ANSWERED: Q&A with... Steve Purcell!



  • edited April 2010
    i like ur art.

    Who/what are your artistic inspirations? How much of your time is spent to art? Beatles or the Ramones?
    edited April 2010
    Steve Purcell, you're awesome.

    Q: When your brother came up with Sam & Max did they already have the same persona they have now?
  • edited April 2010
    Would you like a baked potato?
  • edited April 2010
    Hello Steve,

    2 quick questions for you...

    1) What sort of music do you listen to regularly?

    2) Do you still have the majority of the early (your brother's) Sam & Max cartoons? Any chance of these getting published in a collection?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer!
  • edited April 2010
    What's your opinion of Guybrush's hair in the Special Edition of Secret of Monkey Island? Because it was very unpopular among fans, but I personally liked it.
  • edited April 2010
    Just one question I can think of:

    How the hell did you come up with this crazy dog and rabbity thing idea in the first place?

    EDIT: Sorry, I see this has already been asked and I guess answered elsewhere. But any further explanation would be great ;)
  • edited April 2010
    at what point was it in your life that you decided you wanted to become an artist?
    was it an easy transition for you into the world of gaming?
    and finally, what was it for you that made you say, "hm... there may really be something here to sam and max, i should pursue this!"

    and of course, thank you so much for all the faboulous sam and max you've blessed my childhood with, i still remember the day my cousin introduced me to hit the road. please stay creating adventures for our cherished freelance police as long as you can.
  • edited April 2010
    and i'm really curious to know, what versions of sam and max (television, games, comics) do you think best captured your characters?

    alternatively, are there any people who you think have voiced some of your creations exceptionally well?
  • edited April 2010
    Could you draw me a sheep ?
  • edited April 2010
    Not really a question. Please make a Sam & Max movie with Pixar!

    Also, now for a question:
    When you first wrote the comics, did you imagine the voices for the characters in your head? And if so do the voices in the adaptions (TV, games) match up close to your imagination?
  • edited April 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    Just one question I can think of:

    How the hell did you come up with this crazy dog and rabbity thing idea in the first place?

    EDIT: Sorry, I see this has already been asked and I guess answered elsewhere. But any further explanation would be great ;)

    He didnt think of it, his brother did when they were kids. HIs brother created the comics and steve finshed them usually by making fun of them.
    Later when steve took some art classes he decided to use sam and max as the people to draw, and then later with his bros permission the comic books/tv show/video game heros we know today.
    EDIT: also, how is steve going to answer these, through PM or will he eventually come on and answer or am i missing something.
  • edited April 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    how is steve going to answer these, through PM or will he eventually come on and answer or am i missing something.

    My guess is some spokesman in the Telltale Team is going to forward all the questions to him via email then that said spokesman will post the answers they get back in here.
  • edited April 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    My guess is some spokesman in the Telltale Team is going to forward all the questions to him via email then that said spokesman will post the answers they get back in here.

    But he hasent answered them yet then.
  • edited April 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    But he hasent answered them yet then.

    He might have done and they haven't been posted here yet but I doubt it.
  • edited April 2010
    Hi Steve,

    Just a few questions, if you have a moment.

    1. Were there any ideas you've ever had for Sam 'n Max that haven't made it into a comic, video game, or some other media?

    2. Do you have any other IPs that you're interested in making into some kind of medium or getting someone else to create for you in your style of art and humor?

    3. On average, how long does/did it take you to finish a piece of art (say concept art for a game or the covers for DVDs)?

    4. Is there anything in particular about the Sam 'n Max world that Lucas Arts or Tell Tale Games added through their video games and videos and the like that you especially like? To put it another way, what contributions to your work others writers and artists have given really impressed you?

    Thank you!
  • edited April 2010
    zmally wrote: »
    Not really a question. Please make a Sam & Max movie with Pixar!
    Not gonna happen.

    If Pixar does make a Sam & Max anything (short film or feature film), Steve would essentially have to hand over some of the rights to Disney in one fashion or another. In other words, the House of Mouse would own a large share of the Freelance Police and would start sticking their white-gloved hands in nearly everything involving them for profit. Which would mean some nasty things for TTG that I don't even want to imagine.

