I was dragged to the present to fill in for Present Me, as Future Me has dragged him forward to take over from him, as Future Future Me has dragged him forward to take over for him, as he fights, Past Past But Also Evil Alternate Dimension Where The Dark Ages Never Happened Me who has aligned himself with Back-Stabbing But Not Quite As Evil Other Alternate Dimension Me, who is also a Werewolf.
Its all very complicated Timey-Wimey Dimensionany-Wimentionany stuff that I currently don't understand or will even try to, so I apologise in advance for the confusion.
I was dragged to the present to fill in for Present Me, as Future Me has dragged him forward to take over from him, as Future Future Me has dragged him forward to take over for him, as he fights, Past Past But Also Evil Alternate Dimension Where The Dark Ages Never Happened Me who has aligned himself with Back-Stabbing But Not Quite As Evil Other Alternate Dimension Me, who is also a Werewolf.
Its all very complicated Timey-Wimey Dimensionany-Wimentionany stuff that I currently don't understand or will even try to, so I apologise in advance for the confusion.
I mean, I don't currently technically exist, as at this moment of time, there is no one currently filling in for the origin point me, but must also at the same time had to have been filled and resolved by Future Future Me at some point, otherwise this would not make a single bit of damn sense!
Shit like that makes me hate capitalism. Just really fucking hate it. Why can't Communism work? Why are we, as humans, so greedy that capitalism is the only thing that halfway works for us?
According to that, some higher authority would have determined who the best writer for me to read Star Wars material was. And there's no one individual I want doing that.
Rather Dashing is right. People decided by their votes, via purchase. That's far better than any authoritarian figure dictating it at every turn.
Perhaps it *is* best for entertainment, even if what sells best is pure drivel. There are just numerous things that I'd love to be able to do right now for which, sadly, the economic downturn does not allow. This isn't vain shit, either. This is saving for a house and getting together with my fiancee.
I mean, really, this shit shouldn't be too hard but since the banks that guarantee student loans are in bed with the government - making student loans exempt from bankruptcy and laws concerning interest rates, fueling the already absurd expense of higher education in this increasingly devolving country - and I have to had to pay out the ass in the past for medical concerns - thus leaving me without much discretionary spending - I think I can safely blame Capitalism for a large portion of my worries.
At the very least this wouldn't be a problem in Socialist countries like Sweden where medical care is free and they actually pay you to go to college. You will not find a more convicted Socialist in the southern United States than I. Shit like this is why I hate our system so very much and why I'd love to see another system arise to replace it.
Well I agree with some elements of what you're saying. I've a strong penchant for leaving many elements of the private sector alone, but things like education are the first to go under our current system (see: Texas, Wisconsin, etc) as states pursue 'business friendly' ventures that really just churn out minimum wage jobs. I do agree that things such as medical coverage and education should be free, but I also think that standards for college acceptance should be higher (as should high school examinations), that trade schools were more widely promoted and yes that medical coverage should be held by all, especially considering we all pay into it when an emergency room is used anyway and considering that preventative medicine is less costly over time.
I mean, really, this shit shouldn't be too hard but since the banks that guarantee student loans are in bed with the government - making student loans exempt from bankruptcy and laws concerning interest rates, fueling the already absurd expense of higher education in this increasingly devolving country - and I have to had to pay out the ass in the past for medical concerns - thus leaving me without much discretionary spending - I think I can safely blame Capitalism for a large portion of my worries.
At the very least this wouldn't be a problem in Socialist countries like Sweden where medical care is free and they actually pay you to go to college. You will not find a more convicted Socialist in the southern United States than I. Shit like this is why I hate our system so very much and why I'd love to see another system arise to replace it.
Well I agree with some elements of what you're saying. I've a strong penchant for leaving many elements of the private sector alone, but things like education are the first to go under our current system (see: Texas, Wisconsin, etc) as states pursue 'business friendly' ventures that really just churn out minimum wage jobs. I do agree that things such as medical coverage and education should be free, but I also think that standards for college acceptance should be higher (as should high school examinations), that trade schools were more widely promoted and yes that medical coverage should be held by all, especially considering we all pay into it when an emergency room is used anyway and considering that preventative medicine is less costly over time.
