my sam and max fangame
I was bored yesterday so I came up with this "SAM AND MAX: HIT THE ROAD AGAIN its like sam and max hit the road but different. first level: max you idot,come back here! GAME OVER SCREEN max: how the **** could i lose! sam: aw **************!" neat huh? if you have any ideas for the game, or a fangame of your OWN post here!
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You've redefined not ONLY the very NOTION of interactive entertainment, but also crafted a narrative so sublime that even the smallest child could not only understand it, but gleam an important and powerful revelation from it.
Sometimes people wonder what kinds of games I actually enjoy.
This would be it.
Please, don't allow these initial doubters to throw you off your clandestine path! YOU will pave the way to the future! YOU will create the next masterpiece! This will be your magnum opus, friend, and it will rocket you to levels of fame and adulation as of yet unseen in the video game world. This concept is so powerful and touching that I find the title of "video game" to be wholly inadequate, nay, INSULTING to this undeniably incredible work.
5/10 for trying to be creative.
Okay, that's just sad...
Great Job, Irishmile! You really captured the very essence of this "game"
Edit: You got me laughing for several minutes!
That said, it was definitely the best Sam & Max experience I've had in years, and a worthy successor to Hit The Road. My favorite part was where Max says "how the **** could i lose!"
Otherwise it would be decent.
EDIT: Actually removed the f-word, since the forum didn't do so automatically like I figured it would. Silly forum.
and colon semicolon too
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
That, or "donut button".
There are days I think I can parse everything up to "use". This is one of those days.
Now excuse me while I scoop up the deliquesced gray matter leaking from my ears.
P.S. Pale Man, your second post isn't helpingalkdkdkskljlssssssss
*looks down*
aw crud i needed that
Your Idea has come to life!!!!
I think I like Irishmile's version better.
But yours is nice too
Yeah, where's the game over screen ?
I hate it when crucial stuff of the original script gets ommited like that :mad:
Yeah, no kidding. No respect for the source material. :mad:
An updated version of the classic game: Sam and Max Hit the Road Again
in the second pic, read the ballon at the buttom first!!!!