What about a game that completely re-interprets fantasy RPGs!
One with time being an actual real-time element to the gameplay of the game.
Say instead of playing as a hero, or a group of "destined" ones, you play as a King.
A King suddenly faced with a big problem, (one or more of the old RPG cliche catastrophies).
A problem far to distant and complicated to put your resources to directly, so what do you do?
You hire or raise a bunch of "destined" heros to deal with the problem!
And thats the main gameplay element, a VERY different focus on party management.
You don't deal in stats, or handle the grind. You focus on the strategy.
And time is literally ticking away in this game.
You essentially plan each "destined" person's fate.
You send them off to train, (as a group, or individually to master a specialist skill or class), to do quests, to gather infomation, to assassinate rivals (possible multiplayer hook there eh? ;D), to gather resources that are needed.
(Maybe some wood to build a fancy "magical" monument that drives away demons)
You may even need to orchestrate events to get a particularily rare attribute.
(which may back fire if they find out and turn evil! XD)
But all your actions, cost time. And how you spend that time effectively determines the fate of the world.
Sometimes it might be better to get 2 or 3 parties out there doing things, while you train a "chosen one" to 1 on 1 a particularily nasty demon.
Sometimes you may need to train just one, very powerful and diverse team to handle a giant dungeon full of a large variety of traps and monsters.
(Though doing so may cause problems in developing further teams, as they would lose confidence at their inferiority, and may be a bit less effective at certain tasks, but if something were to "accidentally" kill the other team on their way back, they might be driven by necessity to succeed... >: D)
You might need to engage in diplomacy, or declare wars, in order to change the field of battle, or slow down an "anti" group or anti "chosen one"'s progress.
Oh man, this is a pretty damn cool idea for me. Definately a keeper!
That first picture is giving me a minor seizure. Also, my cat has been bugging me ALL DAY, like her lonliness is the most important thing in the universe and SCREW ME BEING GROSS.
That first picture is giving me a minor seizure. Also, my cat has been bugging me ALL DAY, like her lonliness is the most important thing in the universe and SCREW ME BEING GROSS.
Actually slacktivism, would be sitting on the internet and berating and/or shaming people for doing something that they themselves don't really do.
I heartily disagree. Slacktivism is claiming to be a protester or advocate for a cause when you just watched some shitty, blatantly manipulative, over produced shit film and posted it to Facebook.
Going out into the streets, telling people about the cause that you are personally invested in, writing to senators, letting your neighbors know about what you're invested in, holding protests or events is dictionary definition activism. Whether you like the cause or not, they're getting people's attention and that is activism.
Attention? Right, I'm sure the child soldiers appreciate that. What can we do, though? We don't need another war and just throwing money at the problem will make things worse given Invisible Children, Inc's record and the rampant corruption in the Ugandan government.
Also, saying Uganda is totally fucked and we might as well not even try. We might as well not pull out our military out of iraq because they're bound to start shit up again, right?
Actually, yes. The middle east is none of our goddamn business. Maybe if we left the middle east alone, the Islamists wouldn't hate us so much. We're too meddlesome. This is why we've lost a lot of our international support.
*shrug* i get the feeling you're pulling strings for the sake of pulling strings with no real positive output, if any output at all.
The positive output is to get people to think critically instead of being emotionally manipulated into supporting another stupid war. Ugandans dying is bad, yes, but do you really want Ugandans AND Americans to die?
Also, Kony has been stranded in the Congo without anything heard from him since 2006. Fucker was likely dead before we even got there. Research this shit critically.
That first picture is giving me a minor seizure. Also, my cat has been bugging me ALL DAY, like her lonliness is the most important thing in the universe and SCREW ME BEING GROSS.
Okay, so this is sorta out of the blue, I guess, but I've been watching Plinkett's review of the Star Wars prequels (hilarious reviews by the way, though I feel mildly guilty and make sure nobody else is watching over my shoulder before I collapse into hysterics).
Anywho, it got me thinking about how idiotic the Jedi Council... and really, the entire order is when put into prequel logic. Basically it revolves around mitichlorians. So we have these tiny little things floating around in a Jedi's blood, giving them power. Fine, whatever. More of these makes the Jedi stronger. Kinda boring but fairly harmless.
When I first watched the films, I kinda glossed over this tidbit of information, but after Qui Gon Gin tests mini!Vader's blood and finds tons of these little buggers, he immediately goes to the kid's mom and asks who the father is. Let me repeat that. HE ASKS WHO THE FATHER IS.
