On a unrelated note, who the hell thought it was a good idea to make WATCHMEN 2?
If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, it's not "Watchmen 2". It's a series of comic books called "Before Watchmen" that follows the various Watchmen characters, supposedly "Before" the events of "Watchmen".
However, and I never thought I'd say this, I agree with StrongBrush. The idea is awful.
If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, it's not "Watchmen 2". It's a series of comic books called "Before Watchmen" that follows the various Watchmen characters, supposedly "Before" the events of "Watchmen".
However, and I never thought I'd say this, I agree with StrongBrush. The idea is awful.
I think what makes games like Pokemon and Dragon Quest Monsters great games, is the fact that they go in a completely opposite direction to traditional JRPGs.
They focus on the gameplay.
They don't have strong characters, and they don't have decent plots (though Black/White has shown the most promise), but yet they are still endearing.
They are designed to last, which sounds odd since most JRPGs can be over 20 hours long, but they have gameplay that requires planning and strategy (I'm talking late game here e.g. training teams, and hunting monsters) and can be tackled in different ways.
(Whereas most JRPGs can only be played once (though games with multiple endings like Chrono Trigger bring promise with New Game+ extra dungeons ect.))
In a way traditional JRPGs make the mistake of being a sort-of one-off experience.
Also great is that these games are accessable. You can just pick the game back up and go. You don't need to remember what you have done. Its shocking how so many RPGs lack a simple logging system (a la open world western RPGs like Fallout/Skyrim) so you can get up to date on the context of your situation.
I think the only true way for JRPGs to truly evolve is to be able to deliver on both accounts.
A game that combines both types would truly be something new something special.
(More like Western RPGs I guess since they CAN (though not always) deliver on both sides making it an awesome experience! )
In essence the "story" is like a introductory campaign for the multiplayer in a "Monster" game.
I think the games that have been the closest to marrying the two was Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and The World Ends With You.
Games that have characters and story, but have a game world to explore (well TWEWY is stretching that a little), and opportunity to go and do stuff before "progressing".
In essence RPGs need to be more "staggered" if they can't be open world.
A chance for some entertaining filler here and there. Stuff to do with may not impact the overall effect of the game but brings development and additional depth to the world and characters (The tales games have conversations between the characters that can be pretty good for this).
RPGs need to be more like an adventure than a one-off experience.
(I'm kind of rambling now since I have a headache from playing too much Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (I only got it Saturday and I've been playing it for like 45 hours. Do. The. Math!))
EDIT: AH! YES! Another couple of games that got it right:
Strategy RPGs, in particular Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (and A2)
Basically take the great stuff from Strategy RPGs and "Monster" RPGs and re-intergrate them into the core RPG experience.
(Hopefully creating somthing truly great! )
Well, you're the expert. I'm just the guy who lives in a big city with one of the major reserves just outside the city. I've heard all the complaining(not saying it's all unjustified, nobody jump on me about it) all my life.
At least the disease part was true. That's not just someone's opinion. Death is measurable. Not that it was intentional obviously. Same thing happened in Australia and Canada and any isolated population.
Well yes the disease aspect of it occurred, though purposeful biological warfare was more an element of Spain's colonization efforts. But groups like the Algonquian speaking tribes of the east and especially the Five Nations Confederacy were adept political players that maneuvered and manipulated the French and English as well as lesser tribes in the region. In the settlement of Pennsylvania for example, the Iroquois Confederacy held as much or more sway over the region and its alliances than Penn or the Quaker settlers could have hoped for. The first century of colonization was especially precarious as local alliances threatened the existence of colonists that had to create makeshift alliances with a number of local powers in order to gain protection from the likes of the Pequot, who had earned a bitter reputation throughout the region as a violent, warring tribe. But Britain and France had varying degrees of alliances with local tribal groups and Britain was actually willing to ally with local native groups and give them their land in exchange for help in the American Revolution. What would have happened should Britain have won is beyond discussion really, but we certainly know that the treatment given natives prior to the Jacksonian decision to scour the lands west of the Appalachians was significantly different in tone at varying points throughout the preceding two centuries.
In a modern sense, I don't think much would have changed if the British won. We were a colony and everything here is pretty much the same isnt it? a few differences such as health care and such... but really, are Canada and the USA really that different? After we signed our independence without war, we still have native tribes, reserves etc which have their own governing bodies that operate under provincial legislation...same as there. Our political systems are similar...Up until recently we were both in a 2 party system(we are now 3 party as 1 party started screwing up and a 3rd started listening to voters a little more)...Similar laws. In a historical sense things would have been much much different. Any revolutionary war would've been very short and pretty much a massacre As well as other past issues. It's not like(well up until the last one) the USA, Canada and UK were not on the same page regarding war involvements. For us, living today, things probably wouldn't be so different...but for our ancestors, yes, it would have.
But I guess one could also argue for the USA's affect on Canada and UK. So there's no saying one way or another. Historically, all 3 countries are tied closely and without any single one of them, everything would most likely be totally different. Again, there's no telling one way or another though.
Today is the day for sprinting across campus because my pleas to teach on Thursdays went unheard. So I will run from the northwest corner of campus...to the south east corner. In under ten minutes. Uphill.
