The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited July 2011
    ...Actually, come to think of it, everyone's probably just wiped it from their memory.

    There's not enough vodka on the planet.
  • edited July 2011
    There's not enough vodka on the planet.

    That's only because I drank it all.
  • edited July 2011
    My glasses got fixed!
    I woke up, and they had been fixed overnight by glasses fairies, and...
    Okay, okay, I finally took them to the glasses place.

    I'm so impressed and thankful to the guy who fixed them. I just went because I was tired that my lens kept falling off the frame all the time and then I'd lose it, but he didn't just fix that. He fixed the frame that was bent in many places, he fixed the part that requires a screw (hadn't been able to take one for years) and put a new one in, he added the plastic thing that touches your nose that had gone (I only had one left out of the two) and it looks like he might have even repainted some part where the paint got scratched off.

    I had to come back because he wasn't done and ended up getting there when it closed, and it wasn't dry, and the guy was all "do you have the case they came in?" with a puppy look, hoping I would be able to let them dry... I didn't have the heart to tell them I hadn't had that for five years and just said "not on me, no..." then he said I could wear them but I needed to make sure not to touch them. I've been very careful even if it's been long past the time he told me to be careful for.
    Earlier when I took off my shirt I even took the glasses off by holding both branches and then putting the glasses down carefully. I never do that! I just grab one branch and throws them off on the mattress or something.

    Anyways, I'll probably be back to normal in my handling on them pretty soon. But it feels kind of wrong I got all of that for nothing. I know glass places provide this kind of maintenance service for free because of how much glasses cost, but I didn't even buy them there! And now that they're fixed, I'll be out of the country long before I need new ones! I feel like I kind of stole something... >.>
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2011
    Avistew wrote: »
    He fixed the frame that was bent in many places, he fixed the part that requires a screw (hadn't been able to take one for years)

    So the glasses man gave you a good screw today? :p
  • edited July 2011
    Have anyone played/heard-of the following PC games?

    - The Sting! (AKA. Der Clou 2)
    - Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf (AKA. Sheep Raider)
  • edited July 2011
    Jon NA wrote: »
    Have anyone played/heard-of the following PC games?

    - The Sting! (AKA. Der Clou 2)
    - Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf (AKA. Sheep Raider)

    I played a demo of the second one.
    (Its got Wile E Cyote in it right?)

    I though it was pretty cool.
    Hard though.
  • edited July 2011
    My new series is 4 parts now, support if you'd like. I'd like that, don't hold me to anything I say, my mind never stops trying.
  • edited July 2011
    I played a demo of the second one.
    (Its got Wile E Cyote in it right?)

    I though it was pretty cool.
    Hard though.
    Really? Yep, It has Wile E Cyote and some other Looney Tunes characters in it.

    It's the best only comic-adventure-strategy-stealth-platformer that was something I'd call the 1st post-modern game (you couldn't die in it like the most indie platformers of nowadays)
    I haven't played anything like it.
    Other that The Sting, But it doesn't have SDW's charm.

    Yep. It's pretty hard. Thought the puzzles are reasonable and fun, It's not annoying. The game doesn't repeat itself and, Like the indie games of these days, You'll get a great satisfaction solving a puzzle. The puzzles are also flexible, There's more than one way to solve them!

    And, Oh the music is just brilliant.

    Why didn't you get the full game?

    It's a must play for everyone!
  • edited July 2011
    Jon NA wrote: »
    Really? Yep, It has Wile E Cyote and some other Looney Tunes characters in it.

    It's the best only comic-adventure-strategy-stealth-platformer that was something I'd call the 1st post-modern game (you couldn't die in it like the most indie platformers of nowadays)
    I haven't played anything like it.
    Other that The Sting, But it doesn't have SDW's charm.

    Yep. It's pretty hard. Thought the puzzles are reasonable and fun, It's not annoying. The game doesn't repeat itself and, Like the indie games of these days, You'll get a great satisfaction solving a puzzle. The puzzles are also flexible, There's more than one way to solve them!

    And, Oh the music is just brilliant.

    Why didn't you get the full game?

    It's a must play for everyone!

    I'm tempted to hunt it down (I hope GOG gets it!).

    As for why, I was a kid, and back in the day magazines came with demo discs, and it was worthwhile getting them.

    Heck, I freakin' loved Parappa the Rapper, but I only ever had the demo.
    (Which I played LOADS of times! XD)
  • edited July 2011
    I'm tempted to hunt it down (I hope GOG gets it!).