This implies that these mitichlorians are GENETIC.
And what are Jedi not allowed to do? HAVE KIDS.
And then the Jedi order has the audacity to goodness knows how much screentime complaining about how there aren't very many powerful Jedi anymore. As a biologist all I have to say is: YOU FUCKING RETARDS.
Obviously, if you select against individuals with a certain trait (ie. mitichlorians) and prevent them from reproducing, you are going to have fewer individuals with that trait in future generations. Ancient Babylonians understood this when they were domesticating animals and shit. So when the Jedi are forbidden from having kids this is basically shooting themselves in the foot. Vader didn't need to kill them for them to fail, they were killing themselves already with their clumsily applied sterilization campaign.
The moral of the story is to study genetics before inventing an imaginary world. Or just attribute everything to magic. The way the original movies did!
Spreading attention and knowledge about a situation is activism. Every person that spreads activism isn't necessarily an activist, but it is activism in action.
I don't think you understood my point here which, fair enough, I didn't elaborate that much on. My point was that not wanting to do anything based off a preconceived notion that you can't change things is actually kinda dumb. A better comparison would have been that there would be no point in putting mass murderers to death or even jailing them because there will always be mass murderers around.
Also note here that I did not state support for a war or military action. Well what do you know, in my post I didn't state any support for Invisible Children in general. woaaaaah
I thought you were another member of the "Kony2012" herd. Hence, I used my common talking points for dealing with these people. I guess you're just, what, defending slacktivism? It still seems lazy to me, like a way for lazy people to feel like they're doing something.
I thought you were another member of the "Kony2012" herd. Hence, I used my common talking points for dealing with these people. I guess you're just, what, defending slacktivism? It still seems lazy to me, like a way for lazy people to feel like they're doing something.
I think this is a mite harsh. I mean, everyone here (practically) was part of the SOPA/PIPA internet movement thingee. And that was kinda slactivism. I mean, we just talked about it a lot and signed that Google petition. And then something happened and now we're sitting around doing the same thing with ACTA.
i went out to downtown portland today and i heard several people talking to random people on the streets about the campaign. mind you, i also heard people campaigning about the prevention of the instillation of sales tax and the decriminalization of marijuana as well, but the spreading of information is activism like it or not.
my definition slacktivism is wearing a bracelet and thinking you're doing something good in the world. i boobies and buying pink water bottles comes to mind.
by your definition of slacktivism, you haven't really done much yourself. unless you don't really consider yourself an activist, in that case idk dont care
I mean, everyone here (practically) was part of the SOPA/PIPA internet movement thingee. And that was kinda slactivism. I mean, we just talked about it a lot and signed that Google petition. And then something happened and now we're sitting around doing the same thing with ACTA.
[FONT="]Welcome to TTG is Coolsome. Now for those of you who don't know me, I am Sam Coolsome, and most importantly, the most charismatic showman to ever enter your living rooms via laptop sceen! [/FONT][FONT="]
[FONT="]Welcome to TTG is Coolsome. Now for those of you who don't know me, I am Sam Coolsome, and most importantly, the most charismatic showman to ever enter your living rooms via laptop sceen! [/FONT][FONT="]
I trolled to death this board that hamza started. Besides that, I dunno.
I was on his forum and laughed that he made a crappy little thread cos he had been banned for a video game site! He even said to me when I was banned he's glad iv suffered like he has!? So yh I trolled a bit then closed my account and took a long bath to cleanse my self.
I think Guru should fight him at Wrestlemaina after he made a shit thread to try and say screw Guru for banning me (his words where harsher) I'll make my own thread with blackjack and hookers!
Sorry. I think I only made it by the skin of my teeth and because hamza once took credit for bringing me back to the forum when I left for finals week.
You mean sort of like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King?
From what I've read about it on Wikipedia. Yeah, it sounds a little similar.
Though it doesn't sound like it takes the concept as far as my idea does.
(Stays rooted in the city managment)
Plus, if I was making it, I know it would be very tongue-in-cheek, full of parody.
I was actually thinking last night of putting a few nods to comics, science fiction, and horror stories as well.
Maybe hire a witch to curse a "destined" one.
Orchestrate the murder of their parents. (Turns them into a hero based on their greatest fear!)
