XD, you run and respect your divine body and then you drink 10 drinks ...does that work out? HAHA, I suggest water, water is a scared substance.
There's nothing divine about a clump of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous.
*10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
*12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
*13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[d] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
*15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
***16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Ha! I ran no miles and plan to drink no drinks that lack caffeine tonight while heavily researching, 19th century Egypt, Iran, Ottoman Empire, and Syria.
I do research full time during the week. Weekends is when I put my money to work! And this week was a good one for me on the pink sheets.
There's nothing divine about a clump of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous.
*10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
*12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
*13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[d] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
*15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
***16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Each to their own, I agree with a good part of what Jesus says. But if I was athletic, I wouldn't drink 10 beers a night.
I would say that science requires a background more than brute intelligence. It builds on itself, and it's extremely difficult oftentimes for scientists to explain to non-scientists exactly how something works without giving a several hour lecture.
I mean, consider trying to explain transcription to someone who doesn't know what DNA is. Or trying to explain DNA to someone who doesn't know what a molecule is. Or trying to explain a molecule to someone who doesn't know what an atom is. Most science is like this, but on a more complicated scale.
Sometimes it's difficult for scientists in one field of study to communicate with those in another field, even. Even under the same branch of "Biology", "Chemistry" or "Physics".
Well then I wish I had that! Whatever's required, I kind of wish I knew what the hell "electrophoresis" was.
It's a method of separating chunks of differently sized DNA or protein based on size and charge by running the extract through a gel via a current. Usually, there's some sort of dye involved to track where the bits go.
Great. Now I just have to understand what it means in Steve Grand's weird digital biology setup and how it relates to his attempts to actually build a functioning digital brain that powers a digital creature with like, DNA and everything.
Just be human. XD. Advanced beings already likely figured this all out and decided that real, organic life was more interesting, fascinating than technology and artificial life.
Just be human. XD. Advanced beings already likely figured this all out and decided that real, organic life was more interesting, fascinating than technology and artificial life.
Soo...you're saying it's not worth pursuing scientific knowledge because someone else already discovered it?
Might I remind you that the only reason we are even communicating right now is because some physicists, engineers, and computer scientists really disagreed with you?
Soo...you're saying it's not worth pursuing scientific knowledge because someone else already discovered it?
Might I remind you that the only reason we are even communicating right now is because some physicists, engineers, and computer scientists really disagreed with you?
All I'm saying is that in the long run, people shouldn't ALL be fascinated with flashy lights and gizmos. If he wants to be a scientist, all the more power to him, he has my blessing.
But, not knowing these things is fine. This universe, out of the entire universe there is technology I can't argue with you or even present because most of it has been done before, especially what human minds dream up.
Just saying, you have my blessing too...but I see nothing wrong with enjoying life as it is.
Advanced species might be interested in us because we are intelligent, and a little more innocent in that way and a little more a live in that way, well we would be if we didn't have corrupt governments.
The thing is that the logic could be applied to any field of human knowledge. Why bother with cinematography or filmmaking? Advanced beings probably figured out holgrams by now and are over petty two-dimensional films. Philosophy? All the questions have been answered by advanced beings, why even bother? The only fields of human knowledge that survive are those directly related to survival, POSSIBLY stretching into medicine if you're being generous.
The thing is, even if advanced beings are out there with incredible knowledge, they aren't sharing. People are still sick, we need to make medicine. People still have a yearning to understand the universe, we need physicists and other elemental scientists. We have a lot of practical technical problems that we need to work with, so we need engineers. We have a yearning for spiritual fulfillment, we need philosophy. You can't just wave off every aspect of human knowledge. YOU have human knowledge too, to at least some extent. You have a certain understanding of English that largely shouldn't matter because, hey, advanced beings probably figured out direct psychic transmission of thought from person to person, which is hardly as fallible as human "speech", with its "languages". Why bother learning to talk when the advanced beings already figured out something better?
With as much as you question absolutely everything about existence, I'm totally calling BS on this statement.
I think this is a very confused, unclear state of reality where people question things all the time , I'm just part of that. But if we could get to the true way things are, and people could be empowered in that light , and find their selves all would be great...
I think reality as it is , is great, but we're not really sure what it is, because a select few program us and rule over the world.
With as much as you question absolutely everything about existence, I'm totally calling BS on this statement.
I agree.
His previous track record on BS (eg. worrying us that his brother accidentally ate an unknown, unmarked pill without himself doing anything about it more than wax philosophical) also shows further evidence toward a pattern of BS behavior.