Not sure about free education (at the tertiary level anyway) - I don't want to pay for someone's bullshit degree in interior decorating. At this point I actually think too many people in the US go into tertiary education, and there are probably too many jobs "requiring" a degree that really shouldn't. Like DAISHI, I think there should be a greater focus on vocational education.
I really like the Australian student loan system, where loans are provided by the government and indexed to inflation (no interest). You only start paying the loan back once you earn over a certain threshold. The US system of commercial interest and mandatory repayments regardless of income is just brutal... I don't know why so many people here go to college (especially for degrees that don't traditionally result in a decently paying job) if they're facing that kind of debt.
The US medical system is seriously screwed up. In Australia (yeah I know I rabbit on about Australia a lot, it's just what I'm most familiar with), most people pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of their taxable income, which funds free healthcare. If you earn over a certain amount, you're expected to purchase private health insurance. The premiums are reasonable, not super-inflated like in the US - you can get very basic cover for $50 a month. If you choose not to have private cover, then you pay the Medicare surcharge (another 1% of your taxable income) in addition to the usual Medicare levy. For most higher income earners, it ends up being cheaper to have private cover.
Not sure about free education (at the tertiary level anyway) - I don't want to pay for someone's bullshit degree in interior decorating. At this point I actually think too many people in the US go into tertiary education, and there are probably too many jobs "requiring" a degree that really shouldn't. Like DAISHI, I think there should be a greater focus on vocational education.
I really like the Australian student loan system, where loans are provided by the government and indexed to inflation (no interest). You only start paying the loan back once you earn over a certain threshold. The US system of commercial interest and mandatory repayments regardless of income is just brutal... I don't know why so many people here go to college (especially for degrees that don't traditionally result in a decently paying job) if they're facing that kind of debt.
The US medical system is seriously screwed up. In Australia (yeah I know I rabbit on about Australia a lot, it's just what I'm most familiar with), most people pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of their taxable income, which funds free healthcare. If you earn over a certain amount, you're expected to purchase private health insurance. The premiums are reasonable, not super-inflated like in the US - you can get very basic cover for $50 a month. If you choose not to have private cover, then you pay the Medicare surcharge (another 1% of your taxable income) in addition to the usual Medicare levy. For most higher income earners, it ends up being cheaper to have private cover.
I can see how the Australian system of student loans would be quite advantagious. It sucks that my fiancee is going for something that I guess you need a degree to do. I was lucky that I got a free ride at trade school before I realized that there was nothing in law enforcement (my prior trade, hilariously enough) that I could do - being a cripple and all - and decided to stop wasting my time on it. I'm much happier as a writer and I do scrape by each month. The living is certainly better than what a cop makes around here. However, Comrade Mortis's loan is going to be a bitch.
As for the Australian system of medical care, that sounds completely reasonable. Hell, 1.5% is NOTHING. I wish people would actually read into it here instead of being complete retards and rejecting it out of hand. If it weren't for the internet speeds, crazy video game legislation and gun laws, I'd totally move to Australia. They even seem to be defeating Scientology in their country. Good on them.
For all its faults though, I do love America. I mean, I'm from here. The people may be rather daft at times and more than a few are a bit on the flabby side, but they're my people and like that hideous painting I have over my mantle, I absolutely love it and I have no idea why.
Fine, it's actually an anime wall scroll. POINT REMAINS.
Its holding everything I want it to, and has room for quite a bit more.
And I was right on the money on size. Its bigger than the old one, but not so much that it becomes bulky and hard to carry.
Should easily fit into a backback, or sidebag, when I'm on the move, (and importantly keeps everything together!).
As for the Australian system of medical care, that sounds completely reasonable. Hell, 1.5% is NOTHING.
I pay nothing normally. Granted that is just in my province(others pay about $40 quarterly) and I do have to cover any dental, optical, prescription my employer doesn't cover, but everything else is free.
It occurs to me that, despite your apparent affinity for communism, you wouldn't be allowed to say whatever you wanted whenever you wanted on a public talk show under such a system.
4 days with being ill, my eyes and nose won't stop running and I have a constant headache.
A nice way to end my vacation.
