The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2011
    This is indeed a great loss for London's drug scene.
  • edited July 2011
    All-thumbs wrote: »
    Was that Amy Winehouse who died? I think I saw something on the news, but wasn't paying attention.

    Yep. The same woman who proudly declared that she refused to go to rehab.

    In retrospect, probably not the brightest idea.

    Scnew wrote: »
    Someone who became famous by singing about not wanting to go to drug rehab died early?

    Color me shocked!

    Everyone on my Facebook feed is RIP-ing Amy Winehouse with nary a mention of what happened in Norway. Sigh.

    It's probably so they don't get in trouble for speaking ill of the recently-deceased.
  • edited July 2011
    All-thumbs wrote: »
    I went with my sister to her ultrasound today. After being ushered out of the room, and having to wait in the hall for a good 40 minutes(lack of space), they called me in. I found out my sister's baby is a girl, and she's decided to name her Shaye. I got a chance to see little Shaye on the ultrasound screen, and so far she's a healthy bouncy little thing. I'm not really into kids that much, but I'm so happy for my sister. Looking forward to December.

  • edited July 2011

    Thats all I can really say.

    She wasn't that talented, and sure she went through a lot, but in the end of the day, she had plenty of opportunities to turn it around, but didn't.

    EDIT: Moving on, I bought some cheap helicopter simulators of Good Old Games the other day.

    Thing is I don't really have anything I could play them with.

    I need to get myself a joystick of some kind.
    Not willing to spend over 20 quid for one though.

    I'm thinking something from logitek or Saitek would do the trick.
    (Plus if IL-2 Sturmovik goes on offer I plan to pick that up as well, maybe Microsoft flight simulator X to cover all the bases)

    May try to set up my 360 controller with it tomorrow, just to see how well they run on my lappy.

    Should practice flying with Ace Combat on the 360 too. I err... never really played those games.

    (The only joystick I ever had was for the Megadrive, and I only ever played Gunship, Super Thunder Blade and Urban strike with it (and even then not much since I was a kid, and kids do not mix well with flying games))
  • edited July 2011
    So everyone is mourning Amy Winehouse with nary a mention of the massacre in Norway? Oh, no, that's normal. Yeah. Carry on. I've come to expect this. At least a few people in this forum know what's up.
  • edited July 2011
    So everyone is mourning Amy Winehouse with nary a mention of the massacre in Norway? Oh, no, that's normal. Yeah. Carry on. I've come to expect this. At least a few people in this forum know what's up.

    I was pissed when BBC 3 said its the top news story and didn't have one mention of the massacre.
  • edited July 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    I was pissed when BBC 3 said its the top news story and didn't have one mention of the massacre.

    Gods forbid the drooling masses can't have the news saturated with their worthless 'celebrities.' Fucking idiots.
  • edited July 2011
    I dont watch the news for a reason. I stopped reading about the massacre after a while. Lord that scares me, and I have a twisted humor when it comes to death.
  • edited July 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    Thanks, doodo! :)

    The news is always so depressing. It's good to know what's going on in the world, but when I watch the news the stories always feel flat and lifeless. I dislike people being turned into statistics, biased accounts, and half-truths. It just flattens the whole dimension of the event, to a frustrating few minutes segment. I think it's dishonoring to let someone’s hardship, or memory become evening entertainment, and idle gossip.

    Ok, I can't say it's all bad. At least it's a good way to get other people informed, and helping in causes.

    But that's just my opinion. Bleh....
  • edited July 2011
    Killer Klowns soundtrack: so damn good.

    Death Pies is my favorite. When that iconic riff kicks in... molto bene.
  • edited July 2011
    So everyone is mourning Amy Winehouse with nary a mention of the massacre in Norway? Oh, no, that's normal. Yeah. Carry on. I've come to expect this. At least a few people in this forum know what's up.

    I dunno what newspaper you're reading, but the massacre was on the front page of the L.A. Times.
  • edited July 2011
    always gets me.

    This. ;_;

    Jurassic Bark is a great one too, but I guess I just can't connect to it as well cause I've never had any pets.
  • edited July 2011
    I woke up and started reading some coverage of Comi-con...want to go next year..and skip out on Pax.
  • edited July 2011
    I broke Rather Dashing!
  • edited July 2011
  • edited July 2011
  • edited July 2011
    Well, that slowed my browser to a halt.
  • edited July 2011
    Really, Dashing? Really?
  • edited July 2011
    Really, Dashing? Really?

    I love how it's not surprising, coming from me.
  • edited July 2011
    Either that or yours was just a poor mockery that wasn't worth paying attention to.
  • edited July 2011
    The death of Amy Winehouse is a sad thing indeed... for her family and loved ones. However, I fail to see why I should give a flying fuck. I don't see the news shedding tears over my wasted life of drug abuse, so why are celebrities treated as gods?

    Why is she made a martyr through death and yet the deaths of those in Norway are brushed over via the media? We live in a sick world, where our priorities are twisted out of proportion. I refuse to give Amy Winehouse my sympathy, instead I am sympathetic towards the countless people who are cast aside in this life.

    I see so many people who suffer in silence; people who have addictions to terrible substances and have never been offered the opportunity to regain their sobriety, much less to think that anybody cared. Amy Winehouse was offered a helping hand and shunned it, all the while racking in the cash, awards and admiration.

    To all those you would mourn her death and yet never knew her; throw a stone and you'll find countless people more deserving of your sympathy.
  • edited July 2011
    Mega Drive doesn't work properly on the TV downstairs... :(

    (But works fine on the one upstairs...)