I think reality as it is, is great, but we're not really sure what it is because a select few program us and rule over the world.
So what you're saying is that ignorance is bliss; you accept and encourage further ignorance as a means toward the goal of general blissfulness; and that we might as well be blissfully ignorant because those who are not have brainwashed us into being no more than biochemical robots so why not enjoy being so?
All the while you wax philosophical about the need to become more enlightened...
I would say that science requires a background more than brute intelligence. It builds on itself, and it's extremely difficult oftentimes for scientists to explain to non-scientists exactly how something works without giving a several hour lecture.
I mean, consider trying to explain transcription to someone who doesn't know what DNA is. Or trying to explain DNA to someone who doesn't know what a molecule is. Or trying to explain a molecule to someone who doesn't know what an atom is. Most science is like this, but on a more complicated scale.
Sometimes it's difficult for scientists in one field of study to communicate with those in another field, even. Even under the same branch of "Biology", "Chemistry" or "Physics".
My limited edition copy, (which I only paid £24 to pre-order thanks to some coupon + discount abuse!) arrived in the post today.
It took some getting used to playing a hard game like this on a 360 controller, but I'm beginning to get used to it.
The fighting system at the start felt a little clunky but with some practise and some hints it actually works really well.
The game isn't horribly cheap either, which I was worried about. When you die, its from your own clumbsiness/stupidity.
Timing is essential, and so is knowing when to retreat.
I quickly learnt that charging in lead to my ass getting throughly destroyed 80% of the time.
So I'm taking a hell of a lot more care now.
Looking forward to listening to the soundtrack, and hell, I might even watch the making off DVD because a game like this deserves it.
EDIT: Oh and the "hints" are just hilarious.
Someone out there is completely insane since most of time the messages keep showing me the best places to die.
I would say that science requires a background more than brute intelligence. It builds on itself, and it's extremely difficult oftentimes for scientists to explain to non-scientists exactly how something works without giving a several hour lecture.
I mean, consider trying to explain transcription to someone who doesn't know what DNA is. Or trying to explain DNA to someone who doesn't know what a molecule is. Or trying to explain a molecule to someone who doesn't know what an atom is. Most science is like this, but on a more complicated scale.
Sometimes it's difficult for scientists in one field of study to communicate with those in another field, even. Even under the same branch of "Biology", "Chemistry" or "Physics".
What about people like me that understand everything instantaneously?
True. Though, by instantly, I meant I at least need to read about it once :P Not that I'm not familiar with how a fluorescence microscope works.
It's microscopy, which is a technique for tagging proteins and other molecules so that they can be seen under a microscope or other detection instruements. Tagging with a fluorescent dye makes it fluorescence microscopy.
I just found out that not only is there a class at my university dedicated to analyzing video game stories and whether or not certain games can be classified as art, but also that the first game that this class used as an example of fantastic story and art...was Grim Fandango.
Wow. I've never been gawked at before. I guess I'll just have to take another picture of myself so that people can remember precisely WHAT they're gawking at...
Well last night was quit the debacle. Glad I didn't do anything too bad.
Anyway, today I go to the theater. We shall have dinner at an exquisite restaurant with the finest steak, overlooking the theater itself. Then two hours of champagne and entertainment, to be finished off with a night on the town.
I just found out that not only is there a class at my university dedicated to analyzing video game stories and whether or not certain games can be classified as art, but also that the first game that this class used as an example of fantastic story and art...was Grim Fandango.
Cos its disguised as a Tree in a Forrest!..I forgot which one.
I have one with Aztec like markings on it.
There's nothing divine about a clump of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous.
*10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
*12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
*13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[d] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
*15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
***16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
I do research full time during the week. Weekends is when I put my money to work! And this week was a good one for me on the pink sheets.
Each to their own, I agree with a good part of what Jesus says. But if I was athletic, I wouldn't drink 10 beers a night.
Oh, the 5th disc must be a "bonus features" disc.
Also, Stick Stickly just looked for porn. Many childhoods are now ruined.
I mean, consider trying to explain transcription to someone who doesn't know what DNA is. Or trying to explain DNA to someone who doesn't know what a molecule is. Or trying to explain a molecule to someone who doesn't know what an atom is. Most science is like this, but on a more complicated scale.
Sometimes it's difficult for scientists in one field of study to communicate with those in another field, even. Even under the same branch of "Biology", "Chemistry" or "Physics".