And I was supposed to go back to work this week, but it's no use if I can't even see out of my eyes.
Made a playlist called "No Lyrics" on my iPhone, though technically thats a lie, since there are a few songs that have lyrics, but its mostly instrumental and video game soundtrack music.
Hopefully I'll be able to use this one when I'm studying/working, and it won't distract me so much.
(Sometimes music helps to focus one's attention)
It occurs to me that, despite your apparent affinity for communism, you wouldn't be allowed to say whatever you wanted whenever you wanted on a public talk show under such a system.
You know, a censorship apparatus is mentioned nowhere in the Communist Manifesto. Those only came about under Leninism and Maoism, not pure Marxism.
I haven't had my hair cut in quite a while, but I after years of having short hair, I kind of like the longer look.
In a odd way I think it makes me look a bit less intimidating, and rounds my face a little.
My Mum hates long-hair on men, even just longer short hair like I have at the moment, but she's not forcing me to cut it, as after all I am a adult, even if I'm not entierly independant.
EDIT: At least it gives the Head and Shoulders a chance to make my hair look a bit glossier and feel silkier, rather than the course plainness my cut hair would have.
EDIT 2: I think really short hair suits people with smaller or pointier heads like my older brother.
My head shape is like a grape, and its larger than usual, (though my younger brother has a massive head, that no ordinary hat can fit on him, (well some do, but it has to be set to like the maximum size)).
Funnily enough, this reminds me of some musings at work the other day.
There is this very pretty girl that works there, who has FANTASTIC long hair.
I mean, she is very pretty, but instead of what most people would focus on, I specifically wonder just how she manages to get her hair so aesthetically beautiful.
I mean her hair is so shiny, silky and straight. No frayed ends, or inconsistent color either. (A lovely mix of a sort of dark blonde with lighter blond highlights that make it look like she has strands of gold amongst caramel)
Almost perfect symmetry. It was unreal!
I guess she must spend aaages getting that consistent look, or have a very good hair straightener.
I was curious as to ask her how she does it, you know, to fufill my odd curiosity, but then I thought that would be weird, as I don't really know her, and I should be concentrating on work.
I also really like girls with thick smooth black hair, with just a bit of curl. Very nicely done on the right face.
(This reminds me of the time I was musing about the beauty of the Swedish Girl's gorgeous Blue eyes.
Man she is a nice, fun, homely gal, but her eyes have a real bewitching power to them. They almost glow when she smiles, and I love to try to keep her happy, as she gives of this warm radiance that makes me feel incredibly comfortable and increasingly confident and bold (to a point, as some matter of reality sticks to me like glue at all times, giving weight to my ego and some realism to my thoughts and desires (that self-doubt has always been my best friend and my worst nemesis where relationships are concerned). Whenever she talks to me, I just cannot look away. I follow her everyword. Doesn't help that she's all chirpy when she speaks Swedish as well, just takes her cuteness up to 11
(Double doesn't help now, that when it was my Birthday she sent me a happy birthday on Facebook. Which isn't odd, but what is, is that even after Christmas, and after all the group work she still asks when I'm going to be at uni again. Damn you girl! Why do you inadvertadely mess with my head! Why can't you just tell me in plain English whether you are into me or not. I even said before around when we first worked together I have no experience in these matters, and that I am a coward and never ask anyone out, and that I am oblivious to others, (well I assume to be as no girl has ever approached me in the history of ever... ), and that I wouldn't want to compromise a good friendship by making things awkward.
Put me out of the self-induced misery that even after years of trying I can never completely avoid. Just say something, anything, not knowing either way is so, so much worse than knowing for sure.
I'm a mature guy. Not being into me will be a great relief, and I can just move on, I normally can do that myself after a month or so, but damn you Swedish girl, you are just so fascinating and special, and being into me would be good also, though I would likely freak out just a little, due to it being virtually impossible and inconcievable, and then due to me not knowing what I am doing at all! XD)
And yet the system was designed in such a manner that they had the power to create and enforce such an apparatus.
No. Again, you show a lack of understanding of Marxism. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto? I don't think you're qualified to assume things like that until you have. Communism has no more power to do this than Capitalism. That is a function of the State, not its economic system.
