From what I've read, it's nearly unwatchable. Not surprising after Shyamalan's last couple of movies.
(tangent: It really is sad to see his fall from grace. The Sixth Sense wasn't amazing, but it was quite good. Even Signs was good until the last half hour. I guess that's all he had in him, though.)
I may need to see if im photosensitive, I bought the music steam pack and after I buy it I get the warning on photosensitivity(bad timing for them) and play one of the games(the one with still alive saved on it) and now I have a headache, after 10 seconds of gameplay. Not a good sign.
I haven't seen the movie but my friend did and here is all from what I heard that the director got wrong
Firebenders can control fire but not make it because it seemed unfair which was the POINT!
No keoshi warriors which will screw up part 2 since they play a key role on how Azula gets to Basing Say
No King Bumi which will screw up aang trying to learn earthbending in part 2.
Aang being WAY too serious.
From what I've read, it's nearly unwatchable. Not surprising after Shyamalan's last couple of movies.
(tangent: It really is sad to see his fall from grace. The Sixth Sense wasn't amazing, but it was quite good. Even Signs was good until the last half hour. I guess that's all he had in him, though.)
I liked The Village, of course the end could have been better, but it´s a movie who really sticks out from the rest.
Lady in the water was good too, again it´s a film that is different from others.
The sixth Sense is a film that you remember, I mean it can happen/happens in reality.
You think there's going to be a part 2? I can't remember the last film I've heard of that was as universally reviled as The Last Airbender. Even if the studio doesn't can the project, they certainly won't be giving it back to Shyamalan to wreck.
Also, everything I hear about the 3D version is hilarious. You'd think that people would learn to either check if a movie was shot in or converted to 3D or to just stop going to 3D movies, but as long as people don't learn, the studios will keep converting movies so they can sell tickets at the 3D price.
Speaking of, Deathly Hallows was supposed to be converted to 3D, but for some reason they scrapped it for Part 1.
Oh, trust me, it has many more problems than that.
Oh I know that was what I was thinking of at the top of my head.
I think another one was for aang they didnt hire a person based on acting, but on karate skills. And although that is important for aang acting is important too.
Oh and the names. Isnt aang pronounce ong and all these other retarded names.
Honestly, I post on what I'd consider to be a major Dragonball forum, and....nobody there really cares, honestly. It was interesting to follow, but once it was out, it kind of fell off the face of the earth with little fanfare or ire. Maybe my community is different, though.
I think the intensity varies from place to place. A lot of my Dragonball-obsessed friends are still pretty angry. And then again, some of my Avatar-obsessed friends have already recovered from The Last Airbender.
I've watched the Last Airbender. Shit was bad. Not haha bad, but just plain bad. The child actors are as dull as a door knob, the plot was changed from the source material and confusing while at it, the casting was borderline racist, EVERYTHING IS MISPRONOUNCED, and god was it just dull. It's been a while since I've seen it, and most of what I remembered was that it was just plain dull. And just plain stupid while at it.
Most notably, there's a scene where Aang is trying to give a support speech to a bunch of Earthbender prisoners. In the show, they were surrounded by iron, which prevented their ability to earthbend. In the movie, they were already on land. Aang literally goes: LOOK BENEATH YOUR FEET. ITS EARTH. LETS KICK ASS. Which begs the question of WHY DIDN'T THE EARTHBENDERS REALIZE THIS EARLIER?
Most notably, there's a scene where Aang is trying to give a support speech to a bunch of Earthbender prisoners. In the show, they were surrounded by iron, which prevented their ability to earthbend. In the movie, they were already on land. Aang literally goes: LOOK BENEATH YOUR FEET. ITS EARTH. LETS KICK ASS. Which begs the question of WHY DIDN'T THE EARTHBENDERS REALIZE THIS EARLIER?
Well, it seems that excessive online shopping has caused the Internet to shut down for over an HOUR now, but I'm glad the Internet is back. Oh, and it will only be a few more minutes until Cyber-Monday, which means excessive online shopping, and excessive Internet problems! This stinks!
I finally finished my graduate applications. Im not sure if I'll get in, though, and I don't really have any alternative plans. But, hey, time to start baking challah for Hanukkah! Mmmmm... homemade challah...
Leslie Neilsen died. I loved his movies. He was really awesome.
Now I want to watch one of the Dramas he was in.
Yeah, I read that too. Leslie Nielsen RIP. Seems like there's no possibility for the Naked Gun 4 now (there was a script which seemed great according to AICN).
He did a lot of very bad spoof movies, but he's been in many good ones also (Airplane!, The Naked Gun 1-33 1/3, Guest star in Due South etc.). He was the king of the spoof movies, one could say. And it seemed like he still had the energy in him to do dozens of very bad and at least two uncontestedly brilliant spoof movies.
The system we have here is called Shattered Legacies, it's a low fantasy setting meaning that there aren't the traditional races. Instead we have goblins, golems, humans and a race called the Beastkin, which take an animal totem and display both appearance and behavior based on that totem. The missions yesterday were pretty standard, clearing some beastkin off the land one of the houses that run the Ambala (the city we adventurers operate out of) which resulted in a huge fight, exploring an old ruin and killing the tainted (or undead) in a sewer. I was adventuring on the ruin exploration mission and was a monster for the other two,
Leslie Neilsen died. I loved his movies. He was really awesome.