I had this problem when I was teaching. They scheduled two classes next to each other, with rooms across campus. It took 8 minutes to get from one room to the other, walking as fast as I could (I wasn't quite up to sprinting, especially not when everyone was trying to do the same in different directions during that 10-minute interval). And the second room was just awful, too, with the blackboard about to fall apart. (Do they still use blackboards?)
Anyway, this was solved by just changing the second room to a different one nearby the first. See if this is an option. I also told the students in the second class not to be impatient and leave in 3 minutes if I wasn't quite there on time.
A GOG maybe.
(just suggest one I'll likely have it! XD)
Or something on Steam.
On the subject of funny:
Don't you just hate yourself for buying something, and then realising you could never use it!
PSN had a Final Fantasy Sale on the other day, and I haphazardly bought Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI.
Then I find out that I can't actually play Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II because I misread the sale, (and stupidly the description) and they are PSP only! XD
I mean, I HAVE a PSP, but its basically dead.
(Water damage from my older brother accidentally dropping it in the toilet. It has no battery, water damaged screen, a broken disc drive, and it overheats if something moderately intense is played on it! XD)
Heh. I'm not too worried about that though.
Since we'll likely pick up a Vita at some point, attached to my account (since I buy all the console DLC stuff), so at least them I'll have loads of PS1 classics and those two games to play on it on the go.
(I should imagine by then most of the PSP PSN stuff would be compatible on it)
(And I can always play the GBA versions on my Caanoo if I'm desperate enough (WHAT Squareenix? Those games are basically the same! You've already had my money, and I bought all the Final Fantasy games barring XI, XIV, XIII-2, Tactics, and IV. Heck I've bought VI twice! On the PS1 and as a PS1 Classic!))
I had this problem when I was teaching. They scheduled two classes next to each other, with rooms across campus. It took 8 minutes to get from one room to the other, walking as fast as I could (I wasn't quite up to sprinting, especially not when everyone was trying to do the same in different directions during that 10-minute interval). And the second room was just awful, too, with the blackboard about to fall apart. (Do they still use blackboards?)
Anyway, this was solved by just changing the second room to a different one nearby the first. See if this is an option. I also told the students in the second class not to be impatient and leave in 3 minutes if I wasn't quite there on time.
Technically, I'm teaching this tutoring section with three other people, so at least a little of the load is off. But the class right before this is a four hour lab class that always seems to run late. Today I managed to make the run in seven minutes, though I'm hoping to trim that down to three or four by the end of the semester.
And oh yeah, we still use blackboards. This campus is very old and the turnover rate on renovations is rather slow.
You think that's bad. Think about how Sailor Namek would look.
Since Namek is a planet, and all the Sailor Scouts are named after non-Earth planets/celestial bodies anyway, Sailor Namek would probably look like a human teenage girl in a seifuku uniform.
Am I the only one who feels like puking from watching the slimy pusbag politicians lying through their teeth at the Fast and Furious testimonies? Why do we let these "people" stay in power?
Am I the only one who feels like puking from watching the slimy pusbag politicians lying through their teeth at the Fast and Furious testimonies? Why do we let these "people" stay in power?
Because I have yet to see something that eases my vocal anti-government sentiment and that's all I really talk about these days for lack of anything else interesting?
Because I have yet to see something that eases my vocal anti-government sentiment and that's all I really talk about these days for lack of anything else interesting?
I think you need a hobby. You should collect stamps. Or bugs.
Am I the only one that feels like puking from reading page 179 of the new Darth Plagueis novel to find Maul literally just HANDED to Palpatine, no questions asked? Why are these "authors" allowed to continue writing books?
Since Namek is a planet, and all the Sailor Scouts are named after non-Earth planets/celestial bodies anyway, Sailor Namek would probably look like a human teenage girl in a seifuku uniform.
There are alien looking Sailor Gaurdians who make cameos in the manga in a flashback. One with a fish for a head like Bob off Earthworm Jim.
Am I the only one that feels like puking from reading page 179 of the new Darth Plagueis novel to find Maul literally just HANDED to Palpatine, no questions asked? Why are these "authors" allowed to continue writing books?
Why do you keep on reading those books? Go read The Magicians. That's quality fantasy.
However, and I never thought I'd say this, I agree with StrongBrush. The idea is awful.
DC: But we want to make a bucccckkkkkkk!!!!
Oh so you are like normal then:D
...like how the British kicked them out and gave them disease for their troubles?
They focus on the gameplay.
They don't have strong characters, and they don't have decent plots (though Black/White has shown the most promise), but yet they are still endearing.
They are designed to last, which sounds odd since most JRPGs can be over 20 hours long, but they have gameplay that requires planning and strategy (I'm talking late game here e.g. training teams, and hunting monsters) and can be tackled in different ways.
(Whereas most JRPGs can only be played once (though games with multiple endings like Chrono Trigger bring promise with New Game+ extra dungeons ect.))
In a way traditional JRPGs make the mistake of being a sort-of one-off experience.
