first game, Bone, was
And it seems like it’s just a matter of weeks from now
It is strip scrabble, but I'm not nude in that picture. I'm wearing this new whole-body suit that resembles skin.
I take my thinking rock everywhere I go, in case of an emergency game of Strip Scrabble. Don't you?
This is me hanging out in one of the local parks, waiting to kill some of those pesky adventurers. Good times.
No matter what everybody tells me; i was not staring at my friend´s boobs.
If you crop her off of the picture, people will stop saying so.
(And since I didn't even notice she was there until you brought it up...)
Obviously just hosted your own Windows 7 party and got a bit out of hand during the proceedings.
Me lying in the grass. (model photo)
Me being romantic. (stage photo.)
By the way Lena P., I've seen you giving tons of reactions, but no picture.
I'm getting curious!
She's already posted her picture: it's her avatar, of course :P
Wow, is it ever real.
You're right. You're actually looking at her pelvis
So behold! Here is a picture of myself staring lovingly at a wooden moose called Prozac.
And since you can't really see my face, [URL="ttp://img300.imageshack.us/img300/209/goblinsavi.jpg"]here[/URL] is another one.
Epic moose, by the way. (is there any other kind?)
And way to rock that MSPaintstache!
I'll forgive you since you have such a rockin' moose, but just this once! He just needs a little sombrero, although ... then I guess you'd have to rename him Stan ...