Now I want to watch one of the Dramas he was in.
I'm snowed in at my parents, I've had to miss work today and I'll probably miss work tomorrow as well. WTF Scotrail and Scottish local government, you were supposed to be ready for winter weather this year! WHERE ARE THE BLOODY GRITTERS AND SNOWPLOUGHS?
(tangent: It really is sad to see his fall from grace. The Sixth Sense wasn't amazing, but it was quite good. Even Signs was good until the last half hour. I guess that's all he had in him, though.)
:pSome more details maybe?
If you haven't watched the cartoon it's a bad movie, if you HAVE watched it it'd be 10 times worse.
I haven't seen the movie but my friend did and here is all from what I heard that the director got wrong
Firebenders can control fire but not make it because it seemed unfair which was the POINT!
No keoshi warriors which will screw up part 2 since they play a key role on how Azula gets to Basing Say
No King Bumi which will screw up aang trying to learn earthbending in part 2.
Aang being WAY too serious.
I liked The Village, of course the end could have been better, but it´s a movie who really sticks out from the rest.
Lady in the water was good too, again it´s a film that is different from others.
The sixth Sense is a film that you remember, I mean it can happen/happens in reality.
You think there's going to be a part 2? I can't remember the last film I've heard of that was as universally reviled as The Last Airbender. Even if the studio doesn't can the project, they certainly won't be giving it back to Shyamalan to wreck.
Also, everything I hear about the 3D version is hilarious. You'd think that people would learn to either check if a movie was shot in or converted to 3D or to just stop going to 3D movies, but as long as people don't learn, the studios will keep converting movies so they can sell tickets at the 3D price.
Speaking of, Deathly Hallows was supposed to be converted to 3D, but for some reason they scrapped it for Part 1.
Let me put it this way:
I could pull a better movie out of my ass.
Oh I know that was what I was thinking of at the top of my head.
I think another one was for aang they didnt hire a person based on acting, but on karate skills. And although that is important for aang acting is important too.
Oh and the names. Isnt aang pronounce ong and all these other retarded names.
...Dragonball: Evolution?
I suppose the comparison would have been a bit more apt if it had only related to the fan base.
Most notably, there's a scene where Aang is trying to give a support speech to a bunch of Earthbender prisoners. In the show, they were surrounded by iron, which prevented their ability to earthbend. In the movie, they were already on land. Aang literally goes: LOOK BENEATH YOUR FEET. ITS EARTH. LETS KICK ASS. Which begs the question of WHY DIDN'T THE EARTHBENDERS REALIZE THIS EARLIER?
And apparently Shyamalan hasn't called off his plans to do a second film, but he's working on something else entirely right now.
What kind of LARPing.
The scene
1:10 is just hilariously stupid awful.
Now I want to watch one of the Dramas he was in.
Oh, no. Sadface.
Well. I'm not laughing anymore.
O.O What.
That seriously sucks. He's one of those people you half-expect to transcend age and just kind of always be around.
Yeah, now I don't think I can watch, Airplane, or Naked Gun for a while...he was a comedic Genius up til the very end.
I wonder if that game is worth buying?
You know what's creepy? A few hours before this happened, I was posting potential celebrity gravestone engravings on Facebook. No, really:
RIP Nathan Fillion. They can't take the sky from him.
RIP David Tennant. He didn't regenerate this time.
RIP Alan Moore. I guess he was a mortal after all.
RIP Tim Burton. Whatever.
RIP Daniel Radcliffe. His career was ending anyway.
RIP Harrison Ford. There was no fridge around when it happened.
RIP Jack Black. He rode that dragon to Valhalla.
RIP Cookie Monster. May heaven be full of the thing you love the most, whatever it is.
RIP David Bowie. Though you're past one hundred thousand miles, you're very still, and I think your spaceship knows which way to go.
RIP Neil Patrick Harris. You were legendary.
I just have a habit of posting fake celebrity deaths on Facebook, and see how fast people respond. The fastest one was Johnny Depp; 4 seconds.
So, RIP Leslie Nielsen. You were the mark of a good parody film.
PS: I'm sorry if I insulted some celebrity you like.
Yeah, I read that too. Leslie Nielsen RIP. Seems like there's no possibility for the Naked Gun 4 now (there was a script which seemed great according to AICN).
He did a lot of very bad spoof movies, but he's been in many good ones also (Airplane!, The Naked Gun 1-33 1/3, Guest star in Due South etc.). He was the king of the spoof movies, one could say. And it seemed like he still had the energy in him to do dozens of very bad and at least two uncontestedly brilliant spoof movies.
That really sucks. I liked "Airplane."
The system we have here is called Shattered Legacies, it's a low fantasy setting meaning that there aren't the traditional races. Instead we have goblins, golems, humans and a race called the Beastkin, which take an animal totem and display both appearance and behavior based on that totem. The missions yesterday were pretty standard, clearing some beastkin off the land one of the houses that run the Ambala (the city we adventurers operate out of) which resulted in a huge fight, exploring an old ruin and killing the tainted (or undead) in a sewer. I was adventuring on the ruin exploration mission and was a monster for the other two,
I'm snowed in at my parents, I've had to miss work today and I'll probably miss work tomorrow as well. WTF Scotrail and Scottish local government, you were supposed to be ready for winter weather this year! WHERE ARE THE BLOODY GRITTERS AND SNOWPLOUGHS?