    Or, at the very least, that's what I think would happen given the fact that everything Pixar has popped out of their studio falls under Disney's character library, including their shorts characters like Presto and Alec the Rabbit.
  • edited April 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    Or, at the very least, that's what I think would happen given the fact that everything Pixar has popped out of their studio falls under Disney's character library, including their shorts characters like Presto and Alec the Rabbit.
    I'm quite sure that only applies for new, not-previously-existing properties... and Sam and Max pret-ty much already exist.

    np: Autechre - IO (Mons) (Quaristice (Versions))
  • edited April 2010
    In any case, I am not expecting Pixar to do anything Sam & Max related, and I'll just leave it at that.

    However, I am still curious as to the answer to my original questions as it pertains to who in Pixar knows about Sam & Max.
  • edited April 2010
    Hey SP, nice to meet ya! Thank you for taking the time to answer mine, and other peoples questions! I have a few questions:

    1. Where does Max keep his inventory?

    2. Who was the craziest Sam & Max you've ever seen and what made it so crazy?

    3. Am I blue? Who are you? Can I fly?

    4. Could we expect a Season 4?

    5. What are some other on-going projects you are working on?

    6. Besides drawing and making comics, what are some of your other intrestes?

    7. Are you a fan of, and their toons?

    Phew! that's all I have, for now... (Sorry for any repeated questions.) Can't wait for S&M3, You rock, and high-five!
  • edited April 2010
    I notice Sam and Max seem to really love food...
    What is your favorite sandwich?

    Also do you draw Sam with ice cream bars a lot as a subtle way of reminding the reader that dogs live to receive treats?... Or does Sam just really like popsicles... and there is nothing more to it?
  • edited April 2010
    Dear Mr. Purcell

    First off, I've come to grow fond of the Sam & Max series over time. I'll admit I... used a friend's copy of the first two in a questionable manner... But I eventually got addicted and ended up buying them all.

    My questions are as follows:
    1) How do you feel about your own work? When you look at it, are you more proud of what you accomplished, or bothered by all its shortcomings?

    2a) Could you name a comic or set of characters you feel is much better than your own work?
    b) Could you name a comic or set of characters you feel is equal to your own work? (E.G. Has as much room for improvement/perfection as your own)

    3) How much of your free time is spent with video games, comics, and other areas related to your work?

    4) Have any kids you're willing to gush about? ;)
  • edited April 2010
    1. Why are you so awesome?
    2. How do you type with awesome gloves on?
    3. Is your brother ever angry at the fact that you obtained the rights to this extremely profitable duo, when he created them originally?
  • edited April 2010
    Do your ravenous fans ever worry you?
  • edited April 2010
    I love the LeChuck's Revenge cover art. I have a poster of it hanging above my computer desk. Do you have any cool stories about it? How long did it take you to make? What were you going for when you started on it? How much artistic freedom did you have, how much input did LucasArts get on it?

    I have two copies of the Surfin' the Highway hardcover. The second is sitting on a shelf in shrinkwrap, waiting for a disaster to happen to the other, which I read regularly(and carefully!). Is this a horrible sin against comics? :(

    Do you play the Telltale games?

    Of the Telltale products, what one aspect has made you the most proud?

    Why monkeys?

    Why monkeys that smoke?

    Is all that skill and concentrated awesome heavy on your shoulders?
  • edited April 2010

    Why monkeys that smoke?

    I hope that one isn't answered.
    Learning that there's any reason behind it would ruin the whole awesomeness of the smoking monkeys for me :eek:
  • edited April 2010
    The awesomeness of smoking monkeys isn't destroyed that easily, Astro Gnocci :p
  • edited April 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    The awesomeness of smoking monkeys isn't destroyed that easily, Astro Gnocci :p

    but my faith in the awesomeness of stuff is, sadly :(
  • edited April 2010
    im a HUGE doctor who fan can you please try too make it:eek:
  • edited April 2010
    but my faith in the awesomeness of stuff is, sadly :(
    It's okay. I have an exercise for you. It should renew your faith in the awesomeness of things.

    Kid, try imagining how far the universe extends! Keep thinking about it until you go insane!
  • edited April 2010
    *leaves a bag of bread on top of the refrigerator for a long time.*

    *Watches it turn grey.*

    *Throws the bad tasting bread at Rather Dashing and runs away giggling.*

  • edited April 2010
    1. What or who inspired you to create Sam & Max?