    I'm getting wavy lines when plugging in my composite cable.

    Also sucks that Megadrives need to be modded to have S-Video too.

    I also seem to be having incredibly bipolar luck.

    Yesterday for example, I bought a pack of crisps from a vending machine and 3 come out.

    Then later on in the day, while making myself some noodles, the oven door just randomly flew open and landed on my Big toe!

    If I wasn't laughing I would have been screeching in pain.
    (my toe is still sore)
  • edited July 2011
    That's the mast.
  • edited July 2011
    What disease is this?

    I've never seen anything like it.

    EDIT: It's called the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

    Here's a follow up story...
  • edited July 2011
    OMG if my beliefs are true then to lie would truly be a sin. Because it would help inspire a evil, dishonest , or other wise insecure being, dishonesty, weakness, fragile animal.
  • edited July 2011
    With the best of intentions, I fail. All hope evaporates within those moments when the realm of dreams fades through into reality. A once close friend passes across the street, now nothing more than a stranger. I'd cry but all emotion has departed this soul, like a train leaving the station. I'd give chase but to do so would be a futile endeavour.

    A desperate shout for help comes across as nothing more than a pitiful whimper. The cogs keep turning and life goes on around this strange observer. Mock me, view me as a source of mirth; for I have come to expect no less from this world. Now desperation is seeping through this hollow shell.

    Do you see as I see, or are you too afraid to dare?
  • edited July 2011
    I wonder what chocolate McNuggets would taste like?....
  • edited July 2011
    I wonder what chocolate McNuggets would taste like?....

    Like chocolate and shit. Sorry, McShit.
    Ribs wrote: »
    That's the mast.

  • edited July 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    That's the mast.

    That's what she said.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    The death of Amy Winehouse is a sad thing indeed... for her family and loved ones. However, I fail to see why I should give a flying fuck. I don't see the news shedding tears over my wasted life of drug abuse, so why are celebrities treated as gods?

    Why is she made a martyr through death and yet the deaths of those in Norway are brushed over via the media? We live in a sick world, where our priorities are twisted out of proportion. I refuse to give Amy Winehouse my sympathy, instead I am sympathetic towards the countless people who are cast aside in this life.

    I see so many people who suffer in silence; people who have addictions to terrible substances and have never been offered the opportunity to regain their sobriety, much less to think that anybody cared. Amy Winehouse was offered a helping hand and shunned it, all the while racking in the cash, awards and admiration.

    To all those you would mourn her death and yet never knew her; throw a stone and you'll find countless people more deserving of your sympathy.

    Some comments in German online newspapers even demanded that Winehouse's death be made front page news, arguing that any happenings in Norway were "yesterday's news"...

    Amy Winehouse definitly deserves our sympathy, even though her death was hardly unexpected. You're right in arguing that so many people with the same problem deserve this sympathy equally, and deserve the helping hand as well. But let's not forget that 90% of those who take this helping hand slide right back into addiction again. For Amy, that would certainly have been a higher probability.

    Still, I want that attention and sympathy for Amy Winehouse, because it might make the right people aware of the problem. More kids who would initially resist, dismiss, not try drugs because their favourite star was extinguished by them. A faint hope, I know, but better than none...
  • edited July 2011
    So, CERN announced yesterday that they think they may have found the Higgs Boson at the LHC. Kind of. Maybe. Perhaps. And today, the US announced that they might of found it at the Tevatron in Chicago. Kind of. Maybe. Perhaps.

    Coincidence? I think not! It's a conspiracy!!!!!1111!!!!1111!one!!

    @davies: It's because the media think no-one cares about norway, which is absolutely wrong. What happened there is a huge tragedy, far moreso than the death of some washed up singer who almost certainly killed herself.
  • edited July 2011
    Some comments in German online newspapers even demanded that Winehouse's death be made front page news, arguing that any happenings in Norway were "yesterday's news"...

    Amy Winehouse definitly deserves our sympathy, even though her death was hardly unexpected. You're right in arguing that so many people with the same problem deserve this sympathy equally, and deserve the helping hand as well. But let's not forget that 90% of those who take this helping hand slide right back into addiction again. For Amy, that would certainly have been a higher probability.

    Still, I want that attention and sympathy for Amy Winehouse, because it might make the right people aware of the problem. More kids who would initially resist, dismiss, not try drugs because their favourite star was extinguished by them. A faint hope, I know, but better than none...

    Hey, it's cool if you feel sympathetic towards Amy Winehouse but I stand by my decision not to. I had zero respect for her when she was alive and that's not going to change just because she's dead. In fact, I feel that it would disingenuous to say otherwise.
  • edited July 2011

    Part 5, see 4 if you haven't already.
  • edited July 2011
    One of the best games ever made is on sale right now.
  • edited July 2011
    I still can't really spend the money on it, but I wouldn't say no to someone's second copy if they're not doing anything else with it.
  • edited July 2011
    Okay, okay, so there is a new version of a music player for the Caanoo, which is much better than the default.
    It has everything I want in a music player.
    (Detachable so you can run it when you run another app, random playlist generator/ability to add all songs and randomly play, button and touch screen control)

    And it has a HILARIOUS glitch.

    Right so you launch Picodrive (a mega drive emulator) through the launcher in the application.
    Then you change the clock speed.

    The higher the overclocking, the faster and higher pitched the music.

    Now imagine my suprise when I overclocked to stop the lag in Streets of Rage, only to hear The Who turning into Alvin and the Chipmunks!


    Also superspeed this:

    Is both hilarious AND Awesome!

    In fact it was kind of like this:
This discussion has been closed.