I saw an ant carrying a dead woodlouse earlier, with no trouble. They must have great strength.
Ants are pretty much unequivocally amazing. Like this species that builds boats (although they could do to learn about outboard motors), and these ones that have adapted to tidal life in a mangrove swamp. Fascinating little things.
It's ok, we all know the truth, we're just blind to it. How often do we say aliens want nothing to do with us? It's because they are more aware of source, can see more meanings, intents for things, can see a larger purpose for theirselves and don't get hung up on their egos and nasty things humanity does as a less aware species.
They are more aware than we are, more creative, more insightful, make deeper observations, make wiser choices. They travel to other planets, they fear and avoid us, because we are less aware, and are grouped with wild animals roaming our planet as near equals to one another and our selves as a fabrication of symbolism and metaphor, which we express beautifully but not as consciously as a superior alien race.
I used to have a few string theory concepts...but as above, it just became a lot to think about and I try to just live life, pay the bills and have fun. So we don't know how or why everything works? Maybe one day we will...theories will still be theories no matter how much we think about them. I learned to just let it go. Life throws enough at me to think about. Basically my point is that I wasn't intending to make fun of you nor do I disagree or am I overly religious because of my silence on the matter....I just like to let life be life.
I would if life would let me. I can't get a girl friend, and I can't make friends. I've had the desire and tried, just never could do it. I found this and have been at it for years. I suck at life, socializing.
Wire train wiry train wiry train, stretched and pulls theirs a current underneath her, wiry train WIRE TRAIN!!!! WIRE TRAIN!!!! she stretches and she pulls and she sends back word of her passage that she reached her destination. Wir y train, wire train.
I see 2 tickets heheheheh! hhohohohoohho HO hahahahahah HA
TEHTEHTHETHETHEHTH! MHP MHP! 1 d f o p f k l s kf sl s oc cos oda f occoco
think im crazy ignore me but I've come up with a explanation and its a good one and it would blow our minds and send us all mad! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! this version of the physical universe is only above or under neath the layered verses surrounding it. It's not science or math, it's nothing, haahha. We think we know as God knows, we think we have idea as god has idea?
HAHAHAHAHA! Silly , this physical universe is only observation and choices and it's on our level.
Doodo, since you were talking earlier about many of your posts and threads having moderator action taken against them, I'm going to be blunt about this. Posts like these are a large part of the reason we have a problem with you. There's pointless posts, and then there's noise, and this is the latter.
This thread doesn't really have any rules, as I remember it. At the least it's been debated over and over again. Aside from dirty images, and things of that nature. But I can agree that posts like that may seem pointless. I apolgize.
If no one I know and no one I've met here is both video game and sports fans... why do sports games sell so well? ...It seems there must be non-video game fans or non-sports fans that enter this pool. o.O
I didnt intentionally post any orgasms, you saw that not me, nor had I intended to post any in a indirect sense. I can't help if what I type is interpreted in a foul way.
The rules are constant, eh? I'd like to see Ribs post a picture of potateos in a monkey island thread about the music of the games...
I respect that your admins but don't tell me lies, you can make the rules but don't be telling people obscene lies.
And there are far more examples in this thread, probably even on page one...
Aaaah... Nothing quite like staying up till 3 am watching Family Guy.
I just got season 10 on dvd you see, (though due to a removal of a few episodes in a previous release, all our season DVDs released in the UK are actually mix of two seasons. So we are always behind oddly enough....), and I actually think so far, its one of the funniest seasons of the show.
Sure its not as intelligent as it used to be, but its still excellent entertainment.
£20 well spent.
(Plus I have every other Family Guy DVD so I'll keep on buying it till the show ends)
EDIT: Turns out the releases are much more messed up than I thought.
What is season 10 dvd here, is actually 12 episodes of season 8 and 3 episodes of season 9.
I am really confused right now...
Aaaah... Nothing quite like staying up till 3 am watching Family Guy.
I just got season 10 on dvd you see, (though due to a removal of a few episodes in a previous release, all our season DVDs released in the UK are actually mix of two seasons. So we are always behind oddly enough....), and I actually think so far, its one of the funniest seasons of the show.
Sure its not as intelligent as it used to be, but its still excellent entertainment.
