It's bright year round here. I think in winter it's even brighter because it just bounces off every surface, since everything is covered in snow or ice.
Well, when the sun is up. I actually need to turn the light on by 4 pm these days, but during the day, yeah, it's pretty bright.
It´s kinda early for cold and snow here, it´s usually starting after christmas.
But one advantage of the snow is well that it gets a little brighter, but still I miss the sun.
I'm really excited about Take That being a five man band again. I might be the only straight guy actually excited about that.
Take That since the reunion have been writing brilliant pop songs actually. All my mates have a soft spot for them, so you can take solace in that we enjoy them... when we're not kissing each other
Am sort of depressed I won't be home for thanksgiving this year. On the plus side, it means I get an out in regards to the Italian Guilt Trip marathon for another month.
*sigh* I bought all of my "christmas" stuff this weekend only because the Poker Night pre-order promotion was about to end, even having to leave out the S&M DVDs because they wouldn't be added on time, only to have an even better promotion a few days later...Yeah, I think now I know how some of you guys feel.
It was so hyped up and so praised that it ruined the entire experience for me. I sat there throughout the film saying to myself, "Come on. Impress me. IMPRESS me, damn it! I dare you! I double dare you, BITCH! Come on, DO IT!"
In the end, it was nothing truly exciting and nothing truly new. Naturally, I was not impressed.
To me, it was epic just for being a Harry Potter film that came close to being 100% accurate to the book. It's rare to see a "film of the book" and see nearly exactly what you pictured in your mind appear on the screen.
Received my Scott Pilgrim package (movie and first book) yesterday, so I had a full-blown binge and renewed my obsession. It's weird reading the manga again after seeing the movie, since all the dialog is now in the actors' voices in my mind, and I keep getting stunned at how closely the movie matched the sets. Of course, that'll taper off since only the first volume and select sections of later volumes were adapted more or less scene-for-scene.
I woke up this morning to find it's snowing. Having grown up in the Central Valley of California where the two forms of winter weather are fog and rain, this is super exciting. I'm really tempted to go run out in it like an idiot, but Old English and a sense of how little dignity I still have is preventing me.
We're due snow here, but not until Saturday. I hope it stays that way because I'm supposed to be going to visit my parents this weekend and that involves a train journey. And the trains here have a habit of being cancelled the minute a single snowflake drifts onto the track.
For those US folks here, is sarsaparilla basically the same thing as root beer? After playing hours upon hours of New Vegas, now I really want to try some. BUILD MASS WITH SASS. Hell, the only reason I started drinking Bawls was because the worst game in the franchise told me to. (but I still love you F:BOS!) I guess I should be thankful that Nuka-Cola doesn't actually exist...
In a sense, yes but I believe Saspirilla is left to ferment a bit longer.
And it's much better too!
I'm dining on a huge Thanksgiving dinner! WOO! I've got more food on my plate than my stomach can possibly handle! Ahahaha! Woohoohoo! Ehehe! I'd like to take this time to thank everyone btw. Thank you, you wonderful people. For not having a meal as good as mine. Ahahahahaha.
It's been a pretty good day (the semi-constant presence of snow helped), went out to dinner and had a pretty good steak sandwich that came with a free beer (always a plus). Now I'm just doing laundry and waiting to hear from the family when they all get together at my house back in CA.
Why do there exist so many bad movies and games whilst some people already thought out amazing stories and worlds? I mean if you can't come up without something great on your own, why not making usage of one of these treasures?
For those US folks here, is sarsaparilla basically the same thing as root beer? After playing hours upon hours of New Vegas, now I really want to try some. BUILD MASS WITH SASS. Hell, the only reason I started drinking Bawls was because the worst game in the franchise told me to. (but I still love you F:BOS!) I guess I should be thankful that Nuka-Cola doesn't actually exist...
Sarsaparilla uses different ingredients and it's stronger.
"The drink Sarsaparilla is a carbonated drink made from the extract from the sarsaparilla root but originally it was flavored with sassafras and birch oils and did not contain sarsaparilla.
Root beer is also flavored with sarsaparilla root but has the additional flavorings from sassafras, anise, burdock, cinnamon, dandelion, ginger, juniper, vanilla and wintergreen."
Why do there exist so many bad movies and games whilst some people already thought out amazing stories and worlds? I mean if you can't come up without something great on your own, why not making usage of one of these treasures?
I want to start a new sprite comic, with mostly custom sprites and backgrounds and stuff. However, seeing as I am a lazy scrub, it's unlikely I get sprites done.
And yes, those are all the sprites I currently have, meaning I have to fully finish the sprites, and yes, when I say mostly I actually meant completely.
