Ansem's heartless monster ship thing was scary as hell.
He's talking about Birth by Sleep. All I have left to do is the fights with the Vanitas Remnant and the Unknown as all three characters, the trophy for finishing the game on Proud, and the trophy for getting the Frozen Fortune command style 30 times. He just keeps heckling me because I posted a screenshot that said I was 94% done.
Wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't spent far too much time laboriously going over how completionist and shit he was, spending hours talking about a subject that I built up to being downright rude about saying I DON'T CARE ABOUT, SHUT UP PLEASE, UGHHHHHH and he simply WOULD NOT STOP.
Wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't spent far too much time laboriously going over how completionist and shit he was, spending hours talking about a subject that I built up to being downright rude about saying I DON'T CARE ABOUT, SHUT UP PLEASE, UGHHHHHH and he simply WOULD NOT STOP.
It was harrowing.
It was less than half an hour from start to finish, I didn't even spend the whole half hour talking, you were conversing back some, and the both of us were tired of it when I was done. And I wasn't being completionist for the sake of being completionist, I was being completionist for the sake of getting the final ending, which I did.
How about that time that you talked for over half an hour about classic Disney cartoons, changed subjects for half an hour, then talked about it for another half hour? And that was just that particular night. Not to mention your Morrowind fetish. Talk about harrowing, god damn.
Also I really wish telltale never does tf2 items again, so many people from the darklands known as the tf2 forums creeped over here and is ruining the forums.
Paranoia is one of the funniest PnP RPGs I've ever played. It took us six hours to get through an eight-page scenario, there were around 15-16 player deaths, (pretty normal in a game of Paranoia as each player gets six clones) we all turned on each other towards the end, a few went a bit crazy and in the end we totally failed at what we were supposed to do, but that's okay because the whole thing was a setup anyway. It was awesome.
So, I came across the Batman Returns game (for PC, mind you) which I played loooong ago.
Now that I think about it, atmospherically, it's more Batman-ish than any of the other Batman video games up to date (including Arkham Asylum), and was one hell enjoyable experience. Got to replay it sometime.
So, I came across the Batman Returns game (for PC, mind you) which I played loooong ago.
Now that I think about it, atmospherically, it's more Batman-ish than any of the other Batman video games up to date (including Arkham Asylum), and was one hell enjoyable experience. Got to replay it sometime.
- I agree it's annoying that people assume you want kids or are going to have them/want them soon because you're a certain age, or because you're married, or because you're female. Or that you want to be married because you're unmarried and a certain age. And so on. What gets to me the most is the absurdity of pressuring people, having kids is serious enough that you don't want people to do it reluctantly, so what the heck?
- From what I've seen, there are lots of men who do want kids, men who don't women who do and women who don't. And I assume genderqueer and transgender people might want kids or not as well. I think the stereotype of "guys don't want kids, women do" is one of the most annoying one, both ways. For instance I hate when women go "well of course he doesn't want kids, he's a guy, just have one and he'll deal with it". I really don't think kids should be forced on people, that's screwed up.
- Guru, if she used to have a crush on you, there is a strong chance that she doesn't see you as a brother and might still be interested in a relationship with you. You hated yourself for not giving it a try the first time, do you really want to end up regretting it TWICE?
- This being said, she's just been dumped, right? You don't want to look like you were waiting for that to jump at her throat. Give her time. Of course I don't think there is much a risk that you'll go too fast but hey, might as well throw that out there.
- The "friend zone" isn't that inescapable thing you're thrown in a can't get out of. It's an excuse for not dating you because the person isn't interested, no more, no less. The actual cases of "I would, but I don't want to ruin our friendship" are super rare. More often than not, it's "I wouldn't, but I don't want to ruin our friendship so I won't say it so bluntly".
- As I said, the friend zone isn't inescapable. I was friends with Seamus before we became a couple. For that matter he showed his interest pretty much right away, and I turned him down at the time. Then a few months later, after confiding in him pretty much every day, becoming close friends, etc, I'm the one who went after him. If he had tried to avoid the "friend zone", I never would have fallen in love with him. Actually, as far as I'm concerned, the friend zone is pretty much a requirement if you want to reach the boyfriend zone. I'm not saying everyone is the same, but I can't be the only one who is like that.
- I have two friends who have been in love with each other for I think about 16 years. They didn't tell each other, got into relationships each on their side, she got married, he had kids, etc, then after 7 years or so of being friends and in love, they were in unhappy relationships and they realised they'd been in love with each other all that time. They left the other relationships and got together, and have been together even since. It's such a cute story, I couldn't pass an opportunity to tell it ^_^
They still look and act like newlyweds, too. They're so adorable.