£20 well spent.
(Plus I have every other Family Guy DVD so I'll keep on buying it till the show ends)
EDIT: Turns out the releases are much more messed up than I thought.
What is season 10 dvd here, is actually 12 episodes of season 8 and 3 episodes of season 9.
I am really confused right now...
No, we just love this forum and want to see it remain an enjoyable place to talk to people. And if that means fighting what seems to be an endless losing battle against whiners, trolls, and spambots, then so be it.
And even though sometimes we may be grumpy about it, I think I can say that we all do appreciate what the moderators do. And when we're grumpy about a decision, we're really grumpy at the grey lettering, not the person behind it. I just thought I'd just say that since it sorta needs to be said.
I don't like that this thread is in the Games section. Sometimes I have a legitimate topic to talk about but am not sure if it warrants its own thread, yet I get no post count for talking about it in here.
I did not mean to cause offense.
Just rather suprised really, that the age range is so varied these days.
I mean, most of the people here are older than me, (out of the regulars, I think Fawful is a few months younger, only slightly younger than my best friend in real life in fact).
And I thought I was quite old for a forum fequenter.
I'm just being a bit silly really.
*Scratches her head* So does this mean 28 is old? Cos if it is, I'd better go find my walking stick...
I kind of view Silverwolfpet as the saintly Jesus of this forum, Secret Fawful as the mischievous Devil and Doodo! as the mortal man, caught between those two, struggling to make sense of it all.
Ants are pretty much unequivocally amazing. Like this species that builds boats (although they could do to learn about outboard motors), and these ones that have adapted to tidal life in a mangrove swamp. Fascinating little things.
I want to play a game but I'm not sure which one to pick back up on.
I got 51 retail xbox games.
(about 4 of those being digital)
Lets see:
Ace Combat 6
Armored Core: For Answer
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (almost completed)
Beautiful Katamari
Blazblue: Continuum Shift
Blue Dragon
Borderlands (with all DLC)
Brutal Legend
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 (I don't even know why I got this. oh yeah £5)
Deadly Premonition
Dead Or Alive 4
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space
Devil May Cry 4
Dragon Age Origins (vanilla, got complete version on PC)
Eternal Sonata
Fable 2
Fable 3
Fallout 3 (vanilla, got complete version on PC)
Farcry 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Gears of War
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Left4Dead 2 (got 1 and 2 on pc. not installed though)
LEGO Batman
Lost Odyssey
Lost Planet
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mega Drive Ultimate Collection
Mirrors Edge
Ninja Gaiden 2
Project Sylpheed (this game is just absurdly difficult)
Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Super Street Fighter 4
The Darkness
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Sonic and Sega allstar Racing (digital)
Tekken 6 (digital)
Virtua Fighter 5 (digital)
Tales of Vesperia (digital)
as well as 51 Arcade titles:
After Burner Climax
Bangai-O HD
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Bomberman Live
Castle Crashers
Castlevania: Symphony of the Nite
Chime (don't wanna play this. its like crack man.)
Comic Jumper (fun, but gets tiring due to difficulty)
Dead Rising 2: Case West
Deathspank: T.O.V
Doritos Crash Course (free)
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (already completed)
Duke Nukem 3D
Eathworm Jim HD (stuck on peter puppy level...)
Harm's Way (free)
Hexic HD (nah)
Hydro Thunder
King Of Fighters 2002 UM
Magic: The Gathering (got it on PC as well though)
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Mega Man 10 (hard as ballz)
Monday Night Combat (got on PC. Probably would be more active on PC)
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
Outrun Online Arcade
Pac-Man CE DX (100% acheivements. But could give it a go)
Peggle (see chime)
Perfect Dark
Pinball FX2 (have the basic tables and streetfighter 2)
Plants vs. Zombies
Puzzle Bobble Live!
Rez HD
Scott Pilgrim
Serious Sam HD: TFE
Serious Sam HD: TSE
Shadow Complex
Snoopy Flying Ace
Sonic 4 Episode 1
South Park Tower Defense
Space Invaders: Infinity Gene
Splosion man
Super Meat Boy
Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
Trials HD
Turtles in Time Reshelled
Virtual-On OT
Worms 2: Armageddon
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
and that ladies and gentlemen is why its so difficult for me to choose and stick with a game.
