More divided over 2 hours each day, Monday to Friday to and from work.
Sometimes I was even going to miss my stop because I was sucked into the book.
I was teasing you on the "couldn't put it down" As though you couldn't put it down for the whole week.
It was funnier in my head.
Things usually are >.>
I was teasing you on the "couldn't put it down" As though you couldn't put it down for the whole week.
It was funnier in my head.
Things usually are >.>
I know you was, and trust me. if I could have I would have stayed awake for a week to read it. The book was really that good.
I also wanted to clarify how I read the book, to make my self look more awesome.
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is being localized as Power Rangers Samurai. Part of me is excited because Triple S is probably my favorite sentai show after Kamen Rider Black RX, but I know Saban, and they're probably totally going to botch it.
I am glad to see that, as the Sam & Max hype has died down, the forum presence has also gone down, and we're back to just seeing our regulars here. I'm not the type of person who really likes having hundreds of people on the forums at once - I like what we have now. We've got a consistent flow of replies, but no threads are getting flooded. It's good.
um, least I don't remember a sushi ranger. It's the series where the masks are all Kanji and it's built around the idea that the red ranger's a descendant of feudal lords who have made it their duty to suppress a bunch of evil spirits called Gedoushu. The other rangers are basically Red's vassals and the whole thing has a very neat ancient Japan meets future tech sort of vibe about it.
EDIT: Holy Crap, yes, there is Genta, Shinken Gold! How the bleeding hell did I forget him, he's awesome! So yes, this is the series with the Ranger who uses sushi related utensils in attacks and such.
I saw them live back in 08, best show ever...then again..when I have wenches and mead, it's always a good show.
Still not been to a live concert, but I will have attended at least 1 Sonata Arctica concert before I die.
I had a friend who was at an Alestorm concert, he said the most fun part was when they wanted the audience to sing along, and they sang Puff the Magic Dragon.
um, least I don't remember a sushi ranger. It's the series where the masks are all Kanji and it's built around the idea that the red ranger's a descendant of feudal lords who have made it their duty to suppress a bunch of evil spirits called Gedoushu. The other rangers are basically Red's vassals and the whole thing has a very neat ancient Japan meets future tech sort of vibe about it.
And there's
the best friend of the Red Ranger
who's the Sixth Ranger who is a Sushi Seller. The guy is awesome because
he's a kind of genius in the Mojikara (The power of the kanji) and learned everything alone
. He has some sushi themes but no more than the fact he has a sushi cart and sells sushi
and the phone he has looks like a sushi when he calls his origamis. But nothing else, really
The series is really, really good to be fair. I really liked.
Heh, my edit beat your reply, but yes. Shinken Gold is awesome and I'm an idiot for forgetting him.
Tangentally, I have to say, I wasn't crazy about the cellphone morphers. I haven't liked them since they got introduced in Hyakjuu Sentai Gaoranger (Power Rangers: Wild Force if you watched it stateside) and I still don't like it. It just loses the coolness factor that the old school morphers had in my mind.
My brother who lives away seems to be the only person alive who doesn't degrade, ignore, out cast me. Even my own mother says I don't have a good relationship with her. I'm really just loosing it all together. Girls my age are like aliens, young girls hit on me. My life is so unordinarily ordinarily.
But... but... Saban made the good Power Rangers shows. The ones with martial arts while unmorphed in them. The ones up to Wild Force.
Saban had a lot to do with the cutting of Wild Force, but I actually didn't mind that season all that much.
My problem is that Saban has a tendency to edit out some of the more intense (and better) sentai action stuff. Also, the plots they've chosen for some of the localizations have been...spotty (Their localization of the SUPERB Kamen Rider Black RX as the abysmal Masked Rider will always be a sore point for me). Don't get me wrong, they did do some of the best seasons (In my opinion that would be Mighty Morphin', Zeo, Power Rangers In Space and Time Force), but I'm still worried based on the above mentioned factors.
Where can I watch some of the Super Sentai series'? I've found morphing sequences on youtube, but I don't know where else to look.
I hope that Power Rangers Samurai will have a Morphing sequence really close to the Samurai Sentai.
Now I feel like watching the rest of Ultraseven X.
The trick is hunting around, actually. I've never been able to find a site that has all of the Sentai shows (not even one that has all of the Kamen Rider stuff), but there is quite a bit uploaded and floating around. What I do is generally do a google search for the Sentai show with subs (Wikipedia lists all the Sentai shows and their localization counterparts). 9 times out of ten you'll get a hit, especially with the shows that have already been localized.
To start you off though:
Veoh has about nine episodes of Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger which was the Sentai they pulled most of the footage for Mighty Morphin' from.
Also, this user has a mix of obscure japanese shows uploaded including some of the sentai show Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan
I loved Power Rangers up until Zeo, then lost interest. If the Zords aren't animals/dinosaurs/mythological creatures, they can go to hell! I know that the later series got more serious and actually had things like character development and story arcs, but I preferred it when Rita was attacking the earth because it happened to be there (and probably because she had a headache) and the Rangers were all high school kids who hung out in a group wearing coloured clothing that corresponded to their Ranger colour and nobody EVER got suspicious because 50% of the population of Angel Grove were morons and the other 50% were Puttys in disguise.