    Although I am starting to feel like a broken record, I would just like to say that Steves's brother thought of it when he was around the age of 4(dog and rabbit police officers named sam and max is not that hard to think of, although the brilliant stories that would soon come was not as simple) Although what inspired Steve to use those characters is a different story.
  • edited April 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Although I am starting to feel like a broken record, I would just like to say that Steves's brother tought of it when he was around the age of 4(dog and rabbit police officers named sam and max is not that hard to think of, although the brilliant stories that would soon come was not as simple) Although what inspired Steve to use those characters is a different story.

    Aw crap! I'll change it to something else. Honestly, I had no idea tha Steve's brother 'Tought' of it. Sorry :(:o
  • edited April 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    The awesomeness of smoking monkeys isn't destroyed that easily, Astro Gnocci :p

    The, uh, image that popped into my head wasn't the one you were intending to convey, I think.
  • edited April 2010
    Good Lord, this got long ... (Sorry, Steve! Just remember, you get 10 extra cool points for each question you answer after the first three sets. Okay? Okay.)


    It's fascinating to see how your drawing and painting style has changed over the years. Would you attribute most of that evolution to influences you've picked up from other artists? In retrospect, how much of it would you say was more unconscious than not? How much has stayed the same in your eyes?

    What has the learning curve been like working in feature animation? Have you encountered anything especially challenging since working at Pixar -- the sort of challenge that continues to stick out in your mind?

    Now for a sillier question: Before, you've said something along the lines of Sam being the one we could best relate to, while Max is the one we actually want to be. The thing is, if I were to choose ... I'd rather be Sam. Is that strange? Or do you think I'm just in denial and would really want to be like Max after all? :p

    Are you surprised by Mac Salmon's popularity? For a side character who made his last appearance over ten years ago, he seems to have a surprising amount of staying power.

    What would you do if you got your hands on a DeSoto that's good for instantaneous cross-country travel, highway surfing, demonic possession, and the ability to fly to the moon by stuffing the muffler with more match heads than I could possibly afford?

    I remember reading that your favorite Sam & Max comics tend to be the shorter ones. What did you like more about those compared to most of the longer stories -- the creation process, and/or how the stories themselves played out? Any particular favorite(s) among them?


    Phew! As others have said, thanks very much for taking the time to answer our questions. I admire you a great deal as both an artist and a creator of characters I love. Rock on, I say. Rock on. :cool:
  • edited April 2010
    Alright, i am a very patient person, but Mr. Purcell has perhaps been pondering these polls for far too long, and the waiting predicament has perplexed me.

    Why the "P" tongue twister? really, why?
    Oh, no reason.

    Of course, I do not wish to insult Steve. Just saying that this opportunity is really freakin' cool, and the season starts in four days.
  • edited April 2010
    Hello Steve, any chance of you ever doing another comic with Mike Mignola? Either writing or drawing position? I didn't realize you guys were that close until I read in an old Comics Journal recently where Mike Mignola was praising your humor timing and also that you were the best man at his wedding. :)

    The comic that appeared in Batman Villians and Rusty Razorclam were both amazing and made me crave more team ups.

    Also and chance you have any more comics in the pipeline Sam and Max or otherwise? I would actually like some more Toybox stories. Hell, it would be great if Telltale made a one off Toybox game.
  • edited April 2010
    He should introduce the right people to get a Telltale Games Hellboy adventure game made.
  • edited April 2010
    There actually already was a Hellboy adventure game, possibly it had some action, called Dogs of Night made by Cryo. I heard it wasn't very good though, so I have not ever played it.
  • edited April 2010
    I would actually like some more Toybox stories. Hell, it would be great if Telltale made a one off Toybox game.

    I'd actually like to see if Telltale can make a game featuring the Toybox gang as well. Suda's design matches rather nicely with the TTTool's capabilities from what we've seen so far. Question is, what would be the plot?
  • edited April 2010
    I hope that one isn't answered.
    Learning that there's any reason behind it would ruin the whole awesomeness of the smoking monkeys for me :eek:

    Took me a while to find this clip
This discussion has been closed.