I am overwhelmed by choice here.
Especially since most of those games are great.
Brutal Legend was a let down for me, just as I was starting to enjoy the game and accept it as a humourous, simple action title; the game throws a curve ball and introduces obligatory, badly executed strategy sections. I stopped playing after that but it's still a game that's worth giving a go, just for that classic Tim Schafer style of story, characters, dialogue and visual creativity.
Mirror's Edge is an underrated game. Whilst it's far from perfect, it's portrayal of parkour and the feeling of being at one with the character is tangible.
After Burner Climax is an amazing game; the aggressive airborne cousin of Outrun 2. Once you learn the intricacies of the gameplay, it becomes a highly addictive score attack game. A genuinely exhilarating game.
If you've never played Rez before then you're in for a treat. Much like Flower (PS3), it's more of an experience than a game (although there is some great Panzer Dragoon style gameplay). The ideal post pub experience.
Sonic: Episode 1 is the best title I've played in the series since Sonic CD (or maybe Sonic Rush), it's more or less a nice return to the basics. However, it is let down by some terrible physics that are some how much worse than the physics found in the original Sonic! Also, some of the design choices found in later levels are dubious, often being overly complex thus leading to frustrating gameplay. All in all though, it certainly gave me a nice feeling of nostalgia.
I know which game you should play last and that's Final Fantasy XIII, that game makes me want to vomit due to it's repulsive and offensive levels of crapness. It's seriously awful and an absolute disgrace when held up against the likes of VI and VII.
I'm curious as to what "Castlevania: Symphony of the Nite" is?! A special dyslexic version of the PSOne classic perhaps?
Brutal Legend was a let down for me, just as I was starting to enjoy the game and accept it as a humourous, simple action title; the game throws a curve ball and introduces obligatory, badly executed strategy sections. I stopped playing after that but it's still a game that's worth giving a go, just for that classic Tim Schafer style of story, characters, dialogue and visual creativity.
Mirror's Edge is an underrated game. Whilst it's far from perfect, it's portrayal of parkour and the feeling of being at one with the character is tangible.
After Burner Climax is an amazing game; the aggressive airborne cousin of Outrun 2. Once you learn the intricacies of the gameplay, it becomes a highly addictive score attack game. A genuinely exhilarating game.
If you've never played Rez before then you're in for a treat. Much like Flower (PS3), it's more of an experience than a game (although there is some great Panzer Dragoon style gameplay). The ideal post pub experience.
Sonic: Episode 1 is the best title I've played in the series since Sonic CD (or maybe Sonic Rush), it's more or less a nice return to the basics. However, it is let down by some terrible physics that are some how much worse than the physics found in the original Sonic. Also, some of the design choices found in later levels are dubious, often being overly complex thus leading to frustrating gameplay. All in all though, it certainly gave me a nice feeling of nostalgia.
I know which game you should play last and that's Final Fantasy XIII, that game makes me want to vomit due to it's repulsive and offensive levels of crapness. It's seriously awful and an absolute disgrace when help up against the likes of VI and VII.
I'm curious as to what "Castlevania: Symphony of the Nite" is?! A special dyslexic version of the PSOne classic perhaps?
Yeah I 100% achievemented After Burner Climax, very good game.
And Mirror's Edge is indeed very underrated.
I decided to settle for Sonic and Sega Allstar racing in the end.
Now thats very underrated!
I mean, I've played most of these games, but I never get round to sitting down and aiming to complete them.
You would think someone with that many games would have a gamerscore of more than 12337, wouldn't you? XD
(My best friend who plays games obsessively and has a similar amount has a gamerscore of 51590! Now thats obbsesive! XD)
EDIT: oh and Rez is a pretty good game. A lovely visual treat, but the two best rail shooters are still Panzer Dragoon Orta on the xbox (which I have, and I was playing it on the 360, but the 360 compatibility has a progress breaking bug which is depressing), and Star Fox 64.
(Which I might play on my arcade machine, but the emulator makes the game much darker than its supposed to be which makes it much harder. I need to look into that...)
EDIT 2: I have to disagree with you on Sonic 4 episode 1, I don't really like it at all.