Find an alien baby in a meteorite (and raise it to be a "super"-man!)
Even create a "destined" via scientific experiment! XD
("I didn't ask for this!")
(Or create monsters with specific traits to release into the wild for the heroes to fight to gain the opposite traits (unless they are "wild" themselves))
So yeah, I want to take the kindom part of it out, (or focus on that as little as possible. Maybe start out with an existing kingdom with a good chunk of resources, that gradually regenerate (so you have to be a bit careful about what you do. Peasants could still revolt and try to dethrone you if you end up turning your home into a compelete hell-hole).
I was on his forum and laughed that he made a crappy little thread cos he had been banned for a video game site! He even said to me when I was banned he's glad iv suffered like he has!? So yh I trolled a bit then closed my account and took a long bath to cleanse my self.
I saw that and I appreciate it. I'm proud of you guys.
What about a game that completely re-interprets fantasy RPGs!
One with time being an actual real-time element to the gameplay of the game.
Say instead of playing as a hero, or a group of "destined" ones, you play as a King.
A King suddenly faced with a big problem, (one or more of the old RPG cliche catastrophies).
A problem far to distant and complicated to put your resources to directly, so what do you do?
You hire or raise a bunch of "destined" heros to deal with the problem!
And thats the main gameplay element, a VERY different focus on party management.
You don't deal in stats, or handle the grind. You focus on the strategy.
And time is literally ticking away in this game.
You essentially plan each "destined" person's fate.
You send them off to train, (as a group, or individually to master a specialist skill or class), to do quests, to gather infomation, to assassinate rivals (possible multiplayer hook there eh? ;D), to gather resources that are needed.
(Maybe some wood to build a fancy "magical" monument that drives away demons)
You may even need to orchestrate events to get a particularily rare attribute.
(which may back fire if they find out and turn evil! XD)
But all your actions, cost time. And how you spend that time effectively determines the fate of the world.
Sometimes it might be better to get 2 or 3 parties out there doing things, while you train a "chosen one" to 1 on 1 a particularily nasty demon.
Sometimes you may need to train just one, very powerful and diverse team to handle a giant dungeon full of a large variety of traps and monsters.
(Though doing so may cause problems in developing further teams, as they would lose confidence at their inferiority, and may be a bit less effective at certain tasks, but if something were to "accidentally" kill the other team on their way back, they might be driven by necessity to succeed... >: D)
You might need to engage in diplomacy, or declare wars, in order to change the field of battle, or slow down an "anti" group or anti "chosen one"'s progress.
Oh man, this is a pretty damn cool idea for me. Definately a keeper!
This broadly inclusive declaration of feeling actually made me marginally happier after a bad day, so thank you!
For my sick forum buddies Retro and Dashing, a gentle message that's not at all affronting to the eyes:
(I Googled it myself!)
Also, this.
Even if you're still sick, at least you're probably smiling and going "aww".
Glad I could help! You're very welcome!
I heartily disagree. Slacktivism is claiming to be a protester or advocate for a cause when you just watched some shitty, blatantly manipulative, over produced shit film and posted it to Facebook.
Attention? Right, I'm sure the child soldiers appreciate that. What can we do, though? We don't need another war and just throwing money at the problem will make things worse given Invisible Children, Inc's record and the rampant corruption in the Ugandan government.
Actually, yes. The middle east is none of our goddamn business. Maybe if we left the middle east alone, the Islamists wouldn't hate us so much. We're too meddlesome. This is why we've lost a lot of our international support.
The positive output is to get people to think critically instead of being emotionally manipulated into supporting another stupid war. Ugandans dying is bad, yes, but do you really want Ugandans AND Americans to die?
Also, Kony has been stranded in the Congo without anything heard from him since 2006. Fucker was likely dead before we even got there. Research this shit critically.
I've got a way to fix that. Ditch the cat.
Anywho, it got me thinking about how idiotic the Jedi Council... and really, the entire order is when put into prequel logic. Basically it revolves around mitichlorians. So we have these tiny little things floating around in a Jedi's blood, giving them power. Fine, whatever. More of these makes the Jedi stronger. Kinda boring but fairly harmless.
When I first watched the films, I kinda glossed over this tidbit of information, but after Qui Gon Gin tests mini!Vader's blood and finds tons of these little buggers, he immediately goes to the kid's mom and asks who the father is. Let me repeat that. HE ASKS WHO THE FATHER IS.
