Bugeye's Tattoo



  • edited March 2010
    Herman Toothrot has some serious ink!
  • edited March 2010
    Haha! That's actually what I thought when I first saw it :).
  • edited March 2010
    At least this one isn't coloured. I've seen coloured ones that aged even worse.

    But I hear if you maintain them (which might mean re-tattooing them if it fades or something) then they keep looking good.

    I'd never be able to get a tattoo or a piercing. It's too permanent. I already think my hair takes to long to grow back so I can change haircuts :P
    But I think body art can look really good (although I'm more of a natural person anyways so I don't think it would work for me).
  • edited March 2010
    I always think, why not just wear a t-shirt with a cool pattern on it? You don't have to have it on your skin.
  • edited March 2010
    Well, a T-shirt doesn't have the same surface as the skin. And it's less personal, I guess? I think the fact that it stays on you forever is the point. That's what's turning me away from it but I think that's the reason people get them in the first place. They want something that stays.
  • edited March 2010
    That is a good point. It's because of this reason that people should deeply consider what they're going to put on their body. In my opinion, if you're going to get a tattoo, don't just get something that's a novelty that could easily wear off within a couple of months (the novelty of having the tattoo that is, not the tattoo itself). A tattoo should be something that has some form of sentimental value, it should be of something that means a lot to you; something that you won't regret and something that you'll be proud to have on your skin up until your death - perhaps a portrait of a family member or something. I don't think anyone should get a tattoo just because it looks cool, but at the same time I won't object to it or make a fuss over it because this is just my opinion and to get a tattoo is their choice.
  • edited March 2010
    perhaps a portrait of a family member or something.
    Sounds like a good idea, but it could go horribly wrong:





  • edited March 2010
    I got an eight-ball tattoo on my hip when I was 15 and on a trip in Hawaii... I got it there so my Dad wouldnt see it and so if I didnt want people to know I had tats they wouldnt... now the tattoo is almost 15 years old you can still tell what it is but you have to get up close (giggity)

    Anyway when I was 15 I thought an eightball would be cool... now when people see it they ask if I really like pool and I have to say... not really... then they ask if its because I am really into cocain... once again I have to say nope... then I have to explain things that are cool when you are 15 are not usually cool when you are 29.... I should have gotten a Monkey Island tattoo those are timeless.
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah, that's another thing that's acceptable (in some cases) - something that you're passionate about.
  • edited March 2010
    imo, tattoo's are a bad choice.

    here's a good video of why:
    (Red vs. Blue Tattoo PSA)
  • edited March 2010
    I think there is a whole website (maybe there are several, even) devoted to tattoo mistakes.

    You have things like the artist forgot a letter in a word, or things like that.

    That's a bit scary, because that kind of mistake stays with you. But on the other hand if you're careful about selecting your artist that shouldn't be as much of an issue.
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I think there is a whole website (maybe there are several, even) devoted to tattoo mistakes.
    UgliestTattoos.com, brought to you by your friends from the Cheezburger network... :D

    np: Autechre - st epreo (Oversteps)
  • edited March 2010
    Tattoos aren't for everyone. Then again neither is riding a motorcycle or shaving with a straight razor but I still do that from time to time too.

    Some people juggle baby geese.
  • edited March 2010
    mrozowjj wrote: »
    Some people juggle baby geese.
    Because the adult ones fly away!
  • edited March 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    You have things like the artist forgot a letter in a word, or things like that.

    These sorts of mistakes?
  • edited March 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    Because the adult ones fly away!

    It was a quote from firefly.
  • edited March 2010
    Bugeye and Guybrush, separated at birth?
  • edited March 2010
    ...Why can't people just decide for themselves what to do with their own bodies? I mean, yeah there are bad tattoos, but there are also really good ones as well. I could easily just post some really neat tattoos.
  • edited March 2010
    I still say I agree with Pvt. Church from Red vs. Blue about why you shouldn't ever get a tattoo:

    "Number 1: Tattoo's are permanent.

    Number 2: You are a god damn idiot. [...] Take your current age. Now, subtract 10 years from it. Were you smart back then? Of course you weren't, you were a god damn idiot. Fact of the matter is, you're just as big of an idiot today, it's just going to take you 10 more years to realize it. Now, think if you had drawn a picture on your body 10 years ago. Would you be happy with it today? Chances are you wouldn't be."
  • edited March 2010
    Number 1: Actually they aren't entirely.

    Number 2: Old people with tattoos are badass and are usually more worried about their actual health than what's on their bodies.

    Yes there are several bad tattoos out there. That's why you go to a good artist.


    (I just picked these from a local artist)

    Will these people regret having tattoos? Maybe. I don't know. Some will, some won't. Honestly. Look at that old guy posted earlier. Does he look upset?

    Why is it so wrong for people to just do what they want? It's not like it's hurting you.
  • edited March 2010
    Since I derailed this thread for a while earlier, I suppose I ought to mention, I dislike tattoos. Except on certain fictional characters like Bugeye, of course. But on people... Well, I absolutely never want one, and if there's ever been a time that I've seen one on someone else and thought "that's awesome!", it's not coming to mind.
  • edited April 2010
    I like where this thread is going.

    I think tattoos can look awesome, but I personally have no interest in turning my body into a canvas or a work of art. I don't want to be art, I want to be a human. You know, the animal. I'd feel less animal and more object if I had a tattoo or something along those lines, and I wouldn't like that.

    But I'm not telling people not to do it. Just that, as with everything that's permanent, you need to find someone you trust to do a good job or you'll be stuck with the mistake.
  • edited April 2010
    And make sure you don't get something that will lose fashion/popularity in however many years; or stretch/shrivel if you gain/lose weight; or fade in color so you won't know what it is; or put it somewhere on your body that hampers your ability to be employed at a professional business; or get a design/pictographic character that noone knows what it means and you only know cuz someone else told you; or get the name of a band; or get a barbwire ring; or get a tramp stamp; or get something that your present/future spouse may not appreciate; or....

    You see where I'm going with this.
  • edited April 2010
    mrozowjj wrote: »
    It was a quote from firefly.

    I LOVE that show.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, Chyron, these might not be as important to everyone. For instance if you type of job couldn't care less about tattoos, that point is irrelevant, etc.

    It's not like people who get tattoos can't make their own decisions. Sure, some people do it without thinking but why act as though everyone did?
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I like where this thread is going.

    I hate where this thread is going. If you all hate tattoos so much and thing they look stupid and none should ever get them why did you bother clicking on the thread in the first place?
  • edited April 2010
    mrozowjj wrote: »
    I hate where this thread is going. If you all hate tattoos so much and thing they look stupid and none should ever get them why did you bother clicking on the thread in the first place?

    I meant the pictures.
  • edited April 2010
    Tattooed or not, who's gonna have beautiful flawless skin when they're 90? Honestly, a bit of ink won't make wrinkled, saggy flesh look any worse.

    Also, I think a Bugeye-inspired tattoo would be rad.
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