    As for why, I was a kid, and back in the day magazines came with demo discs, and it was worthwhile getting them.

    Heck, I freakin' loved Parappa the Rapper, but I only ever had the demo.
    (Which I played LOADS of times! XD)
    I don't see GOG getting it anytime soon unfortunately, because it's not very famous ... But I'm sure you can find it on eBay. In fact, I found one on eBay!
    Be sure to search for both Sheep Raider and Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf.

    You'll love this game!
    Watch some of The Sting! (Der Clou 2) playthorughts on youtube. I think you'll be tempt to get your hands on that one as well!
  • edited July 2011
    Phew! Man reading this Comanche vs Hokum manual is both fascinating and tiring.

    Fascinating, in the sense it actually tells you how helicopters work, and the basics on flying them, tiring, in the sense that the manual is damn long!

    Also picked up Zork: Grand Inquisitor of GOG.
    Now that I have all the Zork games, I need to sit down and play through them all!
  • edited July 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    We all have fun when it comes to Pants!

    And Pants has fun with all of you!

    Yeah, if "Comrade Vainamoinen" weren't such a damn loooong name...

    Yes! Communism's making a comeback! Woo!
    I didn't think you liked wine.

    Sake is a wine, right? Also, I like red wine. So there.

    There's not enough vodka on the planet.

    Yeah, because I...

    Davies wrote: »
    That's only because I drank it all.


    Wow. I have to show up and read here more...
  • edited July 2011
    There's not enough vodka on the planet.

    Isn't it some sort of heresy to say that?
    Sake is a wine, right? Also, I like red wine. So there.

    I suppose sake counts, but red wine is gross. On the few occasions when I have drunk alcohol, it's always white wine.
  • edited July 2011


    Wow. I have to show up and read here more...

    I didn't know you were a vodka guy, Pants.
  • edited July 2011
    I didn't know you were a vodka guy, Pants.

    I really hope you're being sarcastic.
  • edited July 2011
    Still on my crusade to track down games that would benefit from joystick control.

    Had a quick look through my GOGs stored on my harddrive, and found a few which look like they might use it:

    Ones I already know work:

    - Freespace 2 (my stick is a bit stiff, but I also have my mouse to tweak if it gets too much) (Also you can play Freespace 1 inside of Freespace 2 anyway)
    - Apache vs Havok/Comanche vs Hocum

    Games I'm pretty sure will work:

    - Descent 1,2, and 3
    - Darkstar One
    - Aquanox 1+2
    - Independance War 1+2
    - FA18 Super Hornet
    - Wing Commander Privateer
    - Incoming
    - Shattered Steel? (maybe a stretch on mech games...)

    Games I know that do work but I don't have:

    - IL-2 Stumovik
    - Microsoft Flight Simulator (any version. Not a GOG, but I don't own a new version of it (only have the first one. THE FIRST ONE))
  • edited July 2011
    I suppose sake counts, but red wine is gross. On the few occasions when I have drunk alcohol, it's always white wine.
    White wine is for people who aren't gutsy enough for red wine. Trufax.
    I didn't know you were a vodka guy, Pants.
    Please be sarcasm...
  • edited July 2011
    Wait, since when do you drink Vodka?! I thought you were a Budweiser guy!
  • edited July 2011
    Goddamit RatherDashing...Goddamit. THIS ^ is why you have a sleazeball reputation :P
  • edited July 2011
    Also, I like white a chaser.
  • edited July 2011
    Wait, since when do you drink Vodka?! I thought you were a Budweiser guy!

  • edited July 2011
    White wine is for people who aren't gutsy enough for red wine. Trufax.
    Also, I like white a chaser.

    Trouble in paradise?
  • edited July 2011
    I really hope you're being sarcastic.
    Please be sarcasm...

    Uh... sure, let's go with that. I was being sarcastic. It was a funny joke and we all laughed.

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha... ugh.
  • edited July 2011
    Trouble in paradise?

    you wish.
  • edited July 2011
    you wish.

    Just what are you implying? Actually, I don't think I want to know. Forget I asked.
  • edited July 2011
    Just what are you implying? Actually, I don't think I want to know. Forget I asked.

    I'm just shocked you'd try to drive a wedge between us. Too shocked for words.
  • edited July 2011
    Cheese isn't very good at driving anything apart. Except folks who are lactose intolerant. Cheese is the only thing that comes in wedge form, right?
  • edited July 2011
    Cheese is the only thing that comes in wedge form, right?