It's a method of separating chunks of differently sized DNA or protein based on size and charge by running the extract through a gel via a current. Usually, there's some sort of dye involved to track where the bits go.
Soo...you're saying it's not worth pursuing scientific knowledge because someone else already discovered it?
Might I remind you that the only reason we are even communicating right now is because some physicists, engineers, and computer scientists really disagreed with you?
All I'm saying is that in the long run, people shouldn't ALL be fascinated with flashy lights and gizmos. If he wants to be a scientist, all the more power to him, he has my blessing.
But, not knowing these things is fine. This universe, out of the entire universe there is technology I can't argue with you or even present because most of it has been done before, especially what human minds dream up.
Just saying, you have my blessing too...but I see nothing wrong with enjoying life as it is.
Advanced species might be interested in us because we are intelligent, and a little more innocent in that way and a little more a live in that way, well we would be if we didn't have corrupt governments.
The thing is, even if advanced beings are out there with incredible knowledge, they aren't sharing. People are still sick, we need to make medicine. People still have a yearning to understand the universe, we need physicists and other elemental scientists. We have a lot of practical technical problems that we need to work with, so we need engineers. We have a yearning for spiritual fulfillment, we need philosophy. You can't just wave off every aspect of human knowledge. YOU have human knowledge too, to at least some extent. You have a certain understanding of English that largely shouldn't matter because, hey, advanced beings probably figured out direct psychic transmission of thought from person to person, which is hardly as fallible as human "speech", with its "languages". Why bother learning to talk when the advanced beings already figured out something better?
With as much as you question absolutely everything about existence, I'm totally calling BS on this statement.
Now my friend and I have about 11 months to make it 20 times bigger.
I think this is a very confused, unclear state of reality where people question things all the time , I'm just part of that.
I think reality as it is , is great, but we're not really sure what it is, because a select few program us and rule over the world.
I agree.
His previous track record on BS (eg. worrying us that his brother accidentally ate an unknown, unmarked pill without himself doing anything about it more than wax philosophical) also shows further evidence toward a pattern of BS behavior.
So what you're saying is that ignorance is bliss; you accept and encourage further ignorance as a means toward the goal of general blissfulness; and that we might as well be blissfully ignorant because those who are not have brainwashed us into being no more than biochemical robots so why not enjoy being so?
All the while you wax philosophical about the need to become more enlightened...
I call further BS.
Hehe ... one of them boxes reads 'TATA'
But I love it!
My limited edition copy, (which I only paid £24 to pre-order thanks to some coupon + discount abuse!) arrived in the post today.
It took some getting used to playing a hard game like this on a 360 controller, but I'm beginning to get used to it.
The fighting system at the start felt a little clunky but with some practise and some hints it actually works really well.
The game isn't horribly cheap either, which I was worried about. When you die, its from your own clumbsiness/stupidity.
Timing is essential, and so is knowing when to retreat.
I quickly learnt that charging in lead to my ass getting throughly destroyed 80% of the time.
So I'm taking a hell of a lot more care now.
Looking forward to listening to the soundtrack, and hell, I might even watch the making off DVD because a game like this deserves it.
EDIT: Oh and the "hints" are just hilarious.
Someone out there is completely insane since most of time the messages keep showing me the best places to die.
What about people like me that understand everything instantaneously?
Oh good, I can ask you to explain fluorescence microscopy to me, then.
Oh come now, you're too smart to not understand that
...Alright, I admit that I actually do know how it works. After all, how could I test if you could understand it instantly?
It's microscopy, which is a technique for tagging proteins and other molecules so that they can be seen under a microscope or other detection instruements. Tagging with a fluorescent dye makes it fluorescence microscopy.
I try to download the digital version of the Dark Souls OST, and it keeps stopping half way through.
I was hoping by not ripping my own disc, I wouldn't have to manually redo the rip so that it matches up properly.
Oh well, gives me something to do...
Only if the correct wavelengths are applied to the slide ...
I love my school.
This is true. But if I went down this path, I'd have to start explaining about energy levels and emitting photons and such.
I am gawking at your intellect now.
Besides, I find these cheek bones really sexy
Anyway, today I go to the theater. We shall have dinner at an exquisite restaurant with the finest steak, overlooking the theater itself. Then two hours of champagne and entertainment, to be finished off with a night on the town.
Ash's Mum:Ahh that's right Ash..*Gary's theme plays as her bedroom door opens*
Ash's Mum:This is your new "uncle" err what was his name again?...
>Gary (Literally) Mother Fucking Oak
University of California, Berkeley. One of the finest institutions.