This implies that these mitichlorians are GENETIC.
And what are Jedi not allowed to do? HAVE KIDS.
And then the Jedi order has the audacity to goodness knows how much screentime complaining about how there aren't very many powerful Jedi anymore. As a biologist all I have to say is: YOU FUCKING RETARDS.
Obviously, if you select against individuals with a certain trait (ie. mitichlorians) and prevent them from reproducing, you are going to have fewer individuals with that trait in future generations. Ancient Babylonians understood this when they were domesticating animals and shit. So when the Jedi are forbidden from having kids this is basically shooting themselves in the foot. Vader didn't need to kill them for them to fail, they were killing themselves already with their clumsily applied sterilization campaign.
The moral of the story is to study genetics before inventing an imaginary world. Or just attribute everything to magic. The way the original movies did!
Spreading attention and knowledge about a situation is activism. Every person that spreads activism isn't necessarily an activist, but it is activism in action.
I was stating the definition of activism here and didn't even mention invisible children nor was supporting them but okay.
I don't think you understood my point here which, fair enough, I didn't elaborate that much on. My point was that not wanting to do anything based off a preconceived notion that you can't change things is actually kinda dumb. A better comparison would have been that there would be no point in putting mass murderers to death or even jailing them because there will always be mass murderers around.
Also note here that I did not state support for a war or military action. Well what do you know, in my post I didn't state any support for Invisible Children in general. woaaaaah
so basically you inserted a lot of things that I didn't even talk about in my post which was mainly about what constitutes as activism. okay.
maybe if i read the comments on reddit as much as you i can critially resarch things as good as you
I think this is a mite harsh. I mean, everyone here (practically) was part of the SOPA/PIPA internet movement thingee. And that was kinda slactivism. I mean, we just talked about it a lot and signed that Google petition. And then something happened and now we're sitting around doing the same thing with ACTA.
my definition slacktivism is wearing a bracelet and thinking you're doing something good in the world. i
by your definition of slacktivism, you haven't really done much yourself. unless you don't really consider yourself an activist, in that case idk dont care
yeah pretty much this.
Basically I'm back.
Fuck yes.
I trolled to death this board that hamza started. Besides that, I dunno.
I was on his forum and laughed that he made a crappy little thread cos he had been banned for a video game site! He even said to me when I was banned he's glad iv suffered like he has!? So yh I trolled a bit then closed my account and took a long bath to cleanse my self.
I think Guru should fight him at Wrestlemaina after he made a shit thread to try and say screw Guru for banning me (his words where harsher) I'll make my own thread with blackjack and hookers!
Like Id take a ban from here that far. His posts are full of all kinds of crazy!
Really? Hamza types NOTHING like coolsome.
Yeah, he was trying to copy coolsome by naming himself coolguy, but it was hamza.
Sorry. I think I only made it by the skin of my teeth and because hamza once took credit for bringing me back to the forum when I left for finals week.
And also very banned, completely forever. Forum rules are not to speak about the banned ones...
Gag order?
It'll be nice to have massive callouses on my hands and my feet bleeding through 3cm think bandages again!
Vesti la Giubba, from Pagliacci.
We need not feel pity for the banned ones. They were not members of this forum for many years before joining and it never did them any harm.
From what I've read about it on Wikipedia. Yeah, it sounds a little similar.
Though it doesn't sound like it takes the concept as far as my idea does.
(Stays rooted in the city managment)
Plus, if I was making it, I know it would be very tongue-in-cheek, full of parody.
I was actually thinking last night of putting a few nods to comics, science fiction, and horror stories as well.
Maybe hire a witch to curse a "destined" one.
Orchestrate the murder of their parents. (Turns them into a hero based on their greatest fear!)
Find an alien baby in a meteorite (and raise it to be a "super"-man!)
Even create a "destined" via scientific experiment! XD
("I didn't ask for this!")
(Or create monsters with specific traits to release into the wild for the heroes to fight to gain the opposite traits (unless they are "wild" themselves))
So yeah, I want to take the kindom part of it out, (or focus on that as little as possible. Maybe start out with an existing kingdom with a good chunk of resources, that gradually regenerate (so you have to be a bit careful about what you do. Peasants could still revolt and try to dethrone you if you end up turning your home into a compelete hell-hole).
I saw that and I appreciate it. I'm proud of you guys.
I was expecting this.