But make sure the book is nicely secure on your head, when you make the jump of the second floor!
(Else the brain is just going to get everywhere, and trust me on this. Brainsplatter is NOT easy to clean! Xp)
If they continued, they would have gotten awful.. just like Voyager. It's why I'm sort of glad Firefly and Outlaw Star were never continued. They would have gone on until they were ruined, thus spoiling our opinions of the shows.
If they had gone on forever, yeah. One more season couldn't have hurt though. The one cancellation that really makes me sad is Invader Zim, seriously, at least let them finish the season with those awesome ideas they already had =(
So I just found out that the Wii version of Rock Band 3 only supports importing songs from Rock Band 2 and Green Day: Rock Band. While I'm pissed that I now have to return Rock Band 1 when it arrives from Amazon (since it doesn't support my Guitar Hero instruments), I at least understand why it doesn't import. What really pisses me off is that I only wanted Lego Rock Band so I could import a few of the songs, and I have no desire to play it as its own game, and as it was released after Rock Band 2, there's no reason it shouldn't be importable.
But whatever, I'm going to return those two games and pre-order Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded instead.
That's because it's a thread perpetuated by people who frequent (see: practically live on) a video game company's forums. It ain't exactly rocket science.
John Candy, Leslie Nielsen, and Satoshi Kon. Still alive and making movies. And that's just a minimum list.
Woo, John Candy! For some reason one of my favourite parts in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" was his shocked face when he was in the taxi and got his cab stolen
it sucks on Pokemon Red blue and Yellow you can't join Team Rocket even when offered a place.
Funny story time. When I was 8, I convinced a friend to delete his profile and go all the way back to that point because I told him that if you hold down and B then you could join Team Rocket and open an alternate quest where you roam around, stealing people's Pokemon. It was terrible. I also got beaten.
Funny story time. When I was 8, I convinced a friend to delete his profile and go all the way back to that point because I told him that if you hold down and B then you could join Team Rocket and open an alternate quest where you roam around, stealing people's Pokemon. It was terrible. I also got beaten.
Funny story time. When I was 8, I convinced a friend to delete his profile and go all the way back to that point because I told him that if you hold down and B then you could join Team Rocket and open an alternate quest where you roam around, stealing people's Pokemon. It was terrible. I also got beaten.
Troll deep.
From now on, when you lose an argument or get owned, you are required to say "Comrade Pants is blasting off again!"
* runs away and hides*:cool:
But as soon as I figure out how to animate... I will still be a loser. Just a loser animator
forever alone
the thread
I still gotta learn how to draw! XD
(Cos I sure as heck can't code!
Good one!
Explain loser for me, I believe very much sits is in your head.
What does it takes to become a happy human?
A cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of chilli powder, and a Book about rocks!
Aha, so that is the secret? I´m totally amazed!
I know right!
But make sure the book is nicely secure on your head, when you make the jump of the second floor!
(Else the brain is just going to get everywhere, and trust me on this. Brainsplatter is NOT easy to clean! Xp)
If they had gone on forever, yeah. One more season couldn't have hurt though. The one cancellation that really makes me sad is Invader Zim, seriously, at least let them finish the season with those awesome ideas they already had =(
You too?
my explanation for loser: No direction in life, no significant other.
I never said I wasn't a happy loser though, except for the no significant other part.
Being a loser, strangely enough, works wonders for one's happiness and humanity.
It's always the unexpected that is to be expected :eek:
But whatever, I'm going to return those two games and pre-order Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded instead.
That's because it's a thread perpetuated by people who frequent (see: practically live on) a video game company's forums. It ain't exactly rocket science.
Ah, as long as you don´t hurt anyone, do what you like and screw the rest.
You may want to reword that sentence.
John Candy, Leslie Nielsen, and Satoshi Kon. Still alive and making movies. And that's just a minimum list.
Woo, John Candy! For some reason one of my favourite parts in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" was his shocked face when he was in the taxi and got his cab stolen
one of my last videos on youtube was me singing A Christmas Carol by Tom Lehrer (I love Tom Lehrer, awesome music.)
Wow, you sings, how nice. Can I see you on YT?
As far as I'm concerned, this is the only good instance of me singing on youtube so far, it it is the third instance of it.
Edit/New thing: The Sorcerers Apprentice is a fun movie.
Funny story time. When I was 8, I convinced a friend to delete his profile and go all the way back to that point because I told him that if you hold down and B then you could join Team Rocket and open an alternate quest where you roam around, stealing people's Pokemon. It was terrible. I also got beaten.
Troll deep.
I´ve heard that singing in choirs could be good for your health.
Me, when it´s comes to singing, well it´s best if I just keeps my mouth closed.
Wow, Pokémon still exists?
Yeah, I was kinda bored for some minutes!:D
From now on, when you lose an argument or get owned, you are required to say "Comrade Pants is blasting off again!"
Done, but only because it suits me. I might as well put it in my sig, come to think of it.
It will never die. Still, this happened when I was 8 and Pokemon was still huge.
dun wanna sound like a dick
but multi quote and edit should be your friend
Never mind, I should go and sleep now.
Also, I just had deelishus dinner. It was, well... adequate.