As you said the physics are terrible, and the level design has some good parts, but overall its underwhelming.
Then again, my favourite 2D Sonic is still Sonic 2, so I'm kind of an oddball.
Ants are pretty much unequivocally amazing. Like this species that builds boats (although they could do to learn about outboard motors), and these ones that have adapted to tidal life in a mangrove swamp. Fascinating little things.
They are more aware than we are, more creative, more insightful, make deeper observations, make wiser choices. They travel to other planets, they fear and avoid us, because we are less aware, and are grouped with wild animals roaming our planet as near equals to one another and our selves as a fabrication of symbolism and metaphor, which we express beautifully but not as consciously as a superior alien race.
Thank you Johro, I appreciate the advice though.
Doodo, since you were talking earlier about many of your posts and threads having moderator action taken against them, I'm going to be blunt about this. Posts like these are a large part of the reason we have a problem with you. There's pointless posts, and then there's noise, and this is the latter.
...and apparently this is the former.
Potaotes are always a good thing to have on your mind...
The rules are constant, eh? I'd like to see Ribs post a picture of potateos in a monkey island thread about the music of the games...
I respect that your admins but don't tell me lies, you can make the rules but don't be telling people obscene lies.
And there are far more examples in this thread, probably even on page one...
I believe this qualifies as a potateo.
What IS that?
Now you tell us. Ok, now that WE know...
I'm taking a break. I don't mean to step on any admins, they do what they're paid to do.
an oreo cooked inside of some kind of potato product...I don't really know. I searched oreo potato and it came up.
I'll laugh as you go.
I just got season 10 on dvd you see, (though due to a removal of a few episodes in a previous release, all our season DVDs released in the UK are actually mix of two seasons. So we are always behind oddly enough....), and I actually think so far, its one of the funniest seasons of the show.
Sure its not as intelligent as it used to be, but its still excellent entertainment.
£20 well spent.
(Plus I have every other Family Guy DVD so I'll keep on buying it till the show ends)
EDIT: Turns out the releases are much more messed up than I thought.
What is season 10 dvd here, is actually 12 episodes of season 8 and 3 episodes of season 9.
I am really confused right now...
We grey-text moderators don't get paid. It's mainly volunteer work. It's the red-text employees that get paid.
From now on, the moderator titles should be changed to either black or white. Just to make things clear.
I like green! I'd be very friendly to green people. All the time.
*Scratches her head* So does this mean 28 is old? Cos if it is, I'd better go find my walking stick...
Some people prefer Vegemite... mmmm yum!
Now that is quite a thought....
I didn't know you spoke Bulgarian...
That's incredible. Hail our ant overlords and they're tremendous strength.
I'm still learning. I'm going to Nodnol next month to take an advanced course.
Our rooms match! We are soul mates.
I'm not sure but I think I spy some 360 games and some anime novels on the shelf.
Also, the tissues next to the bed are a nice touch. :eek:
That sucks.
I want to play a game but I'm not sure which one to pick back up on.
I got 51 retail xbox games.
(about 4 of those being digital)
Lets see:
Ace Combat 6
Armored Core: For Answer
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (almost completed)
Beautiful Katamari
Blazblue: Continuum Shift
Blue Dragon
Borderlands (with all DLC)
Brutal Legend
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 (I don't even know why I got this. oh yeah £5)
Deadly Premonition
Dead Or Alive 4
Dead Rising
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space
Devil May Cry 4
Dragon Age Origins (vanilla, got complete version on PC)
Eternal Sonata
Fable 2
Fable 3
Fallout 3 (vanilla, got complete version on PC)
Farcry 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Gears of War
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Left4Dead 2 (got 1 and 2 on pc. not installed though)
LEGO Batman
Lost Odyssey
Lost Planet
Marvel vs Capcom 3
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mega Drive Ultimate Collection
Mirrors Edge
Ninja Gaiden 2
Project Sylpheed (this game is just absurdly difficult)
Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Super Street Fighter 4
The Darkness
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Sonic and Sega allstar Racing (digital)
Tekken 6 (digital)
Virtua Fighter 5 (digital)
Tales of Vesperia (digital)
as well as 51 Arcade titles:
After Burner Climax
Bangai-O HD
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Bomberman Live
Castle Crashers
Castlevania: Symphony of the Nite
Chime (don't wanna play this. its like crack man.)