- Ginny, if you can get to PAX, I hope I can meet you there! I'm still not sure if I'll be able to travel yet. I just checked and they're processing the applications from March 2010 and mine got there in July 2010. When they process mine I should get a temporary card but I'm not sure what I will or won't be able to do, and they say it takes 9 months after that to get the permanent one. So I'm not sure exactly if I'll be able to travel for PAX 2011 or not. If I am, let's meet up!
I fear that this is what may happen with our mouse. All my roommates are squeamish about a mousetrap that actually catches mice. So, we'll probably use a cat.
Every time I watch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron I always wonder why Dreamworks didn't just make an adaptation of The Silver Brumby instead. Then they'd have had much more material for sequels at any rate. (though they only seem to make sequels for their CGI stuff now that I think about it)
- Guru, if she used to have a crush on you, there is a strong chance that she doesn't see you as a brother and might still be interested in a relationship with you. You hated yourself for not giving it a try the first time, do you really want to end up regretting it TWICE?
No, the girl who used to have a crush on me is my sister's friend. The girl who sees me as a brother is my friend.
- This being said, she's just been dumped, right? You don't want to look like you were waiting for that to jump at her throat. Give her time. Of course I don't think there is much a risk that you'll go too fast but hey, might as well throw that out there.
Oh, I know, I'm going to sit on it for a while for sure if I do end up doing anything. Trying to get her "on the rebound" would be a total dick move.
- The "friend zone" isn't that inescapable thing you're thrown in a can't get out of. It's an excuse for not dating you because the person isn't interested, no more, no less. The actual cases of "I would, but I don't want to ruin our friendship" are super rare. More often than not, it's "I wouldn't, but I don't want to ruin our friendship so I won't say it so bluntly".
- As I said, the friend zone isn't inescapable. I was friends with Seamus before we became a couple. For that matter he showed his interest pretty much right away, and I turned him down at the time. Then a few months later, after confiding in him pretty much every day, becoming close friends, etc, I'm the one who went after him. If he had tried to avoid the "friend zone", I never would have fallen in love with him. Actually, as far as I'm concerned, the friend zone is pretty much a requirement if you want to reach the boyfriend zone. I'm not saying everyone is the same, but I can't be the only one who is like that.
- I have two friends who have been in love with each other for I think about 16 years. They didn't tell each other, got into relationships each on their side, she got married, he had kids, etc, then after 7 years or so of being friends and in love, they were in unhappy relationships and they realised they'd been in love with each other all that time. They left the other relationships and got together, and have been together even since. It's such a cute story, I couldn't pass an opportunity to tell it ^_^
They still look and act like newlyweds, too. They're so adorable.
Not much chance of that, I'm afraid. I've confessed, I've been told explicitly that she sees me as a brother, in those words, and I applied the "friend zone" term myself. It's never going to happen.
Not much chance of that, I'm afraid. I've confessed, I've been told explicitly that she sees me as a brother, in those words, and I applied the "friend zone" term myself. It's never going to happen.
Yes, if you were explicitly told by someone that they're not interested in you, it's best not to hope for it to change, since it most likely won't. I'm sure there are exceptions, but getting one's hopes up would be torturing oneself.
He's talking about Birth by Sleep. All I have left to do is the fights with the Vanitas Remnant and the Unknown as all three characters, the trophy for finishing the game on Proud, and the trophy for getting the Frozen Fortune command style 30 times. He just keeps heckling me because I posted a screenshot that said I was 94% done.
It was harrowing.
It was less than half an hour from start to finish, I didn't even spend the whole half hour talking, you were conversing back some, and the both of us were tired of it when I was done. And I wasn't being completionist for the sake of being completionist, I was being completionist for the sake of getting the final ending, which I did.
How about that time that you talked for over half an hour about classic Disney cartoons, changed subjects for half an hour, then talked about it for another half hour? And that was just that particular night. Not to mention your Morrowind fetish. Talk about harrowing, god damn.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!
Also I really wish telltale never does tf2 items again, so many people from the darklands known as the tf2 forums creeped over here and is ruining the forums.
Of course we *are* doing that right now (well, not RIGHT now, but you know what I mean), so don't let that be a sign that it's a no-go forever.
End of August this year, beleive it's the 27th-29th
WAOH spoilers!
ok I have no idea who they are:P
Apparently, Robbins' whole family was murdered, but Robbins was saved by a mysterious man. When Robbins asked the man who he is, he replied;
Sorry. Had to do it.
