That is one of the more obnoxious things about the Disney era, but Disney's take over the franchise was probably one of the worst things to ever happen to it, as Disney cannot handle live action shows for crap, so in a way, you've seen most of the best the PR franchise has to offer at the moment.
I'm all for Linkara's "History of the Power Rangers" honestly. I come from a pretty comparative perspective, many times having seen the Sentai show before ht Power Rangers version. It's interesting to hear the shows observed from a purely stateside perspective.
I'm sure I've said this somewhere else already, but I was a Power Rangers fan through the Zordon era and totally lost interest when Lost Galaxy started up and cut ties to the old continuity. That said, thanks to goddamn Linkara, I've downloaded the series all the way up through Dino Thunder. Unfortunately, I can't go any further than that. Starting with SPD, Disney started releasing entire seasons on DVD, so the show is absolutely unobtainable any other way.
Don't worry, Everything after Dino Thunder was simply awful.
That is one of the more obnoxious things about the Disney era, but Disney's take over the franchise was probably one of the worst things to ever happen to it, as Disney cannot handle live action shows for crap, so in a way, you've seen most of the best the PR franchise has to offer at the moment.
I very nearly said this but decided to leave it out. Also, I haven't gotten as far as Dino Thunder yet. Like I said before, I originally watched the show and caught most episodes up through In Space, but as for my current viewing of the series, including all the episodes I never caught on TV back in the day, I'm only about halfway through the second season of Mighty Morphin'.
Let me tell you what's on MY mind. How infuriating it is, when I've given someone a TON of chances and warnings, that they keep coming back with new names after being banned.
Let me tell you what's on MY mind. How infuriating it is, when I've given someone a TON of chances and warnings, that they keep coming back with new names after being banned.
Let me tell you what's on MY mind. How infuriating it is, when I've given someone a TON of chances and warnings, that they keep coming back with new names after being banned.
Let me tell you what's on MY mind. How infuriating it is, when I've given someone a TON of chances and warnings, that they keep coming back with new names after being banned.
isnt there a way to block proxys from using this site?
I hope so, When he was "just a kid", he was a nuisance, but not much else. Now that we know he's a troll, he just needs to GET OFF HERE IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE.
Let me tell you what's on MY mind. How infuriating it is, when I've given someone a TON of chances and warnings, that they keep coming back with new names after being banned.
Sorry, had to vent.
No need to apologize, we're all feeling your pain.
Well see, Takuya Yamashiro's father is killed while investigating a crashed spaceship. When Takuya is looking for his father, he finds the crashed ship. it's from some Spider-planet, and the last survivor of this planet gives him a techno-wizardry bracelet that gives him spider-powers and control over the crashed spaceship, which naturally can transform into the giant robot Leopardon. With these new powers, he becomes Spider-Man, and fights against the evil alien Doctor Monster and his minions.
I'm sick. On the down side, I'm sick. On the plus side, now I can blame my being unable to finish my workout yesterday on that.
I hope I'll be better soon. I'm not even sick in any particular way... Runny nose, sore throat, headache, general fatigue and can't eat without feeling nauseated. It's like your average "I don't feel so good" thingie.
In other news, I've started playing DK 64 again. I know many people don't like it so much, but I really do. Although I still wish they had kept Dixie and Kiddy instead of introducing Tiny and... the big guy, I haven't unlocked him yet >.>
They could even have kept the designs, just said Dixie changed a little bit and Kiddy grew older (which would make sense since time has obviously passed, what with Wrinkly being dead and all).
I really hope I'll be better soon, I want to go back to my exercise Can't really do that without eating though.
Japanese Spiderman is AMAZING. The show is a bit goofy, but by God it's a fun ride (and that basically describes every sentai show ever). Seriously though, the genre's a lot of fun. I'll plug Kamen Rider since I am a huge fan especially of the Kamen Rider Black and Kamen Rider Black RX series'.
What's actually on my mind: I loathe getting up at 7 am. So much.
I'm all for Linkara's "History of the Power Rangers" honestly. I come from a pretty comparative perspective, many times having seen the Sentai show before ht Power Rangers version. It's interesting to hear the shows observed from a purely stateside perspective.
Don't worry, Everything after Dino Thunder was simply awful.
I very nearly said this but decided to leave it out. Also, I haven't gotten as far as Dino Thunder yet. Like I said before, I originally watched the show and caught most episodes up through In Space, but as for my current viewing of the series, including all the episodes I never caught on TV back in the day, I'm only about halfway through the second season of Mighty Morphin'.
Isn't RPM considered to be pretty awesome specially considering how they turned a comedy sentai season into one of the most serious PR seasons?
Sorry, had to vent.
It's a real ad too.
Damn straight!
Can't you ban them by IP number?
That's what I hope. By the way, he's currently Parents23.
He likesa' the proxies!
WOW. So, he's a troll, not a kid?
isnt there a way to block proxys from using this site?
There are some people who have legitimate uses for Proxies.
Also; Ringmaster. You are 13/14, and know what a proxy is and (probably) how to access one. I've seen some pretty dumb 14 year olds on the internet.
I hope so, When he was "just a kid", he was a nuisance, but not much else. Now that we know he's a troll, he just needs to GET OFF HERE IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE.
I didn't meen forever just till he gets bored.
No need to apologize, we're all feeling your pain.
Like Spider-Man!
...actually, that's a really bad example. But still! Come on man, jump into the deep end! The water is fine!
Why does spiderman have a robot!?
Because he started the genre!
No, seriously!
EDIT: I loled hard!! so America rly gave them the genre :P
When you said strawberry I thought of this...just threw it together quickly for fun.
....I wish the neighbor kids would quit banging on my door...BASTARDS! I'm going to go fire warning shots at them until they go away.
EDIT: Things have gotten weird. There was nobody at my door and apparently I don't own a gun...I think I'm going to go to sleep...
....For several years if at all possible.
I hope I'll be better soon. I'm not even sick in any particular way... Runny nose, sore throat, headache, general fatigue and can't eat without feeling nauseated. It's like your average "I don't feel so good" thingie.
In other news, I've started playing DK 64 again. I know many people don't like it so much, but I really do. Although I still wish they had kept Dixie and Kiddy instead of introducing Tiny and... the big guy, I haven't unlocked him yet >.>
They could even have kept the designs, just said Dixie changed a little bit and Kiddy grew older (which would make sense since time has obviously passed, what with Wrinkly being dead and all).
I really hope I'll be better soon, I want to go back to my exercise
Japanese Spiderman is AMAZING. The show is a bit goofy, but by God it's a fun ride (and that basically describes every sentai show ever). Seriously though, the genre's a lot of fun. I'll plug Kamen Rider since I am a huge fan especially of the Kamen Rider Black and Kamen Rider Black RX series'.
What's actually on my mind: I loathe getting up at 7 am. So much.
Wow, you´re really good with that.
The cream has whole strawberrys in it, so it´s delicious!:p
I guess that's what you'd call Strawberry Cheesecake.
Oh, come on! I had to say it.
LOL, it's pretty rasterized but I never learned to use AI yet really. It's what I enjoy doing in my field. but I'm still learning alot about it.
Glad two people seemed to get the joke. Thanks for replying mates.
And her "hair" is somehow fancy!:)
I wonder what else I can come up with while I'm horny...
Manos hands of fate is a great bad movie.