It's got to be the "Cheap Evil-Smelling Beer" which should be easy to spot in the grocery store.
It's always on sale and has an sadly sparse, uninspired label design.
My only question would be about what you think of the idea of a Sam & Max: Hit the Road Special Edition. If you were to consider a such thing, would you want it to be in full 3D (by Telltale Games), 2D with 3D-looking sprites or 2D with cartoon sprites. Also, would you have the voice acting re-done with the current voice actors, or use the original voices. (I prefer the new ones personally)
Lots of the new fans haven't had the chance to play Hit the Road. At least here in the UK where it is very hard to come by.
We only had time to pick out some of the questions from the mix. If you invent more hours in a day, we'd happily offer more questions to be answered therein.
But likely, people would just want to watch more TV or something.
If I had known that I would have just asked Ernie and Suda questions, since that's what I cared about learning about the most. Oh well, it was nice of Steve to take the time to answer our questions, as I'm sure he's a pretty busy dude. So I'll be content.
Rats in the comics started turning up as part of my way of staying interested in the tedious inking process. Most of the background gags and the rats and roaches were added while inking comics pages to keep me interested. At one point Also at one point I had a pet rat named Ernie who wound up inspiring the character of Suda's partner in "Toybox."
The rats are definitely one of my favorite aspects of Sam and Max. They're like the doodles in the margins of MAD magazine and play out their own little perverse version of the city overhead.
But then again, the hard drinking chain smoking pigeons are a close second.
We only had time to pick out some of the questions from the mix. If you invent more hours in a day, we'd happily offer more questions to be answered therein.
But likely, people would just want to watch more TV or something.
We only had time to pick out some of the questions from the mix. If you invent more hours in a day, we'd happily offer more questions to be answered therein.
But likely, people would just want to watch more TV or something.
More hours in a day?
I think it's already been done... The only downside is that you have fewer days...
Wouldn't it be easy to just fit 8 hours of sleep in... 20 minutes or something?
That way you have more time for Sam and Max, and Steve has more time for answering our weird, annoying questions!
On the other hand, you'd also have to wait longer for the release...
1) Whats your favorite Telltale game?
2) Whats your favorite game that isn't made by telltale?
3) What is your gun of choice?
4) Which is your favorite Sam and Max Season, 1, 2, or 3?
Random? It's what everybody wants to know! Aaand probably noone asked this before because everyone in this forums is adorable-y shy.
It's true. I wanted, nay...needed to have the question asked. But I was...well, paralyzed. Paralyzed by my need for acceptance. I was so afraid that my radical questioning would irrevocably sever me from the community.
It's true. I wanted, nay...needed to have the question asked. But I was...well, paralyzed. Paralyzed by my need for acceptance. I was so afraid that my radical questioning would irrevocably sever me from the community.
But now I know, I'm not alone.
Dashing, I think we've really made a breakthrough here. It's long been obvious that your vaguely supercilious demeanour is a self-defence mechanism that germinated when your mother stopped breastfeeding before you were ready. It would have developed further during a barren childhood bereft of human kindness, and later, with the realisation that your life would be an unendurable litany of ever-darker days, solidified into an immutable mass of emotional constipation.
I think I speak for everyone here when I say this: we can't bear to think of you crying gently over your morning Cheerios, in one of those rare moments you allow yourself a brief flicker of introspection, when you dare to peer into the gaping abyss of your soul, always wondering but never able to summon the courage to reach out - never able to ask the real, pertinent, life-altering questions, the ones that go to the very root of human existence.
We should all be grateful to Falanca for putting this one out in the open.
We only had time to pick out some of the questions from the mix. If you invent more hours in a day, we'd happily offer more questions to be answered therein.
But likely, people would just want to watch more TV or something.
Well, that might just answer my fifth question. Now, to figure out a way to move the Earth slightly away from the Sun without causing major environmental damage... Or maybe to maximize it... I guess it will depend on my mood.
Well, that might just answer my fifth question. Now, to figure out a way to move the Earth slightly away from the Sun without causing major environmental damage... Or maybe to maximize it... I guess it will depend on my mood.
Nope, that'd be a longer year. Making the Earth rotate slower would lengthen days.
Me! Want!
It's got to be the "Cheap Evil-Smelling Beer" which should be easy to spot in the grocery store.
It's always on sale and has an sadly sparse, uninspired label design.
Tell you what, I'm giving Steve Purcell visiting rights as a guardian
*lol* this thread is still making my day ^^!
I have a friend who's called Max. Just Max. In fact, every time he present himself, it's something among this lines:
- I'm Max
- Oh, Maximilian!
- No. Just Max. Really
- *silence*
- What?
Great googily Moogily, how did I not hear of this? Free, in canon, Mac playable games?
This must be my lucky day. Only problem is if they're UK only like the TV shows.
My question isn't silly, is it?
But likely, people would just want to watch more TV or something.
So, is this forum gonna be open áfter the release? (Not a question for Steve;))
I dunno. Maybe one of his ears contains a straw?
The rats are definitely one of my favorite aspects of Sam and Max. They're like the doodles in the margins of MAD magazine and play out their own little perverse version of the city overhead.
But then again, the hard drinking chain smoking pigeons are a close second.
Oh! Oh! I'll invent more hours in a day!
As soon as this show's over...
More hours in a day?
I think it's already been done... The only downside is that you have fewer days...
24 hours is a darn bloody long time...
That way you have more time for Sam and Max, and Steve has more time for answering our weird, annoying questions!
On the other hand, you'd also have to wait longer for the release...
Tell you what. Give me a few of your spare hours so I can actually have some time to play Sam 'n Max tonight, that way you'll have less!
Or do you want the 5 hours that remain waiting now
2) Whats your favorite game that isn't made by telltale?
3) What is your gun of choice?
4) Which is your favorite Sam and Max Season, 1, 2, or 3?
But now I know, I'm not alone.
Dashing, I think we've really made a breakthrough here. It's long been obvious that your vaguely supercilious demeanour is a self-defence mechanism that germinated when your mother stopped breastfeeding before you were ready. It would have developed further during a barren childhood bereft of human kindness, and later, with the realisation that your life would be an unendurable litany of ever-darker days, solidified into an immutable mass of emotional constipation.
I think I speak for everyone here when I say this: we can't bear to think of you crying gently over your morning Cheerios, in one of those rare moments you allow yourself a brief flicker of introspection, when you dare to peer into the gaping abyss of your soul, always wondering but never able to summon the courage to reach out - never able to ask the real, pertinent, life-altering questions, the ones that go to the very root of human existence.
We should all be grateful to Falanca for putting this one out in the open.
Or did you have short hair like all awesome men should?
I must apologize.
Sorry Falanca - I shall not question the bravery and awsomeness of your questions again. I hope in time you will forgive me.
I have loaddds of questions for him regarding snm
always wanted to know if he wanted to inject characters from his other artworks into his sam n max realm
say a suda doll sitting on a shelf or a Defenders of Dynatron City poster or something or mag in a rack
sort of like the mainac mansion painting only in reverse
(like you telltale is doing with max in every pod or so)
Is there a sam or max hand puppet owned by you?
Not a sock puppet people ... a real deal..(jeff dunham style)
unrelated (will the nose glasses ever surface from zak mckracken!!! oops sorry digression )
points like the monkey on family guy to jake
Well, that might just answer my fifth question. Now, to figure out a way to move the Earth slightly away from the Sun without causing major environmental damage... Or maybe to maximize it... I guess it will depend on my mood.
Can I have a cookie?
Or maybe a McGuffin?
Nope, that'd be a longer year. Making the Earth rotate slower would lengthen days.