William Joseph Blazkowicz
William Joseph "Comander Keen" Blazkowicz II, AKA Billy Blaze
Yay! Friends! Awful people forever!
Jippi, that´s the spirit I like to hear! Awful people rules!!:D
Now that I think about it, atmospherically, it's more Batman-ish than any of the other Batman video games up to date (including Arkham Asylum), and was one hell enjoyable experience. Got to replay it sometime.
So thats what The Voodoo Lady did before MI
Starting to save from my already non-existant salary!
More batman then this!
- I agree it's annoying that people assume you want kids or are going to have them/want them soon because you're a certain age, or because you're married, or because you're female. Or that you want to be married because you're unmarried and a certain age. And so on. What gets to me the most is the absurdity of pressuring people, having kids is serious enough that you don't want people to do it reluctantly, so what the heck?
- From what I've seen, there are lots of men who do want kids, men who don't women who do and women who don't. And I assume genderqueer and transgender people might want kids or not as well. I think the stereotype of "guys don't want kids, women do" is one of the most annoying one, both ways. For instance I hate when women go "well of course he doesn't want kids, he's a guy, just have one and he'll deal with it". I really don't think kids should be forced on people, that's screwed up.
- Guru, if she used to have a crush on you, there is a strong chance that she doesn't see you as a brother and might still be interested in a relationship with you. You hated yourself for not giving it a try the first time, do you really want to end up regretting it TWICE?
- This being said, she's just been dumped, right? You don't want to look like you were waiting for that to jump at her throat. Give her time. Of course I don't think there is much a risk that you'll go too fast but hey, might as well throw that out there.
- The "friend zone" isn't that inescapable thing you're thrown in a can't get out of. It's an excuse for not dating you because the person isn't interested, no more, no less. The actual cases of "I would, but I don't want to ruin our friendship" are super rare. More often than not, it's "I wouldn't, but I don't want to ruin our friendship so I won't say it so bluntly".
- As I said, the friend zone isn't inescapable. I was friends with Seamus before we became a couple. For that matter he showed his interest pretty much right away, and I turned him down at the time. Then a few months later, after confiding in him pretty much every day, becoming close friends, etc, I'm the one who went after him. If he had tried to avoid the "friend zone", I never would have fallen in love with him. Actually, as far as I'm concerned, the friend zone is pretty much a requirement if you want to reach the boyfriend zone. I'm not saying everyone is the same, but I can't be the only one who is like that.
- I have two friends who have been in love with each other for I think about 16 years. They didn't tell each other, got into relationships each on their side, she got married, he had kids, etc, then after 7 years or so of being friends and in love, they were in unhappy relationships and they realised they'd been in love with each other all that time. They left the other relationships and got together, and have been together even since. It's such a cute story, I couldn't pass an opportunity to tell it ^_^
They still look and act like newlyweds, too. They're so adorable.
- Ginny, if you can get to PAX, I hope I can meet you there! I'm still not sure if I'll be able to travel yet. I just checked and they're processing the applications from March 2010 and mine got there in July 2010. When they process mine I should get a temporary card but I'm not sure what I will or won't be able to do, and they say it takes 9 months after that to get the permanent one. So I'm not sure exactly if I'll be able to travel for PAX 2011 or not. If I am, let's meet up!
I fear that this is what may happen with our mouse. All my roommates are squeamish about a mousetrap that actually catches mice. So, we'll probably use a cat.
Who the hell even wants a Leo doll?! I want an Aeris doll, not a freaking stinking Leo doll besides me in my bed.
On that same note, DO WANT.
No, the girl who used to have a crush on me is my sister's friend. The girl who sees me as a brother is my friend.
Oh, I know, I'm going to sit on it for a while for sure if I do end up doing anything. Trying to get her "on the rebound" would be a total dick move.
Not much chance of that, I'm afraid. I've confessed, I've been told explicitly that she sees me as a brother, in those words, and I applied the "friend zone" term myself. It's never going to happen.
(ehm, that's to the Leo Doll question)
EDIT: ^ You missed the story of my GF saying that (she sees me as little brother) to me once, right?
not just my heart, it broke me.
Ah, so there are two girls. For some reason I thought it was the same one, sorry I got mixed up
Yes, if you were explicitly told by someone that they're not interested in you, it's best not to hope for it to change, since it most likely won't. I'm sure there are exceptions, but getting one's hopes up would be torturing oneself.