4chan: circa 2006.
This may be my fave comic character ever!
I'm actually past RetroVortex.
I was dragged to the present to fill in for Present Me, as Future Me has dragged him forward to take over from him, as Future Future Me has dragged him forward to take over for him, as he fights, Past Past But Also Evil Alternate Dimension Where The Dark Ages Never Happened Me who has aligned himself with Back-Stabbing But Not Quite As Evil Other Alternate Dimension Me, who is also a Werewolf.
Its all very complicated Timey-Wimey Dimensionany-Wimentionany stuff that I currently don't understand or will even try to, so I apologise in advance for the confusion.
That about ties the knot on string theory.
Tell me about it.
I mean, I don't currently technically exist, as at this moment of time, there is no one currently filling in for the origin point me, but must also at the same time had to have been filled and resolved by Future Future Me at some point, otherwise this would not make a single bit of damn sense!
Ah. I do tend to forget this.
Rather Dashing is right. People decided by their votes, via purchase. That's far better than any authoritarian figure dictating it at every turn.
In other news, dance music from Sasha at Love Parade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxsAwx5Je6s
I mean, really, this shit shouldn't be too hard but since the banks that guarantee student loans are in bed with the government - making student loans exempt from bankruptcy and laws concerning interest rates, fueling the already absurd expense of higher education in this increasingly devolving country - and I have to had to pay out the ass in the past for medical concerns - thus leaving me without much discretionary spending - I think I can safely blame Capitalism for a large portion of my worries.
At the very least this wouldn't be a problem in Socialist countries like Sweden where medical care is free and they actually pay you to go to college. You will not find a more convicted Socialist in the southern United States than I. Shit like this is why I hate our system so very much and why I'd love to see another system arise to replace it.
Which is a nicer way of saying that my seasonal job is up and it's time to start job hunting.
Not sure about free education (at the tertiary level anyway) - I don't want to pay for someone's bullshit degree in interior decorating. At this point I actually think too many people in the US go into tertiary education, and there are probably too many jobs "requiring" a degree that really shouldn't. Like DAISHI, I think there should be a greater focus on vocational education.
I really like the Australian student loan system, where loans are provided by the government and indexed to inflation (no interest). You only start paying the loan back once you earn over a certain threshold. The US system of commercial interest and mandatory repayments regardless of income is just brutal... I don't know why so many people here go to college (especially for degrees that don't traditionally result in a decently paying job) if they're facing that kind of debt.
The US medical system is seriously screwed up. In Australia (yeah I know I rabbit on about Australia a lot, it's just what I'm most familiar with), most people pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of their taxable income, which funds free healthcare. If you earn over a certain amount, you're expected to purchase private health insurance. The premiums are reasonable, not super-inflated like in the US - you can get very basic cover for $50 a month. If you choose not to have private cover, then you pay the Medicare surcharge (another 1% of your taxable income) in addition to the usual Medicare levy. For most higher income earners, it ends up being cheaper to have private cover.
I can see how the Australian system of student loans would be quite advantagious. It sucks that my fiancee is going for something that I guess you need a degree to do. I was lucky that I got a free ride at trade school before I realized that there was nothing in law enforcement (my prior trade, hilariously enough) that I could do - being a cripple and all - and decided to stop wasting my time on it. I'm much happier as a writer and I do scrape by each month. The living is certainly better than what a cop makes around here. However, Comrade Mortis's loan is going to be a bitch.
As for the Australian system of medical care, that sounds completely reasonable. Hell, 1.5% is NOTHING. I wish people would actually read into it here instead of being complete retards and rejecting it out of hand. If it weren't for the internet speeds, crazy video game legislation and gun laws, I'd totally move to Australia. They even seem to be defeating Scientology in their country. Good on them.
For all its faults though, I do love America. I mean, I'm from here. The people may be rather daft at times and more than a few are a bit on the flabby side, but they're my people and like that hideous painting I have over my mantle, I absolutely love it and I have no idea why.
Its holding everything I want it to, and has room for quite a bit more.
And I was right on the money on size. Its bigger than the old one, but not so much that it becomes bulky and hard to carry.