Why do there exist so many bad movies and games whilst some people already thought out amazing stories and worlds? I mean if you can't come up without something great on your own, why not making usage of one of these treasures?
Just sayin.
Also, what works as a novel does not work when directly transplanted into film, what works as a film does not work when transplanted directly into a radio play, etc etc. In the various creative mediums there are different narrative styles, different strengths, different things that are possible to convey, different strengths and weaknesses. This is why adaptations fail so often: you can't simply transplant one into another, it doesn't work that way.
It's more than that, too. People don't go into making something and say to themselves, "Well, I'm going to make a sucky game today". People don't consciously make the trade-off between "great adaptation" or "sucky original title", that's not how people think. And it's not one or two guys making a call, and if it is it's executives who care more for profit margins and graphs than creative output, as long as you're dealing directly with Hollywood and the major game studios.
There are great films and great video games being made every day by people who don't answer to the AAA structure. There was a time when Telltale fans would be the group that would know that, when the group that came here knew the inherent creative value the indie scene has, how much respect it deserves. I don't know what happened between Season Two of Sam and Max and now, but whatever it is sucks.
It´s kinda early for cold and snow here, it´s usually starting after christmas.
But one advantage of the snow is well that it gets a little brighter, but still I miss the sun.
Take That since the reunion have been writing brilliant pop songs actually. All my mates have a soft spot for them, so you can take solace in that we enjoy them... when we're not kissing each other
Thanks for the advice, think I will. At the very least, it'll be less depressing than eating leftovers in my kitchen/basement (most likely by myself).
Two words: Extraordinarily Overrated.
It was so hyped up and so praised that it ruined the entire experience for me. I sat there throughout the film saying to myself, "Come on. Impress me. IMPRESS me, damn it! I dare you! I double dare you, BITCH! Come on, DO IT!"
In the end, it was nothing truly exciting and nothing truly new. Naturally, I was not impressed.
Dobby is a free elf.
Good luck!
But it sure does add to the Christmas atmosphere.
Yesterday I had a little brother.
Oh and congrats Gary.
And today you don't?
Exactly what I was thinking today. The snowy weather really brings christmas atmosphere.
Strange, here it´s snow and I looked behind me but didn´t see StrongBrush anywhere:D
I have to work in the evening tomorrow, and daytime both saturday and sunday, I´m super excited...:rolleyes:
....just kidding, no fun.
For those US folks here, is sarsaparilla basically the same thing as root beer? After playing hours upon hours of New Vegas, now I really want to try some. BUILD MASS WITH SASS. Hell, the only reason I started drinking Bawls was because the worst game in the franchise told me to. (but I still love you F:BOS!) I guess I should be thankful that Nuka-Cola doesn't actually exist...
In a sense, yes but I believe Saspirilla is left to ferment a bit longer.
And it's much better too!
I'm dining on a huge Thanksgiving dinner! WOO! I've got more food on my plate than my stomach can possibly handle! Ahahaha! Woohoohoo! Ehehe! I'd like to take this time to thank everyone btw. Thank you, you wonderful people. For not having a meal as good as mine. Ahahahahaha.
Sarsaparilla uses different ingredients and it's stronger.
"The drink Sarsaparilla is a carbonated drink made from the extract from the sarsaparilla root but originally it was flavored with sassafras and birch oils and did not contain sarsaparilla.
Root beer is also flavored with sarsaparilla root but has the additional flavorings from sassafras, anise, burdock, cinnamon, dandelion, ginger, juniper, vanilla and wintergreen."
I couldn't agree more.
So far I have:
Kevin Keene
Princess Lana
Samus Aran
And yes, those are all the sprites I currently have, meaning I have to fully finish the sprites, and yes, when I say mostly I actually meant completely.
Meanwhile I also need to do backgrounds. I currently don't have a lot.
Just sayin.
Also, what works as a novel does not work when directly transplanted into film, what works as a film does not work when transplanted directly into a radio play, etc etc. In the various creative mediums there are different narrative styles, different strengths, different things that are possible to convey, different strengths and weaknesses. This is why adaptations fail so often: you can't simply transplant one into another, it doesn't work that way.
It's more than that, too. People don't go into making something and say to themselves, "Well, I'm going to make a sucky game today". People don't consciously make the trade-off between "great adaptation" or "sucky original title", that's not how people think. And it's not one or two guys making a call, and if it is it's executives who care more for profit margins and graphs than creative output, as long as you're dealing directly with Hollywood and the major game studios.
There are great films and great video games being made every day by people who don't answer to the AAA structure. There was a time when Telltale fans would be the group that would know that, when the group that came here knew the inherent creative value the indie scene has, how much respect it deserves. I don't know what happened between Season Two of Sam and Max and now, but whatever it is sucks.