Also great is that these games are accessable. You can just pick the game back up and go. You don't need to remember what you have done. Its shocking how so many RPGs lack a simple logging system (a la open world western RPGs like Fallout/Skyrim) so you can get up to date on the context of your situation.
I think the only true way for JRPGs to truly evolve is to be able to deliver on both accounts.
A game that combines both types would truly be something new something special.
(More like Western RPGs I guess since they CAN (though not always) deliver on both sides making it an awesome experience!
In essence the "story" is like a introductory campaign for the multiplayer in a "Monster" game.
I think the games that have been the closest to marrying the two was Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and The World Ends With You.
Games that have characters and story, but have a game world to explore (well TWEWY is stretching that a little), and opportunity to go and do stuff before "progressing".
In essence RPGs need to be more "staggered" if they can't be open world.
A chance for some entertaining filler here and there. Stuff to do with may not impact the overall effect of the game but brings development and additional depth to the world and characters (The tales games have conversations between the characters that can be pretty good for this).
RPGs need to be more like an adventure than a one-off experience.
(I'm kind of rambling now since I have a headache from playing too much Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 (I only got it Saturday and I've been playing it for like 45 hours. Do. The. Math!))
EDIT: AH! YES! Another couple of games that got it right:
Strategy RPGs, in particular Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (and A2)
Basically take the great stuff from Strategy RPGs and "Monster" RPGs and re-intergrate them into the core RPG experience.
(Hopefully creating somthing truly great!
Actually, not at all how it happened.
Well, you're the expert. I'm just the guy who lives in a big city with one of the major reserves just outside the city. I've heard all the complaining(not saying it's all unjustified, nobody jump on me about it) all my life.
At least the disease part was true. That's not just someone's opinion. Death is measurable. Not that it was intentional obviously. Same thing happened in Australia and Canada and any isolated population.
Its all about 'politics' baby!
But I guess one could also argue for the USA's affect on Canada and UK. So there's no saying one way or another. Historically, all 3 countries are tied closely and without any single one of them, everything would most likely be totally different. Again, there's no telling one way or another though.
I had this problem when I was teaching. They scheduled two classes next to each other, with rooms across campus. It took 8 minutes to get from one room to the other, walking as fast as I could (I wasn't quite up to sprinting, especially not when everyone was trying to do the same in different directions during that 10-minute interval). And the second room was just awful, too, with the blackboard about to fall apart. (Do they still use blackboards?)
Anyway, this was solved by just changing the second room to a different one nearby the first. See if this is an option. I also told the students in the second class not to be impatient and leave in 3 minutes if I wasn't quite there on time.
A GOG maybe.
(just suggest one I'll likely have it! XD)
Or something on Steam.
On the subject of funny:
Don't you just hate yourself for buying something, and then realising you could never use it!
PSN had a Final Fantasy Sale on the other day, and I haphazardly bought Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI.
Then I find out that I can't actually play Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II because I misread the sale, (and stupidly the description) and they are PSP only! XD
I mean, I HAVE a PSP, but its basically dead.
(Water damage from my older brother accidentally dropping it in the toilet. It has no battery, water damaged screen, a broken disc drive, and it overheats if something moderately intense is played on it! XD)
Heh. I'm not too worried about that though.
Since we'll likely pick up a Vita at some point, attached to my account (since I buy all the console DLC stuff), so at least them I'll have loads of PS1 classics and those two games to play on it on the go.
(I should imagine by then most of the PSP PSN stuff would be compatible on it)
(And I can always play the GBA versions on my Caanoo if I'm desperate enough (WHAT Squareenix? Those games are basically the same! You've already had my money, and I bought all the Final Fantasy games barring XI, XIV, XIII-2, Tactics, and IV. Heck I've bought VI twice! On the PS1 and as a PS1 Classic!))
I don't like hugs.
Technically, I'm teaching this tutoring section with three other people, so at least a little of the load is off. But the class right before this is a four hour lab class that always seems to run late. Today I managed to make the run in seven minutes, though I'm hoping to trim that down to three or four by the end of the semester.
And oh yeah, we still use blackboards. This campus is very old and the turnover rate on renovations is rather slow.
Well, I had to see that. Eyebleach.
I don't know about that. The picture is cropped, so we don't know if he has the legs to pull off that skirt.
Wow. That came out wrong.
[evil grin]
You think that's bad. Think about how Sailor Namek would look.
I'm feeling this incredible sense of deja vu.
Once Time Team/Antiques Roadshow is on:
Because I have yet to see something that eases my vocal anti-government sentiment and that's all I really talk about these days for lack of anything else interesting?
I think you need a hobby. You should collect stamps. Or bugs.
Or maybe even...
This is the best way to get a point across about the government.
Actually run and well... watch the video.
There are alien looking Sailor Gaurdians who make cameos in the manga in a flashback. One with a fish for a head like Bob off Earthworm Jim.
Why do you keep on reading those books? Go read The Magicians. That's quality fantasy.
Papercrafting is fun. Too bad I don't have any color ink right now.
I've made too many mistakes on this damn Gregg figure.
im not homeless anymore
Congratulations! If the place is nice enough to offer congratulations about, anyway!
also there's a place for a garden, which makes my heart flutter a little.