Should easily fit into a backback, or sidebag, when I'm on the move, (and importantly keeps everything together!).
I pay nothing normally. Granted that is just in my province(others pay about $40 quarterly) and I do have to cover any dental, optical, prescription my employer doesn't cover, but everything else is free.
A nice way to end my vacation.
And I was supposed to go back to work this week, but it's no use if I can't even see out of my eyes.
Hopefully I'll be able to use this one when I'm studying/working, and it won't distract me so much.
(Sometimes music helps to focus one's attention)
I dunno whats badass about serving one man's dream of enabling the apocalypse so that the entire human race can die.
You know, a censorship apparatus is mentioned nowhere in the Communist Manifesto. Those only came about under Leninism and Maoism, not pure Marxism.
Giant robots.
In a odd way I think it makes me look a bit less intimidating, and rounds my face a little.
My Mum hates long-hair on men, even just longer short hair like I have at the moment, but she's not forcing me to cut it, as after all I am a adult, even if I'm not entierly independant.
EDIT: At least it gives the Head and Shoulders a chance to make my hair look a bit glossier and feel silkier, rather than the course plainness my cut hair would have.
EDIT 2: I think really short hair suits people with smaller or pointier heads like my older brother.
My head shape is like a grape, and its larger than usual, (though my younger brother has a massive head, that no ordinary hat can fit on him, (well some do, but it has to be set to like the maximum size)).
Funnily enough, this reminds me of some musings at work the other day.
There is this very pretty girl that works there, who has FANTASTIC long hair.
I mean, she is very pretty, but instead of what most people would focus on, I specifically wonder just how she manages to get her hair so aesthetically beautiful.
I mean her hair is so shiny, silky and straight. No frayed ends, or inconsistent color either. (A lovely mix of a sort of dark blonde with lighter blond highlights that make it look like she has strands of gold amongst caramel)
Almost perfect symmetry. It was unreal!
I guess she must spend aaages getting that consistent look, or have a very good hair straightener.
I was curious as to ask her how she does it, you know, to fufill my odd curiosity, but then I thought that would be weird, as I don't really know her, and I should be concentrating on work.
I also really like girls with thick smooth black hair, with just a bit of curl. Very nicely done on the right face.
(This reminds me of the time I was musing about the beauty of the Swedish Girl's gorgeous Blue eyes.
Man she is a nice, fun, homely gal, but her eyes have a real bewitching power to them. They almost glow when she smiles, and I love to try to keep her happy, as she gives of this warm radiance that makes me feel incredibly comfortable and increasingly confident and bold (to a point, as some matter of reality sticks to me like glue at all times, giving weight to my ego and some realism to my thoughts and desires (that self-doubt has always been my best friend and my worst nemesis where relationships are concerned). Whenever she talks to me, I just cannot look away. I follow her everyword. Doesn't help that she's all chirpy when she speaks Swedish as well, just takes her cuteness up to 11
(Double doesn't help now, that when it was my Birthday she sent me a happy birthday on Facebook. Which isn't odd, but what is, is that even after Christmas, and after all the group work she still asks when I'm going to be at uni again. Damn you girl! Why do you inadvertadely mess with my head! Why can't you just tell me in plain English whether you are into me or not. I even said before around when we first worked together I have no experience in these matters, and that I am a coward and never ask anyone out, and that I am oblivious to others, (well I assume to be as no girl has ever approached me in the history of ever...
Put me out of the self-induced misery that even after years of trying I can never completely avoid. Just say something, anything, not knowing either way is so, so much worse than knowing for sure.
I'm a mature guy. Not being into me will be a great relief, and I can just move on, I normally can do that myself after a month or so, but damn you Swedish girl, you are just so fascinating and special, and being into me would be good also, though I would likely freak out just a little, due to it being virtually impossible and inconcievable, and then due to me not knowing what I am doing at all! XD)
No. Again, you show a lack of understanding of Marxism. Have you even read the Communist Manifesto? I don't think you're qualified to assume things like that until you have. Communism has no more power to do this than Capitalism. That is a function of the State, not its economic system.
Netflix has everything.
*starts watching Spiderman*
It has Street Sharks now too.