And then there was that episode with the evil clown who turned people into carboard cutouts by dehydrating them. THAT WAS THE BEST EPISODE EVER. (no, really, I have it on DVD somewhere)
There is something to be said for simplicity (as a fan of the Kajiu genre, I enjoy a good fight with explosions and buildings being smashed. XD), but I always liked the high flying plots of the later seasons, which is actually part of why I got so into the actual Sentai series' at large.
I'm sure I've said this somewhere else already, but I was a Power Rangers fan through the Zordon era and totally lost interest when Lost Galaxy started up and cut ties to the old continuity. That said, thanks to goddamn Linkara, I've downloaded the series all the way up through Dino Thunder. Unfortunately, I can't go any further than that. Starting with SPD, Disney started releasing entire seasons on DVD, so the show is absolutely unobtainable any other way.
And I admit I'm a bit curious about the original Sentai series, but my curiosity is pretty much limited to Zyuranger.
More divided over 2 hours each day, Monday to Friday to and from work.
Sometimes I was even going to miss my stop because I was sucked into the book.
You have a tremendous figure. Tiger.
I was teasing you on the "couldn't put it down"
It was funnier in my head.
Things usually are >.>
I know you was, and trust me. if I could have I would have stayed awake for a week to read it. The book was really that good.
I also wanted to clarify how I read the book, to make my self look more awesome.
I woke up 3 in the night. Never happened before.
Of course I didn´t get up from the bed.
I saw them live back in 08, best show ever...then again..when I have wenches and mead, it's always a good show.
um, least I don't remember a sushi ranger. It's the series where the masks are all Kanji and it's built around the idea that the red ranger's a descendant of feudal lords who have made it their duty to suppress a bunch of evil spirits called Gedoushu. The other rangers are basically Red's vassals and the whole thing has a very neat ancient Japan meets future tech sort of vibe about it.
EDIT: Holy Crap, yes, there is Genta, Shinken Gold! How the bleeding hell did I forget him, he's awesome! So yes, this is the series with the Ranger who uses sushi related utensils in attacks and such.
Still not been to a live concert, but I will have attended at least 1 Sonata Arctica concert before I die.
I had a friend who was at an Alestorm concert, he said the most fun part was when they wanted the audience to sing along, and they sang Puff the Magic Dragon.
And there's
The series is really, really good to be fair. I really liked.
Edit: Ninja'd
Tangentally, I have to say, I wasn't crazy about the cellphone morphers. I haven't liked them since they got introduced in Hyakjuu Sentai Gaoranger (Power Rangers: Wild Force if you watched it stateside) and I still don't like it. It just loses the coolness factor that the old school morphers had in my mind.
Witching hour.
What the...:p
Never heard that before, is it something new:D
Sounds better than ordinary.
Strawberry cream with milk tastes good!
I longing for the new Donkey country returns for wii.
Have been a while since I played now.
But... but... Saban made the good Power Rangers shows. The ones with martial arts while unmorphed in them. The ones up to Wild Force.
I liked Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder, but other then that, you're right.
Saban had a lot to do with the cutting of Wild Force, but I actually didn't mind that season all that much.
My problem is that Saban has a tendency to edit out some of the more intense (and better) sentai action stuff. Also, the plots they've chosen for some of the localizations have been...spotty (Their localization of the SUPERB Kamen Rider Black RX as the abysmal Masked Rider will always be a sore point for me). Don't get me wrong, they did do some of the best seasons (In my opinion that would be Mighty Morphin', Zeo, Power Rangers In Space and Time Force), but I'm still worried based on the above mentioned factors.
Hehe I just got over my soar throat.
Also, my sam and max 5 poster set arrived yesterday and they look great, now when I wake up the first think I see is a pissed off sam with a gun:D
I hope that Power Rangers Samurai will have a Morphing sequence really close to the Samurai Sentai.
Now I feel like watching the rest of Ultraseven X.
I want to buy the complete series of JL and JLU now.
Hey :cool:
TV Nihon They subtitle Sentai since Dekaranger. You need a Torrent program for download it though
The trick is hunting around, actually. I've never been able to find a site that has all of the Sentai shows (not even one that has all of the Kamen Rider stuff), but there is quite a bit uploaded and floating around. What I do is generally do a google search for the Sentai show with subs (Wikipedia lists all the Sentai shows and their localization counterparts). 9 times out of ten you'll get a hit, especially with the shows that have already been localized.
To start you off though:
Veoh has about nine episodes of Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger which was the Sentai they pulled most of the footage for Mighty Morphin' from.
Also, this user has a mix of obscure japanese shows uploaded including some of the sentai show Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan
Yes. The moment he makes a spam thread he's getting banned.
When I saw you said he asked you for a free game I couldn't stop loling for ages.
And then there was that episode with the evil clown who turned people into carboard cutouts by dehydrating them. THAT WAS THE BEST EPISODE EVER. (no, really, I have it on DVD somewhere)
And I admit I'm a bit curious about the original Sentai series, but my curiosity is pretty much limited to Zyuranger.