I love Wrestlemania if someone said Wrestlemania sucked I wouldn't take it as an insult! And nobody gives a damn if your a brony or not!
Quite. Who gives a damn if someone watches a particular TV show. There's no need to make such a song and dance over it. Being a 'brony' and demanding some kind of (unwarranted) respect is hardly as worthy course as campaigning for equal rights for race or gender.
Grow the heck up and start caring about something that actually matters in life. Do you really believe that the term 'brony' will have any kind of significance in 20 years time?! It's a fad and nothing more. I wouldn't mind so much if you 'bronies' didn't harp on about it so much!
daishi, my sister who has experience with arts n stuff had a little critique if you don't mind for the house painting. she says things better than i can with this stuff
"The painting itself is pretty good. Like, the textures are especially nice. The design and composition needs work, though. The biggest problem is that I don't see a whole lot of personality in this house. Who lives here? What's his/her occupation? Is this a one-person household or a family household? Did the houseowner built it themself or was it made by professional house builders? Basically all I can see is that it's a cottage that is somehow built with huge slabs of rock with holes conveniently cut. Additionally I have no idea what that thing between the chimney and the tree is, so... I don't really know what to say. And why is the chimney there, rather than in the middle of the house? I don't know, basically there just needs to be more thought put into the design of the house.
Also I took the liberty of converting the picture into greyscale, which helps when trying to figure out composition.
From here I'm seeing that there really is no discernable light source, like what Vainamoinen said. Also I have no idea where the focal point is supposed to be! So I did a five-second paint-over.
Basically I increased the contrast so that it's not so same-y, and I also added more shadows so that the light-source is more clear. The front of the house is pretty bright, so hopefully it makes a better focal point. And just for the heck of it, I made the tree way bigger so that it's not the same size as the house, and also to use up some of the empty space up top. It's not a perfect solution, obviously but hopefully it'll help!"
The composition of the house is definitely not going to change, but I appreciate the feedback on the coloring/lighting, remembering of course that this was a test speed paint from a new artist.
SpeakIng of, that artist removed part of my drawing from that area you indicated is too empty, something I did not like.
Managed to fix the missing and corrupted mp3's on my psp.
The missing ones had to do with directories for some reason, so taking the mp3's out of the subfolder and moving them up a folder seem to fix it. (so taking tracks from folders called "disc 1" or "CD1" and moving them to the main album folder)
Corrupted mp3's a little trickier to fix, but certainly easy to do.
Just load the affected mp3's in audactiy, (making sure in preferences the output isn't set too low), and just export them as mp3, overwriting the old version of the file.
Only minor drawback is that you may lose some details like album pictures and some definitions, but they work fine.
Next thing to consider for my PSP is videos, so I have some research to do!
Managed to fix the missing and corrupted mp3's on my psp.
The missing ones had to do with directories for some reason, so taking the mp3's out of the subfolder and moving them up a folder seem to fix it. (so taking tracks from folders called "disc 1" or "CD1" and moving them to the main album folder)
Corrupted mp3's a little trickier to fix, but certainly easy to do.
Just load the affected mp3's in audactiy, (making sure in preferences the output isn't set too low), and just export them as mp3, overwriting the old version of the file.
Only minor drawback is that you may lose some details like album pictures and some definitions, but they work fine.
Next thing to consider for my PSP is videos, so I have some research to do!
(Still have 17gb to fill up! XD)
I got a PSP the other week during the GAME sale. First thing I did was hack it and convert a pile of PSX games on it.
"Who's playing Incredible Crisis and Discworld Noir on the bog?" Yo.
I got some PSP games with it as well, but they don't seem anywhere nearly as exciting
My blu-ray drive now completely refuses to recognise the existence of any blu-rays. Sob.
We only have two blu ray players in the house, and both of those are PS3s.
(Shame I can never normally use them, since both TVs are used by others all the time. (apparently the hierarchy in my house goes like this:
Older Brother
Younger Brother
The Dirt
The Worms in the Dirt
I love Wrestlemania if someone said Wrestlemania sucked I wouldn't take it as an insult! And nobody gives a damn if your a brony or not!
I'm declaring our once-secret mod love by wearing his avatar!
We all traded for April Fool's. Given the day is over and it's confusing me just as much, I'm ready to change back to my regular face.
Happily. Let me go find Applejack.
Quite. Who gives a damn if someone watches a particular TV show. There's no need to make such a song and dance over it. Being a 'brony' and demanding some kind of (unwarranted) respect is hardly as worthy course as campaigning for equal rights for race or gender.
Grow the heck up and start caring about something that actually matters in life. Do you really believe that the term 'brony' will have any kind of significance in 20 years time?! It's a fad and nothing more. I wouldn't mind so much if you 'bronies' didn't harp on about it so much!
applejack is one of the WORST ponies, I f**king HATE FLUTTERSHY AND APPLEJACK
I hate ants too. I also hate sand! Both are highly adept at ruining a perfectly good jam sandwich.
Well, it does get everywhere!
...especially in my jam sandwiches.
Hm. Not the woist idea I ever hoid.
I've been thinking of getting some sort of label for my bronydom. Kind of a semi cutie mark, if you will.
The composition of the house is definitely not going to change, but I appreciate the feedback on the coloring/lighting, remembering of course that this was a test speed paint from a new artist.
SpeakIng of, that artist removed part of my drawing from that area you indicated is too empty, something I did not like.
I endorse this idea.
It would make for a great target once I purchase a sniper rifle!
...hehe. Murder is hilarious.
Pfft, I wish.
Seriously this is awesome!!!
Oiled nipples for the win!
The missing ones had to do with directories for some reason, so taking the mp3's out of the subfolder and moving them up a folder seem to fix it. (so taking tracks from folders called "disc 1" or "CD1" and moving them to the main album folder)
Corrupted mp3's a little trickier to fix, but certainly easy to do.
Just load the affected mp3's in audactiy, (making sure in preferences the output isn't set too low), and just export them as mp3, overwriting the old version of the file.
Only minor drawback is that you may lose some details like album pictures and some definitions, but they work fine.
Next thing to consider for my PSP is videos, so I have some research to do!
(Still have 17gb to fill up! XD)
I got a PSP the other week during the GAME sale. First thing I did was hack it and convert a pile of PSX games on it.
"Who's playing Incredible Crisis and Discworld Noir on the bog?" Yo.
I got some PSP games with it as well, but they don't seem anywhere nearly as exciting
I am disappointed ... in more then one way.
Excellent. A Wise decision.
If you need a good video converter I suggest PSP Video Converter v3.91
Seems to be doing a great job so far. Lots of pre-set profiles, easy to use interface.
(Can do batch videos as well)
Because... you... set it to pink?
Guys can like pink, in fact at some point in history pink was considered quite manly.
I personally don't like pink, especially neon pink.
Blue. Now thats a colour!
(Colour of my eyes. My favourite!)
(My psp is set to a tasteful black. (with a white skullcandy skull))
We only have two blu ray players in the house, and both of those are PS3s.
(Shame I can never normally use them, since both TVs are used by others all the time. (apparently the hierarchy in my house goes like this:
Older Brother
Younger Brother
The Dirt
The Worms in the Dirt
Super inappropriate April Fool's joke.
For how long is he banned if you are allowed to say?
Three days. Discussion over.