2 Homestar Ruiners :/ money well spent
okay, so i just bought the strong bad season for $9.95, i already had homestar ruiner from when it first came out. well now i have two serial numbers for homestar ruiner now is there anything i can do to swap it, which i doubt, can i get a coupon off something maybe?
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So that seems... unlikely.
Personally I have 2 Muzzled's.
PHROOSH! (he gone!)
Beware... when the cupon expire?
havent been given it yet, i won through facebook so im kinda expecting them to get to me through facebook...
No, wait...that would probably be something I do. Oh. Well, they'll still do it for business sense, right?
It's episodic. The problem is when you can buy by separate, because they didn't release the option for ToMI until before the end of the season.