    Blades are technically wedges. Blades are pretty cool.
  • edited July 2011
    Anyway, it's obvious that Alcoremortis thought that Comrade Mortis meant that Alcore hoped there was trouble in paradise so that she could then run into your rippling biceps due to overwhelming jealousy. However, it's a good deal more likely that the "you wish" was due to it being something that everyone who is subjected to it wants to end due extreme obnoxiousness. The confusion was most likely caused by Alcore's wish to hide her secret desire for you, as shown by her secret hidden Chris Shrine in her closet.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2011
    Cheese is the only thing that comes in wedge form, right?

    I can't believe it's not Pants or Mortis posting this.

  • edited July 2011
    Anyway, it's obvious that Alcoremortis thought that Comrade Mortis meant that Alcore hoped there was trouble in paradise so that she could then run into your rippling biceps due to overwhelming jealousy. However, it's a good deal more likely that the "you wish" was due to it being something that everyone who is subjected to it wants to end due extreme obnoxiousness. The confusion was most likely caused by Alcore's wish to hide her secret desire for you, as shown by her secret hidden Chris Shrine in her closet.


    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I can't believe it's not Pants or Mortis posting this.

  • edited July 2011
    Now, to tie everything all together!
    I'm just shocked you'd try to drive a wedge between us. Too shocked for words.
    Cheese isn't very good at driving anything apart. Except folks who are lactose intolerant. Cheese is the only thing that comes in wedge form, right?
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I can't believe it's not Pants or Mortis posting this.


    Speaking of driving wedges...

    However, it's a good deal more likely that the "you wish" was due to it being something that everyone who is subjected to it wants to end due extreme obnoxiousness.

    Murder: The simple solution for obnoxiousness!
  • edited July 2011
    I think that was the joke. Furthermore, I rather like the obnoxiousness I have going on with Comrade Mortis. It's great. So... um...


  • edited July 2011
    I felt it was worthy of the screenshot. A picture of a golf club on its own just doesn't have the same effect.
  • edited July 2011
    XD my father stopped talking to me, I think I freaked him out with my philosophies. I'm working on my recent series , basically reality being a holographic experiment by probably a alien being if not somehow just random or some how inspired How I don't know.
  • edited July 2011
    Cheese isn't very good at driving anything apart. Except folks who are lactose intolerant. Cheese is the only thing that comes in wedge form, right?
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I can't believe it's not Pants or Mortis posting this.


    Also this:


    Cake or death?
  • edited July 2011
    So, I've been paying half the rent for the place I'm in, which is exactly half my welfare, and because I also have debts to pay (long story I'd rather not talk about right now) I have about 20 bucks a week for all my costs (food, clothing, etc).
    So I though I'd apply to get a rental help (it's like welfare but can only be spent to pay your rent) because so far I'm pretty much eating only cans, and on top of that it's cheaper to buy big ones so I'm eating the same thing for lots of meals in a row, and it's boring.

    Turns out my roommate asked me not to. She said if I got help she might lose hers. After some poking I realised she would be losing about a fifth of what I would gate, so I said I'd just give it to her since I'd still be better off that way. She kept being very reluctant, saying that I was only here for a bit and she was there for a while, and she might never get her help back after I left, etc.
    In the end she admitted the main problem was that officially she was letting me stay for free, and if it was found out she wasn't she'd have to pay back all the rent I've given her the past few months, and on top of that might have legal problems.

    So, I decided I was better off moving out and into another place, and getting the social help. I'm visiting a place tomorrow, it's 9m2 which is about the size of Nas's place where we both lived for a while, so that should be good. And once the aid is taken into account it would cost me less than here. It would also give me more privacy, which is always good.

    Of course I'm not sure I'll get it, but the guy on the phone said there are 5 of them (seems like it was an apartment that was split into 5 or something) so hopefully I'll get it. I've been missing being able to live alone anyways (it's fine when it's someone I'm intimate with, but when it isn't it just feels wrong to me.)

    I'll take pictures tomorrow as I visit, and I'll probably post them here.
  • edited July 2011
    I felt it was worthy of the screenshot. A picture of a golf club on its own just doesn't have the same effect.

    Fair enough.
  • edited July 2011
    I got this captcha on the escapist forums:

  • edited July 2011
    Avistew wrote: »
    I got this captcha on the escapist forums:


This discussion has been closed.