Comic Jumper (fun, but gets tiring due to difficulty)
Dead Rising 2: Case West
Deathspank: T.O.V
Doritos Crash Course (free)
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (already completed)
Duke Nukem 3D
Eathworm Jim HD (stuck on peter puppy level...)
Harm's Way (free)
Hexic HD (nah)
Hydro Thunder
King Of Fighters 2002 UM
Magic: The Gathering (got it on PC as well though)
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Mega Man 10 (hard as ballz)
Monday Night Combat (got on PC. Probably would be more active on PC)
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
Outrun Online Arcade
Pac-Man CE DX (100% acheivements. But could give it a go)
Peggle (see chime)
Perfect Dark
Pinball FX2 (have the basic tables and streetfighter 2)
Plants vs. Zombies
Puzzle Bobble Live!
Rez HD
Scott Pilgrim
Serious Sam HD: TFE
Serious Sam HD: TSE
Shadow Complex
Snoopy Flying Ace
Sonic 4 Episode 1
South Park Tower Defense
Space Invaders: Infinity Gene
Splosion man
Super Meat Boy
Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
Trials HD
Turtles in Time Reshelled
Virtual-On OT
Worms 2: Armageddon
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
and that ladies and gentlemen is why its so difficult for me to choose and stick with a game.
I am overwhelmed by choice here.
Especially since most of those games are great.
That reminds me...I have to cut the grass today!
Brutal Legend was a let down for me, just as I was starting to enjoy the game and accept it as a humourous, simple action title; the game throws a curve ball and introduces obligatory, badly executed strategy sections. I stopped playing after that but it's still a game that's worth giving a go, just for that classic Tim Schafer style of story, characters, dialogue and visual creativity.
Mirror's Edge is an underrated game. Whilst it's far from perfect, it's portrayal of parkour and the feeling of being at one with the character is tangible.
After Burner Climax is an amazing game; the aggressive airborne cousin of Outrun 2. Once you learn the intricacies of the gameplay, it becomes a highly addictive score attack game. A genuinely exhilarating game.
If you've never played Rez before then you're in for a treat. Much like Flower (PS3), it's more of an experience than a game (although there is some great Panzer Dragoon style gameplay). The ideal post pub experience.
Sonic: Episode 1 is the best title I've played in the series since Sonic CD (or maybe Sonic Rush), it's more or less a nice return to the basics. However, it is let down by some terrible physics that are some how much worse than the physics found in the original Sonic! Also, some of the design choices found in later levels are dubious, often being overly complex thus leading to frustrating gameplay. All in all though, it certainly gave me a nice feeling of nostalgia.
I know which game you should play last and that's Final Fantasy XIII, that game makes me want to vomit due to it's repulsive and offensive levels of crapness. It's seriously awful and an absolute disgrace when held up against the likes of VI and VII.
I'm curious as to what "Castlevania: Symphony of the Nite" is?! A special dyslexic version of the PSOne classic perhaps?
Yeah I 100% achievemented After Burner Climax, very good game.
And Mirror's Edge is indeed very underrated.
I decided to settle for Sonic and Sega Allstar racing in the end.
Now thats very underrated!
I mean, I've played most of these games, but I never get round to sitting down and aiming to complete them.
You would think someone with that many games would have a gamerscore of more than 12337, wouldn't you? XD
(My best friend who plays games obsessively and has a similar amount has a gamerscore of 51590! Now thats obbsesive! XD)
EDIT: oh and Rez is a pretty good game. A lovely visual treat, but the two best rail shooters are still Panzer Dragoon Orta on the xbox (which I have, and I was playing it on the 360, but the 360 compatibility has a progress breaking bug which is depressing), and Star Fox 64.
(Which I might play on my arcade machine, but the emulator makes the game much darker than its supposed to be which makes it much harder. I need to look into that...)
EDIT 2: I have to disagree with you on Sonic 4 episode 1, I don't really like it at all.
As you said the physics are terrible, and the level design has some good parts, but overall its underwhelming.
Then again, my favourite 2D Sonic is still Sonic 2, so I'm kind of an oddball.